Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Yet another WOD double header.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA  Ha Ha.  Ha.  Oh yeah, it's that kind of day.  Actually, it's yet Lutheran double header WOD day.  I don't know why I'm a sucker for punishment, but I am.  Now, why all the ha ha's?  Great question, let me tell you.  Broke the 100lb barrier on my OHS today.  We were doing a 5x4 and the guy I was working (big crowd this morning at Unlocked) with was taking it easy, and I couldn't blame him, cause I knew what my 1RM was.  I think we got to 80lbs by the time we got up to the 4th set.  We still had time on to work on this, and my guy was done, so I decided to go for the 1RM...actually, I went for 10lbs over the 1RM, 105.  Did it, easy.  Lets add 10 more lbs, make it 115#.  Did it again.  Still pretty easy.  I didn't want to push the time that was left, still had more WOD to do, but I got it.  Jeff was coaching today, told me I didn't have to pause so long at the bottom.  Not sure why I do that, I think it's stability as much as anything... anyway, thats another PR, thank you. 

The Metcon was a Tabata workout.  8 rounds (so 4 minutes) each movement.  20lbs overhead situps, 30lb wall ball slams, 20 lb Russian twists, and KB swings (53lbs).  I didn't do a spectacular amount, in fact, I'm pretty sure I was 40 reps less than everyone else.  What I did manage to do though, was do that whole workout RX.  First one, feels really nice, no small amount of pride in that.  Don't know what possessed me to grab that heavy ass KB, but I did it, and I'm glad I did. 

Work day was killer, I tried to OD on caffeine, I was tired all day... which made going to the night  WOD at CFDS kinda strange.  Been dying all day in the office, and now I'm going to go put myself through another set of nonsense.  It's ok though, I'm glad I went, got a new accountability partner for my wayward eating habits (thanks Brian, and thanks Charlie for the referral).  It's a lot harder to mess up when you know you have someone who's going to ask the touch questions. 

So I got to CFDS late (left work late to be fair), did a brief warmup and got to the high hang power snatch.  Talk about a difficult movement.  The very top of the pull... and you still need to get weight up overhead.  I don't think I've done it before.  I didn't go very heavy, ended up with 65, did it the required amount, coaches said it was solid, I'll take that.  The real reason I'm here is for the WOD... and it's really not something I enjoy doing.  At all.  At all at all.  We've got a 3-6-9-12-15 etc ascending ladder of a calorie row and then box jump burpees.  12 minute time limit.  Thats the opportunity for a lot of burpees.  I didn't put up stellar numbers, but from what I understand, I hit what was about the box average at 15.  I was just shy of finishing the burpees of it, 87 total reps.  I'll also take pride in not stopping.  Guy next to me sat down a few times on his box, I didn't, so I'll take that as a small win.  I was slow, but I didn't stop. 

Not doing it again tomorrow.  I know I'm likely going to CFDS at night, I've seen Unlockeds WOD... and anything called "Double Dutch" isn't going to be in my wheelhouse.  Something like 3 or 4 hundred double unders, plus some other stuff.  Thats all I've got, getting to be earlier than normal tonight, have a big day of work tomorrow, not to mention another WOD. 

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