Wednesday, February 4, 2015

All hail the cherrypickers

I have NEVER seen it that dead at Unlocked.  There were maybe 6 cars when I pulled up, and I was early, so I knew it was mostly the earlier class.  Turned out to be the entire earlier class.  I told yall that Tyler's programming was something to be feared.... tonights attendance proves me right.  It was Kara and I, had the whole box to ourselves.  Almost like having a personal training session.  Heck, we were both their early enough that we were warmed up before 6. 

So, being there early has it's perks, got a chance to work on some stretches.  I know that I'm not as flexible as I could/should be, so I worked on my shoulder mobility, trying to get my elbows up for front squats, cleans, etc.  After last night, I really want to get those cleans better.  So much better!!  I want it bad enough to start working directly for it... I think I need that sort of direction, that sort of motivation, that sort of goal.

 Tonight was a two part AMRAP, 10 minutes each.  The first par was a ladder of floor presses and pistols.  The floor presses were ok...  Did them RX (95).  The weight wasn't that bad, but it was getting it into position, and then making sure my arms worked in proper conjuction.  Couldn't go too fast, my left elbow seemed to hit first every time.  The pistols...  were atrocious.  I did the drag your other leg behind the one doing the pistol...but I kept putting weight on the back leg too, and... well, lets just say it was ugly.  I collapsed all over myself, the balance was poor... I see why the cherry pickers were out in force this week.  All told, I got into the 8th round (so just past the set of 7 floor presses and 7 pistols on each leg).  Two minute rest time.

Two minutes goes quick.  Next 10 minute AMRAP.  Front rack lunges, and pushups.  I hate front rack lunges.  I think they might be worse than burpees.  It doesn't help that we just did pistols, which I didn't even comprehend till after the WOD.  I couldn't figure out why this stuff was burning that bad... guess that can be a good thing as well, I pushed through it as best I could.  Ended up with 8 rounds, plus 2.  I'm really proud of that plus 2.  I pushed through the last set of pushups, and popped tall to get 2 more of those stupid lunges.  I could have quit... a few months, maybe weeks ago, I probably would have been "good enough", but I wanted to get into that next set, for me. 

I think the reason I really wanted to get into that next set was because I found another big guy on Facebook, trying to get better, using CrossFit.  I don't know exactly when he started, but he's lost A LOT of weight already, he started just higher than me, and now he's below... and I feel like he's only been at this a few months... I want to know his secret!  The site shows as being started in October, and he's already lost 100 lbs.  AWESOME!!  But really, what is his secret?  I must reach out.  

So Kara and I got a reward for showing up tonight... my first Kill Cliff.  Even have a photo from Unlocked to commemorate it.  Have to tell you, need to work on my selfie/photo game.  I thought I the look I was putting out was a lot different than what the photo shows....  #ohwell. Should have gone Vanna White on it. 
As for the Kill Cliff, and it being my first one, I wasn't impressed.  Blackberry Lemonade or some such.  I think it was the purple color around the top and bottom.  I've never been a fan of purple drinks... I mean it was ok.. but now I need to try the other kinds... else I'll never know if Kill Cliff is any good.  People swear by it, so we'll see how I feel in the morning. 

Alright, I'm struggling to see... my contacts have decided it's time for bed.  Still working on the coach questions.  It's looking like I'll be back in DE the next two weeks, so I might have something good by then.  I want to work on the logo and some design stuff this weekend too... we'll see what gets done... likely not as much as I want... anyway, ciao. 

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