Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Been missing in action, but I have good excuses this time.

Been a rough 7 days for me and my pal CrossFit.  Caught what I thought was a little bit of a bug, still not sure I haven't.  Same bacterial cultures that I had a few months back, might be the same thing as before, back on the anti-biotic treatment I go.  Felt ready for Monday, went in early with a lot of the college aged athletes at On Track... and man I felt slow.  Not going to go back and look at the workout, not what this post is going for today.  Did a lot of clean work (apparently they're on week 8 or a 12 week cycle).  Got some good coaching on it too, wish'ed I'd worn my lifters cause we did some tempo front squats after the cleans. 

METCON was a bit much... but it's modeled to be like something in the upcoming Open (I just signed up), and it was un-fun.  12 minute AMRAP of 10 bar over burpees followed by 30DUs.  Think I got into round 5, but I was doing step overs, and not much on double unders.... which is funny.  Funny because I didn't bring my lifters, which I could have used... AND I left my brand new unused rope at home.  SMH!!  *sigh*

Back to this Open thing, I'm scared to death.  I signed up, I didn't really want to, but I can't/won't blame it on peer pressure either.  I see it as a chance to grow and really measure myself vs "the standard".  I don't do box jumps... yet.  Don't do pullups... yet.  Haven't gotten a single DU... yet.  You see where I'm going?  I'm not there yet, but this should... will force me to push things bit harder, force me to push myself a bit harder.  It should be good, looking forward to see where I may stack up, might surprise myself and a few others. 

So I'm not sick right now.  On the anti biotics, but not sick feeling.  I've been busy though.  I know, I hear you, what is more important to you than CrossFit?  Great question, a few things, but chief among them is the fact I'm now a 2nd time daddy. 

Everyone is doing fine, and she's super healthy, life is good.  I'm hoping to get a chance to break away and get another WOD in before Friday, but if the Open is my first one back, it is what it is. 

Last thought, and something I haven't had a chance to put up yet, went to the docs, haven't lost anything in months.... which really sucks, but honestly, I expected it...well no, I expected to have slowed some loss, not no loss.  40 lbs is great, but it's a long way from where we are going, and it's my fault.  My diet sucks.  I'm going to check out Whole 30 that the doc mentioned (books to read!), and we'll see whats happening.  If it comes to it, I'll dive headfirst back into pure pure pure paleo, and get back on the right track.  Watching this Justin dude lose 122lbs in 5 months is highly irritating with the work I've put it.  I don't know what he did to get that off that fast, but there is no reason I can't eat better to get my own weight off.  Starts and ends with me. 

Alright, more visitors are here, time to let someone else have the limelight.  :)

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