Friday, August 21, 2015

Still a work in progress

If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm turning into a basket case... at least in a few areas of my life.  LOL.  I've decreed that my squats are fully broken.  Had a chance last night to do a "heavy" 1 rep.  The last PR I set was back in Feb at Unlocked, when I still carried the bar about an inch higher on my neck.  Ever since then, I've been trying to do heavy weight while fixing that issue.  Terrible idea.  Absolutely awful.  Yesterday, instead of really getting after it, I asked for a lot of feedback, because I want to get it right.  I was 100lbs from my last PR, and I was struggling out of the hole... trying to fix things before it's too late.

A little more detail on it... my last PR... not only was I lifting a lighter higher on my neck, but I'm pretty sure (looking back) that I was lifting with a lot of quad activation by sitting mid foot.  So, I'm really trying to fix two things at once, lifting from a lower, growing shelf of traps and getting a greater amount of glute/hamstring participation in the lifts.  I have this idea... and I'll have to ask if it's a good one, but my thought is maybe using a 1/4 pices of wood to put my toes on, so they're more elevated.  My thought is that this might help me to remember to push through my heels, and not through my quads.  Hopefully that makes sense. 

So, working on finding a true squat... depth, straight/upright posture, add weight as I can.  Call this a work in progress. 

Rest of the WOD yesterday wasn't kind.  Row 15cal, 30 wall balls, 15 lateral box jump overs.  My knee has been bugging me and I told Brandon (Koontz) about my knee hurting... it's the same pain I've had before, the over the knee cap thing... and being honest, I didn't feel like doing this for three rounds, so I was basically bitching.  I'm pretty sure he could see through it all... his modified moves that he showed would probably help someone with functional knee pain, but my knees move fine, they just hurt... like a tendon is tight or something.  Having to share rowers and the like, I can't give you an accurate count of how long it took to do three rounds (with built in 2-3 minutes of rest). 

Brandon later suggested rolling out the quads and some other stretches... going to start doing more of that.... reminds me I need to get that magic stick thingy.  Even though I wont be traveling as much ( I don't think), it would be nice to have something besides a rolling pin.  :)

Don't have much else this morning, busy day today at the office, so I'm going to get to it.  Cheers. 

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