Monday, November 10, 2014

Gains is gains

I want to thank Jeff Peet, tonight's coach... my coach.  Twice he came over during the WOD and gave me some coaching, and twice I didn't fully do what he said.  It wasn't because I didn't want to, I tried, but it was the heat of the moment...  let me take a step back, catch you up. 

Had a rough weekend, woke up early Friday morning to what felt like a... idk it was just a feeling in the back of my throat, and that feeling has always been synonymous with getting sick.  !@#$  Sure enough, woke up later, and it hurt to swallow.  Lucky me, going to see my PCP later, get this checked out...well, went for thyroid stuff, asked about this as an after thought.  Got tested for strep as an afterthought (almost forgot to ask)... never heard back now that I think about it.  Spent most of Saturday in a Nyquil induced coma.  Sunday was better, but I wasn't 100%.  Brings us to Monday...

I wasn't sure I was going to workout tonight.  During my flights out here, my inner ear wouldn't make it back to sea level pressurization.  Happened both plane rides.  Everything sounded/felt muted.  It took some monster yawns driving to DE before I felt close to normal.  This stuff hurt, like I was snapping rubber bands off my eardrums.  So... apparently I still have a little something going on.  5:15pm hit, I left work, one thing on my mind, getting a good workout in, gunk or not.

Had a snafu at the hotel checkin, printer problems.  Finally got in, got changed and we're rolling... late.  22 minutes to make what is normally a 25 minute drive.  Normally not a problem, but this is still that time of day when people are going home, and it's non-daylight savings time (aka it's dark).  Wouldn't you know it, everyone and their mother is driving 5 UNDER the speed limit.  Can't make up a stitch of ground anywhere.  Late.  Again.  !@#$!@#

Missed the entire warmup... well, the stuff that would warm me up.  Got there in time for some KB warmups.  3 rounds of 8 sumo high pulls, lunges, swings, and squats.  All with a heavy KB.  Being as I'm not exactly ready, I grabbed what I think is a 44lb KB.  Being a warmup, I'll admit it, I didn't hit 8 every time...  I was already feeling this spongyness... stuff in my chest, so I didn't want to pus it too hard. 

Strength piece was a 1RM of the power clean.  Having just hit a 10lb PR for my squat clean, I was hoping to at least do something heavy.  I know most people squat clean more than they power clean, I'm not sure that holds true for me.  I went heavy, heavier than with my squat clean, and wanted to call it done, but Jeff pushed me a little, said try one more.  I wasn't sure I could add another 10 lbs, so I added 5, hit it, albeit with a slightly bowed back.  Added it up, 180.  Had to check the books... 30lb PR.  :D  Now I just want to hit that last 20, get another lift over that 200lbs goal.

That was all the fun I had tonight.  The METCON... was unpleasant.  It hurt my feelings.  21-15-9 of front squats and box jump overs.  I was given the goal of 10 minutes.  The RX was 135...and had I done it, I'd have been closer to 15 minutes I think... maybe.  I dont know, but I went with 95lbs, I wanted to hit the sub 10 minute goal.  Pulled out an 18" box for the step overs (one day I swear I'll do box jumps...).  Ali asks me "you ready for this".  I give her the same sheepish answer I give everyone... no.  ROFL.  But it's the truth. 

We start, and I really wanted to hit 21 straight... or 15... or at least 10.  I went fast, I hit 15, barely.  Dropped the bar.  My quads are warm at this point.  I get 5 more, Jeff comes over, tells me not to worry about the depth, keep the chest high.  I nod my understanding.  I know what he wants, but dammit if it isn't hard to do.  Finish the 21, and my quads are on fire.  These 18" box step ups are killer.  I got 10 done in the space Ali got 20 jump overs done.  Ridiculous.  I'm trying to push my pace, I went for number 11, and I could barely get my foot on top  of the box, let alone get the rest of myself up there.  Fried.  Thankfully, there is a 12" box nearby, I finish the 21 on there, and I'm sucking air.  I don't want no mo.  Momma, make that bad man stop. 

The next set was "easier"... only because it was only 15, and not 21.  Did the squats 5-5-5, Jeff said something from over my shoulder, I know I nodded... I know I tried... "keep that chest up!".  The step overs went without incident, I didn't fall over, but by the time I was done, the only thing I was saying was "9 more 9 more 9 more"  in my head.  I was going to do 3-3-3, but I did 4 at first.  Got 4 more.  Then Jeff is standing in front of me.  This is the third time.  LOL.  I'm so tired, I'm broke, I'm beaten.  1 left.  I listen to Jeff, pant my acknowledgement, and then did what was probably the best front squat of the night.  I think Jeff was expecting more, but that's 9, ain't got no mo.  The step overs were all autopilot.  I couldn't feel my legs, I was going as fast as I could without falling over.  DONE. 


Made my time.  It wasn't easy, sure wasn't pretty, but I did it.  Call this a win.  Legs were shaking for the next 15 minutes, no mater what I did.  I can't recall this level of... whatever it is, since the first days of squats.  Still, I'm happy I went, really happy with the PR, and happy it's over. 

Alright, it's taken me 3 hours to write this... watching a movie.  Tomorrow... today is Veterans Day.  Go out and celebrate with a vet, and remember why this day is around.  If you can get to a box, they're likely doing a hero WOD of some sort, give it your best. 

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