Monday, October 13, 2014

Still not a correct PR on that squat clean...

It feels like it's been a long time since I've written in here.  A few things have happened, figure this would be a good time to clean out the proverbial closet. 

First, my WODs have been suffering, since I last wrote.  I only did one WOD, and it was the Lurong WOD.... not only that, but I didn't finish the WOD, tweaked my knee.  meh!  The quick and dirty is this, wod was 1, 1, then 2, 2, then 3, 3...etc.  Squat cleans and then jumping pullups.  The cleans were at 55lbs.  WAY too light for me, I'm going to start mixing and matching.  Squat cleaning essentially a barbell just doesn't work for me.  Moving on...

Paleo eating has been dismal.  I've had sodas, I've had bread/grain products...  it's been a mess.  I'm home this week, and I've got salads and veggies galore.  Should be able to fix this sooner than later. 

It's late (1am), been busy today... trying to get something out here, bear with me. 

Tonight's WOD was great...  AND I thought I hit a PR....again.  This stupid squat clean man.  I'm now convinced that the 145 I hit last week was a PR, and that what I had written down was wrong.  We worked towards heavy squat clean tonight here at EST.  I worked my way up to 45 on each end of the bar, then put on 5 more on each side.  In my head, this makes it 155... quick math will tell you that I'm wrong... it's only 145.  But I'm like yeah, this is it, this is going to be a PR at 155...  I hit it.  I'm excited, like yeah, let me add more.  So I trade out the 25# on there in the form of two 10's and a 5, and put on a 25.  COMPLETELY forgot to add to it.  So now there are 2 25's on each side of the bar.  I get it, and I get excited again... but the weight hasn't actually changed....  I didn't really figure this out till I was done lifting, had one of those "hey wait a minute..." convos with myself.  Sooner or later I'm going to get this stupid 1RM of 155 that I think I keep hitting.  CFDS, wanna make that happen Tues or Wed next week?  Let me know!

The rest of this WOD was a simple capacity test.  One I've someone managed to miss any time it's been around.  5 min AMRAP of 5 squat cleans, 10 bar over burpees.  This was challenging after doing squat cleans.  I didn't do the RX of 135, I went with 95, and my legs still complained about the weight.  Sissy!  Anyway, 5 minutes was both an eternity and super quick.  I actually did move over the bar rather than stay in place like I've done since pretty much day 1.  Small change from last week to this...gotta get better ya know.  Ended up with an even 2.  Nowhere near where I'm going to be in a year, but now I've got this benchmark. 

I'm sure there is more that I want to say, but it's getting late and I've got a few more work things to do.  #workhardplayhard

Actually, there is one more story to share....  Ever since I started traveling for work, I'd been worried that I'd end up sitting next to a dick on a plane.  Someone that would give me shit for my size.  3+ years in, it FINALLY happened.   I might write it out more later...but 40lbs into this journey, and 3 years after I've started traveling, I finally had to deal with one of those people...  Ask me about it when you see me. 

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