Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sore and loving it

Holy crap I'm sore.  I mean I haven't been this sore in months!  Those Russian twists and the overhead 20lb situps... my abs are sore.  That 53lb KB... my shoulders are sore.  I'm beat up... oh, and I attempted a hero WOD tonight. 

Late again... I love my job, but not getting a full warmup... those minutes add up.  Not to say I'm not getting warmed up, but taking 5-7 minutes vs say 4 for the same warmup... it's just nicer.  Ok, so todays Hero WOD is dedicated to U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman.  The workout, like so many other ones, looked pretty solid on paper:

30 Rounds for time of:
5 Wall-Ball Shots, 20#
3 Handstand Push-ups
1 Power Clean, 225#

I thought, heh, I should be able to get this done under 20 minutes.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Thats what I thought while driving up for the workout.  I go to CFDS, asked Gia, whats the average time people have been getting done?  I'm expecting something like 15 minutes.  She thought about it, tells me 30.  THIRTY?!  no, surly not.  "Hey Andy, how long did this thing take you?"  "About 30 minutes".  What?  Damn!  I wasn't expecting this news.  My shoulders are still achying... oh boy. 

Oh boy was right.  The first 10 rounds were rough, but were what I was expecting...and if I could have stayed on that pace, I'd have been done in under 30 minutes.  It helps that I was only using a 14lb wall ball, doing regular pushups, and had 135 on the bar.... still, it's not an easy workout.  It was somewhere after 12 that I started slowing down and the clock started winning.  We were in the 20's when I got to 19.  I had just finished the clean... and I was light headed.  Holding my breath too much.  Told G I was going to rest for a sec (and why), went to a tall box and sat.  30 seconds and the wind was back, so I went to finish 20.  Thats when it happened, 2nd wall ball squat, felt this.... twinge? in my knee.  Great.  I finished the WB's, pushup and clean, and I was done.  Not pushing that any further.

So I'm picking up my chips, and I sat down for another second.  Looked at the clock, over 30 minutes... 35 minute cap on this WOD.  Fuqq it, I'm doing more.  I'm not sure why I did it, but I was driven to get more, chips or no chips.  I took the liberty of widening that stance by a bit, and did a WB... didn't really feel it, did another, and another.  Cool, another set done, pushups done, power clean, done.  2 minutes left.  Lets get one more.  Same wide stance, I could feel it a little more this time, pushed through it, got it all done, finished the clean with 15 seconds left, good enough.  22. 

Not as easy as it looked on paper.  I look around, bodies everywhere.  It's not just me.  Guess that makes me feel better... think I just feel a bit of comradere... we've made it thought another WOD, together.  Highlight for me was that Gia and Randi said my lifts were looking "really good".  Thats good, I've been trying to make a much better effort with my pull part of the lifts.  I'm smiling now... I like hearing that my hard work is paying off... it always does #HWPO

It's a late night, if I was seeing Jeff tomorrow, he'd be telling me that I need to stay on top of that sleep... and he's right, but Jeff is off tomorrow, and I'm not sure where I'm going yet.  CFDS is doing Lurong, which I want to get done, but thats another days worth of gas... and Unlocked is doing something that looks like it might get spicy....burpees...same power cleans as tonight... and a wall ball count every minute on the minute while doing burpees and power cleans... yeah, thats going to get spicy.  Still, it's almost nice to be here on a Thursday night and have choices...  Guess we'll see what happens later this morning. 


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