Monday, February 9, 2015

Missed my freaking flight.

I started off this post angry... I thought I'd hit a PR.  Again.  I can't seem to get the math right on those stupid squat cleans.  BRAWAHAHWWHWHAA

Ok, I'm better.... sorta. 

Missed my flight today.  Got to the Parking Spot, got out, immediately realized that I didn't have my wallet, and I knew right where it was sitting.  Crap.  The airlines, the travel folks... they all said the same thing.  Was going to cost an additional $700+ to get to DE this week.  Can't exactly make that happen without a great great great reason.  Didn't have one, so I sat it out this week.  Now, in truth, I might have been able to sweet talk the agents in KC to hook me up, but I didn't want to make another 40 mile trek to the airport on a maybe...

So I'm home this week, gives me a chance to spend some time at On Track.  There are a lot of people here, going to take me a while to get to know them all.  Tonight, went to the beginners class again... and truthfully, I was cherry picking.  Two reasons.  One, I didn't feel like 6 rounds of 20 wall balls and 10 pullups.  And two, the beginners class was doing some pull work.  I need that pull work... So I chose option 2. 

Brandon ran this class again.  He's got a real calm and friendly demeanor... not sure where he picked it up from to be honest.  I did a little FB stalking, and I see he spent some time in the Army.  Maybe he learned it there?  Anyway, he ran the class.  Myself and this other guy did our warmup a little early/on time... and then we both did the warmup again, with the rest of the class in the little gym.  My left quad was on fire.  No idea why. 

So the pull... I'm ready for this belly to be out of the way... time, patience, and a lot of hard work should help.  So we worked on the jump, the full extension, and then getting down fast.  I still, 9 months in, struggle with remember which things I can come up onto my toes for, and which I should stay in the heels for.  Lucky for me, squat cleans have both elements.  Still, it was good to practice the speed, and getting under the bar from the extension.  Now we add weight. 

And adding weight, in the squat clean... my math just goes dee dee dee.  I kept adding weight, and got to what I thought was 165, which I knew, I just knew was going to be a PR.  Lifted it, got under it.  Got up.  Then had Brandon watch.  Came forward a little (he suggested lifting first with the elbows, then stand up... sounds good to me).  And then I did the math... and I was wrong... again.  Effing again!  Why can't I add the bar right on squat cleans?  35x2=70+ 4x10=110+ a 45lb bar = 155.  not 165... dammit!!! 

Grrr.  I'm angry.  I've already taken 2 set of 10's off when I realize my math was wrong... again.  By now I'm mentally out of it, deflated, defeated... and pissed off.  I'll get it... next time... again....  I set the bar up for the AMRAP.  went with 95lbs.  It's been a good weight for me, and it's still pretty challenging, even if it is below my 1RM by almost half.  We're doing 3 rounds of 10 push press, 8 sumo high pulls, 6 pushups, 4 upright rows.  Then 2 rounds of 20 walking lunges with a plate (25) over your head, and 10 situps.  Rinse.  Repeat. 

The push press got heavy quick... I want, badly to get to the 115 level, but I'm just not there yet..  Until then I'll suffer my way to success.   The sumo deadlift highpulls... I don't think I get near as wide as I should.  Would probably make these easier not having to lift them as high off the ground.  Live and learn.  Pushups were pushups.  Rows were rows.  Took me 7 minutes and change to get through 3 rounds.  I grabbed my plate, and started.  Walking lunges are becoming the bane of my existence.  I know my butt..... or outside hip flexor thingy is going to be sore tomorrow, even though I stretched afterwards... anyway, got through the first 20, and holding that plate up was difficult.  Couldn't even lock out my elbows... so sad.  The situps were a nice touch to this... I've been struggling with these as well lately... like I'm just not very good at them... or more accurately, I'm just slow.  Train slow and you'll most likely be slow... I need NEED to work on that speed. 

So we stretched at the end.  I think I'll be really thankful for that in the morning.  Talked with Brandon some more, Amanda and Brian a little... I need to get more active at  On Track.... I got home, and opened the blog.  Guess what I see when I peeked at the Goals for 2015 page.  I DID GET  PR!!!!  HAhahahahahaaha.  My PR that is written down for the squat clean was 145.  I DID hit 155 today.  Yes Yes  YES!!!  Def a 180 from my anger at missing what I though it was a PR.  Whats better.  I think I could have done 165... guess we'll see next time.  Getting stronger... and I'm sure the warm up for getting under the bar helped. 

It's late... again.  LOL.  Going to bed.  More talk tomorrow.  :)

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