Monday, February 16, 2015

The day my form failed me....

... Or rather the day I failed my form.  I'm not going to say I'm hurt... or that I pulled something, but I did get awfully tight exactly halfway into the WOD.  How did this happen?  Glad you asked.

00:04, slightly bleary eyed, I'm stepping off the plane this morning.  I thought if I got to the hotel before 3, I'd get more sleep than if I had to get up at 3 to fly here in the morning.  It made sense when I booked my travel.  Didn't get to the hotel before 3.  Got to bed before 4... but then I had to sleep to 8 just to get my 4 hours... this was a bad decision all around... end result, no more sleep than had I slept in my own bed, probably wont do this again any time soon.

Got my first, and possibly last order of food from FlexPro Meals this week on my way out the door this morning.  Food itself has been tasty, and it's really nice to have a wide variety of food in my future.  The downsides have been portion size, which, while probably being appropriately sized,  isn't a whole lot of food with only 3 meals and a snack.  I'm learning to become comfortable with being hungry, and that might just be a good thing.  My other issue is the's a little higher than I can do on my limited per diem income I've been given... so maybe when I get another client, I'll give them another shot, but until then, I think I'm going to have to figure it out without them.  #toobad

Got to the box with a light snow falling, we've got dead lifts tonight.  9-15-21-15-9, dead lifts and box jump overs (more step overs here).  Did lots of stretching, some skill work, and then it was go time.  I went 20lbs under RX (so 205).  It was heavy, but not too heavy I didn't think.  In retrospect, maybe I should have gone with something like 180?  Having just did something like 45 of these at 165 on Thursday, you'd think I would be mentally ready for this.    

The first round was decent, but those step overs at 18" are sneaky bastids (gotta say it with a thick Bostonian accent).  I could do more at a lower height, but why?  I'm chasing bigger things than my comfort.  Second round was solid, dropped the bar a bit more, and Jeff kept telling me to have a big chest, clues that I'm not doing it right.  Steppin' up, steppin' over.  Trying not to stop the whole time, or stop very little, keep it moving...  Third round, the beast is here... get over this, and it's all down hill.  I wanted to do it in sets of 3-4... after two sets of 3, it got to sets of two.  Jeffs talking to me some more now.  Bend the knees more.  I did better on my last 3 singles... and now my back is tight.  I did 1 step up onto the box, and just stood there for a minute.  I could feel my back getting tighter.  Just past halfway into the WOD... and this.  Maybe had I used less weight?  Not sure.  Talking with Jeff afterwards... he said my lack of knee bending wasn't helping my back, and that is probably the best place to start... time to practice what I've told the coaches I am... and thats being teachable/coachable. 

With my fine stick figure art... which still isn't 100% accurate, you can see the "Goal" on the left is to have a "big chest" like Jeff was saying, and not be as bent over the bar as I was.  I guess I was doing more of a Romanian dead lift?  Maybe next time I'll equate big chest with keeping my but down and chest up? 

Spent the rest of the WOD doing situps, and the yoga pose upward dog.  Here we are 3ish hours later, and I feel ok.  We'll see what the damage is in the morning, but I think I'll be fine.  Getting tight is hopefully better than pulling something.  Got some good stretching advice from @Iamthehealer so I should be right as rain in the morning.  #fingerscrossed

*****  next day edit*****
I wouldn't say I'm sore... maybe a tad tender.  REALLY want to get in tonight, have to play it by ear though.  Squat PR's and a Tabataesque WOD for the evening, looks fun.  

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