Saturday, August 22, 2015

Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea

Sorry, had to do it, they're my favorite team not in KC.  Part of the reason I had to do the workout today as well.  It's dumb, I know. 

Actually, there were a few reasons why I showed up today.  The name of the workout (ie the team), I'd never done it (that I can recall), it might delay my soreness, and lastly, Brian Stites. 

Let me expand on that Brian part.  After the absolute nastiness that was yesterdays WOD, Brian suggested I should come today, there would be deadlifts.  I looked at him an laughed a little.  We'll see buddy.  Then he was like hey, I could just show up at your place in the mornings, wake you up at 5am on Monday, be like "C'mon theres still time to make the morning class".  Na.  I'm good Brian. 

So what happens at 0905 this morning?  I look at the alarm, and start thinking about catching some more z's.  Then I hear the voice in my head... c'mon Dan, theres still time to make it to the morning class.  Pretty sure I started talking out loud to nobody after that, giving excuses about being tired still, needing more sleep, I'm sore... and this mental picture of Brian giving me one of those coach looks (you know those coach looks, don't lie), and then my feet hit the floor, and I was in motion for the day.  #thanksBrian .... you know, right after hashtagging that, I felt the need to go and watch a #thanksObama video, this one in particular.  Still cracks me up.

You don't have to think it's funny, it's ok. 

Alright, so I'm sore and tired... nothing new.  Got in the box, did some of my typical shoulder/hip warming up, then rolled out the quads a bit.  Trying to get better about that after talking with Brandon on Thursday.  Todays warmup was actually Helen... LOL.  Seems silly to me, but it's not my call.  No one took it too serious that I could tell, and I think more than a few people just leisurely did 2 rounds before we expired our 10 minute...ish warmup time. 

The team training group was taking up the main box space this morning, so the 15 or so of us went to "the dungeon" and worked up to a "heavy" 5 rep deadlift in teams of 2-3.  We got up to 245 in my group of 3, and called it good.  I think had we been doing this for single reps, I would have finally eclipsed 300 lbs.  Still need to set that PR...  After we went heavy, we were to drop about 10-15%, and do another 10 each, broken up however we want.  It was easy.  I've been told by many places, online and off, that deadlift strength is a good measure of overall strength.  Don't know if thats true from my own experience, but the fact that I'm getting much stronger with it is pretty cool.  205 was really heavy to me at one time.

Chelsea.  For the uninitiated, is Cindy with a time/round limit instead of an AMRAP format.  If that still means nothing to you, Chelsea is an EMOM, 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats, for 30 minutes.  The day I'm able to do this RX, I'll consider myself ready to compete :)    I'm not going to go through all the suffering that it was, round by round.  I don't know how many I did, I know I was going every other through the first 12-14 minutes, then a few times I had to take two minutes off... I'm going to say I ended up with 13 rounds, not 100% sure.

Notable things to me from the WOD:
  • Did full pushups the first round, trying to be like when I did the competition, seemed to work out ok, but I was slow.  Ended up doing the dreaded princess pushups for most of it. 
  • Did banded pullups... a whole lot more than my first time doing pullups... going to feel this in a very bad way tomorrow and Monday.
  • The airsquats were mostly... awful.  Form and how they felt.  All them wallballs and squats earlier... no favors here.  I'll love the gains later, but right now, I'm in the thick of it, and it's no fun. 
I think I put the band too low though, I touched the ground a little, and struggled to get back up... but while I did hit the ground, when I would go back up, it seemed like that much more "oomf" from it.  *shrug*

Best part about Chelsea, is that it's over.  The endorphins hit early, and man, they were needed for sure.  Told Brian the story from when I woke up, he chuckled a bit.  Said my farewells, came home, mowed.  Solid cool down work :) 

More of the "other news" type stuff, the running store came through with two shoes, stopped by and tried them on.  They were comfy, felt good.  Then I stood up and walked around.  BOTH of them were squishy in the heels.  The New Balance more than the Asics, but both were squish.  Can't be having that.  I asked them to hold the Asics for a week, they're the newer model of the shoe I started with... and they're probably be fine, but I want some time to think before dropping a note on one. 

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