Monday, November 17, 2014

Celebrate today, and let tomorrow worry about itself

Happy Monday!  Said no one you know....ever.  Well... maybe not till now.  :)  I'm having a great day, well, a mostly great day.  Had a solid day at work, ate paleo...ish all day, first workout back from being sick, bought my first Progenex supplement, so yeah, pretty good day. 

Flew in last night, so I got plenty of sleep.  Woke up fairly refreshed (for not having a fan).  Got to the office and ... fast forward....  ate a salad with chicken (and some dressing, so paleo...ish)... fast forward....  and I'm out.  Now if only work really was that fast...

Ran to the hotel, got changed, and off to Unlocked.  Then, the work I've been dreading since yesterday was upon me.  Dreading this workout because it's some of the hardest stuff for me.  Getting on, then off the ground.  Still a lot of  Dan to pick up.  Wont bother to tell you what the RX was, but I'll tell you what I did tonight.  21 burpees... Got them in 3 minutes, which I t don't know if thats a PR in and of itself, but it felt like it... then it was on to the 15-12-9-6-3 of situps, and then 95lb push press.  95 may have been too heavy, because for a few sets, it was a super struggle.  I mean I broke up the 9's and 6's...

Awesome, gassed, ready to move on...but wait, there is more.  This set was 12-9-6-3 of OHS and situps.  This was supposed to be at 95 lbs.  No effing way.  Thats is too close to my 1RM... and thats too many reps, I stripped that bad boy down to just the bar and scaled it.  Had to.  I struggled with that OHS for the first set.  Had to set the bar down, it was awful.  THEN, second set, it dawns on me.  I'm not pushing my butt back, and then lowering... Did the rest of those unbroken... now we're cooking.  Done, now what?  Oh yeah, cashing out with 21 more burpees... FML.  I wanted so badly to jump up for some of these, but I couldn't get it together.  I stood up/stepped up for almost...if not every one of these.  But I did them.

25:36... no record.. in fact, it was scaled and still almost 10 minutes longer than the people I want to emulate.  I want to be there today, but I need to appreciate the journey...and frankly the journey is what I'm chronicling now... can't just skip to the last page, gotta build up to it. 

Alright, time for some searing confessions.  I'm a dirty cheater.  Not so much with the workouts, I scale as I need to, as noted above, but I try not to cut corners.  My man Dave Pulcinella is one of the most honest guys in CrossFit.  Dude does every stinking rep.  Did them all tonight.  I beat Dave by about a minute, and that was with my numbers scaled.  Like I said though, not talking about that cheating tonight.  Talking about that dietary stuff. 

I'm guilty. 

There, that actually feels a bit better.  No sugar coating, no "eh, I mostly ate right", no, I've been a dirty cheat.  Now, last week doesn't count, I was sickly... there is a bit of distinction there.  But other than that, I've been awful.  First 3 months, lose 30 lbs, next 3 months only lose 10... yeah, you tell me.  And it's not like I've plateaued... and I haven't missed a lot of time at the box, that leaves the obvious.  So there, I said it, I've admitted it, and I can tell you I'm moving on.  I've got big, harry, audacious goals, and the last 3 months have shown me how not to get them. 

Doing Lurong, a squat cycle, and regular WODs, while traveling, was clearly too much for me... and so after 2 weeks I ditched the squat cycle, after another 2 weeks, ditched Lurong... and still I fell.  I'm telling you now I've turned the corner.  Happily.  I've made it my goal this week to not eat a single stitch of "bread".  No breading on the chicken, no sandwiches, no pasta, nada.  Today was a great first step.  What makes today even better, I just found out that one of Unlockeds athletes cooks Paleo meals for folks!!!  Think they said...well, forget the price, it's reasonable, and it covers me after the WOD... no temptations on the way home.  Can't tell you how awesome this is.  Clearly a sign... or something. 

So thats why I'm having an awesome Monday.  Got some Progenex, recommitted to a paleo(ish) lifestyle, back to work(ing out), got a contact for paleo meals, and got to spend some good time with my newest CrossFit family at Unlocked. 

I don't toss that family around lightly... tonight after the workout, just hanging out with the coaches, talking, watching them put up more new things (they JUST got a brand new floor yesterday), listening, learning... it's a great experience, and it's knowledge I need for when I open a box.  As we were walking out, they even asked if I wanted to go with them to dinner... some Mexican food.  I love me some Mexican food, but I couldn't do that, I'm committed (remember).  These people are as close to me as my CF Diamond State family as they can be, without being Diamond Staters.  Those of you that don't know... thats some high praise from me, cause I love me some CFDS... more than I love most things (include Mexican food).  Brings me to the sad realization that one day, I'll be done in DE, probably for good... that'll be a sad day, but we're not there yet.  Thats at least in June... I think... which will have me at over the 1 year mark of doing CrossFit... so, I'll celebrate today, and let tomorrow worry about itself. 

Thanks again CFDS for pointing me to these great great peeps, once again I'm in your debt.  Now I really need to get to bed, I've got an upgrade going live right now, and I need to be in the office in ... ug 5 hours.  Cheers!

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