Tuesday, February 3, 2015

First time forgetting to put up everything...

I had so many good ideas come and go on the way home tonight, and I didn't write any of them down.  Idiot!  Ah well.  Today was better than yesterday overall... so I was in a great mood going to the Diamond State today.  Even better, my boy Simmons was there, so that was good to see.  Even better than that, Coach AP and LP are going to be welcoming a baby P.  Exciting times all around. 

Hoping right in, the WOD looked challenging but fun.  It was challenging.  Fun?  Not so sure on that one. 

Start of the night was a strict press of 5 reps at 65, 75, and 85%, with the 85 being as many as possible.  We did it with partners, and I went with Dustin's weight, which wasn't much less than my own.  5 reps for each we very doable.  The last set was pretty heavy, I got to 7.  That 7th one wasn't very pretty... basically I arched my back, and did everything I could to get it up, and I did... still, not sure that I should compromise on form like that if I can help it.  #notetoself

Second part was a 2 round AMRAP.  16 minutes total.  First 8 minutes is a 30-20-10 of KB swings and hang cleans.  2nd 8 minutes is 21-15-9 of toes to bar and push press.  I decided to go with 44lbs for the KB, and 95lb for the bar.  Having just done 75 KB's at that weight last night, I thought meh, this can't be that bad.  Boy...

I did the first 30 unbroken.  I was not going to be denied.  The last 7 or so really tested my grip.  I didn't think this would be THAT bad.  I'm only a little off the pace I see out of the corner of my eye.  Thats fine, grab that bar.  I got to 5 unbroken hang cleans before I stopped.  My forearms of all things were on fire.  I did the next 5, same result.  It only got worse.  I was breaking it into 4's, then 3's, sometimes 2's.  My forearms were toasted.  Finally done with the 30's.  The 20's with the KB... I only just managed to not break them up more than the 10's.  We're at 7 minutes 45 seconds when I sat down the KB.  Rather than take the 15 seconds to rest, I tried to get some more hang cleans in.  Ended up with 2 more.... 8 minutes, time to go to the toes to bar and push press. 

Worst toes to bar ever.  2.  Freaking 2 was all I got before I thought I was going to lose my grip completely.  It didn't get any better... and I struggled to reach the bar, so I went and got a plate so I could reach the bar a little easier.  I got to 10 in 2 minutes.  #frustrated  Talked to AP, deiced to scale it down to situps.  Finally got to the push press.  I wanted to do these in 5's from the start.  I did good with the first 2, but after that it dropped to 4, then to 3, and at last a final 3.  21 done.  I didn't even go back to the bar, busted out the 15 situps as fast as I could, and got back on the push press.  I don't remember how many I got, wasn't the full 15, might have been 6?  TIME

Segue, thanks to coach Gia.  I forgot to put that plate away later, didn't remember it till I was about 40 miles away.  My bad.  

My shoulders were smoked.... no, my shoulders are smoked.  It didn't look THAT bad on paper.  I think part of this was the 95lbs on the bar.  If I had done it at 75, I might have gotten quite a bit closer to the end.  Smoked shoulders, my grip is weak, my forearms feel like they should be the size of Popeyes... ug.  Good workout though, might have been faster with the lighter weight, hopefully this makes me stronger. 

Alright, I'm wasted.  It's late, and I need the sleep... I've seen tomorrows WOD... and rest is indeed needed.  Night night. 

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