Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sleep deprivation, malnutrition, and the buuuuuuuuuuurn.

Man, this second days DOMS from the pullups is really cramping my style.  I feel like I need to be shoulders back and flexed at all times JUST to not feel my lats and even more tender still, my read deltoid area.  My goodness... and it's been getting sorer and sore as the day has gone one.  So my day has been pretty rough... constant soreness...constant whining to myself all day...all very annoying. 
I'm going with a different format tonight, cause I'm tired (hence the sleep deprivation in the title).  I got up at 459... with my alarm set at 615, and this isn't the first time this week waking up early. 

I'm malnourished cause I've been eating at very irregular times the past two days (hey, I worked 22 hours the past two days), and my food choices haven't been complete garbage, but it hasn't been great either.  Salad, pretzel bread sandwich, chicken with beans and rice... all decent.  Pizza, Taco Bell, and QuikTrip Hotzi breakfast sandwiches... not so much.  Add to it that I need to get my protein shake game up to snuff... probably fix a lot of issues... I workout too hard to not be eating right. 

WOD was some Hatch squatting... I didn't do the % progression, I just did 135, and had Brian help me with my back squats... made some progress, but still a ways to go.  Some front squats too, but I've almost got those locked down.  Their was a part I'm forgetting, I think.  Then the METCON.  We kinda got our choice of WODs.  Amanda, Elizabeth, or Friendly.  I chose friendly, because I had no desire to do ring dips/ring pushups...   21-15-9 push press at 95, air squats, and a 55lb KB swing. 

The good, I did it all RX. 
The bad, most KB's I've done at 55
The ugly, the shoulder buuuuuuuuuuurn

11:31.  Not a great time in my opinion, but it's my first time doing Friendly so now I've got a benchmark. 

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