Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lurong 6

Busy 18 hours.  Man.  Did yesterdays WOD at night, then came back for the Lurong this morning.  Didn't get enough sleep, but I'm awake and alive, things moving well, good times. 

Lets go back to yesterday, pretty quick WOD, the warmup was about as long as the workout.  :)  Not much to say on the workout, we did a seesaw press that was rough, but fair, and then we did a 4 RFT of 300 m run (row), and 10 alternating KB snatches.  Think I came in at 11:17.  Beat a guy who's normally on top of things.  Felt good to be progressing...just need the weight to come off so I can get to running. 

Short and sweet, good workout, but I wasn't super taxed afterwards.  It was also nice celebrating with the city over the Royals sweep of the ALCS and finally making it back to the World Series.

This mornings Lurong WOD wasn't too bad either, especially after I found out it wasn't going to be squat snatches, it could be any kind of snatch.  Now this isn't going to make me a better athlete, but I'm going to appreciate the fact I don't have to abuse my knees in an AMRAP.  It was a descending then ascending ladder 15, 12, 9, etc.  Snatches and an ab exercise.  I actually did LVL 2 this time, so it was 75lbs and knees to 90degrees (my toes to bar exercise)

Jordan called me out on the knees to 90 bit after the WOD.  Said I should probably try the higher bar so I'm focusing more on the movement instead of going right to the ground.  It's a good call, something I've thought for a while now, forces me to hold onto the bar longer though, my hands aren't going to like the change.  Other than that it was a decent workout with the power snatches.  Got further than I thought.  Need to work on that snatch form though, when I get in a hurry I do snatch press type things...

Sorry it's quick, I'm inbetween a calls on a day full of them, wanted to get something down, might come back and rework it/add to it. 

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