Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Be wary of workouts with built in breaks

I've known this for a while, the being wary part... but I saw last nights WOD with breaks, and I had hope.  Now, the experienced CrossFitter in me saw this for what it was... I'm going to need a minute to drag myself away from one activity and to another... but that optimist in me was like, ooh, a break, right on!  Should have paid more heed to the voice of experience.

So this WOD was basically 50 minutes.  Got four 1 minute transitions, and those were the breaks.  5 "stations", 9 minutes of work, with a 1 minute plank "break" in the middle of each 9 minute station. 

Started at station B, 10 pullups or ring rows, 10 pushups, 10 situps.  Would have set up for pullups, but Brian suggest if we didn't have 10 of them without bands, to do it with the rings.  This wasn't meant to be an AMRAP, but the goal was to be in constant motion.  Having moved on to banded pullups, I thought, oh, this will be easy... na, not so much.  I mean it wasn't killer, but stringing together more than 5 was problematic towards the end.  I did feel clever doing pushups, touching my chest to the abmat to make sure I had decent depth... maybe clever isn't the word, but it was a goal towards the end, and it kept me honest.  Not much to say about the situps, they got slower as we went. 1st plank was the best one of the day.  "Butt down Dan"... dammit.  So now I'm making sure my stomach is just making contact with the floor... oh the burn.  Only dropped twice...only time I only dropped twice too.  Right now, as I write this, my forearms are tender to the touch. 

Next up, 10 hang power cleans at 115, and a 200 m run.  We had a lot of people today, and my typical 'I'll row instead' got eschewed for a 100m run.  Probably more like an 85m run (didn't seem that far), but idk.  I did what I was told to do, half the "track".  Running in lifters sucked.  Tried to keep it to the military double time shuffle run.  Lower impact and consistent speed... worked well in the past, worked alright today.  Still had a bit of huffing and puffing.  The hang cleans were difficult.  115 is a heavy hang clean for me, especially after running.  I did 3 sets, and I think I had maybe 8 real good looking cleans, 8 ok cleans, and the rest were ass.  2nd plank was where the forearms started feeling sore, and I had 3 more to do after this....

Row 250m, 30 KB swings.  Simple right?  Well, the rowing was fine.  I need to go faster, I'd like to have a projected 500m of 1:50 instead of 2:00.  Small things.  The KB got rough.  I'm tired by this point, and I'm using a heavy KB... heavy enough that my wrists got some extra work.  Not enough to be like owww, but enough that I focused on keeping them locked.  Plank was the worst one yet.  Had the start to a nice little puddle, but took a lot of breaks. 

10 deadlifts at 165, and 50 single unders.  The 165 was really heavy today.  I mean really heavy.  I think part of it was an utter lack of sleep the night before... So I struggled with the deadlifts the whole time.  The jumping wasn't good on the first round, think I strung maybe 15 together at the best stretch.  Then the plank in the middle.  My forearms are fire at this point.  5 seconds on, 5 off the whole time, then it was back to the dead lifts.  Second set of jumping was great though, think I strung together 33 or so.  I really like this Rx rope man.  Need to stop screwing around and buy one. 

Last station.... 10 clean pull back at 115, 10 push press, 20 hollow rocks.  Deadlifts got my back all kinds of tight.  It took me a long time to get 10 pulls done.  In fact, thinking back, I don't think I did a full 10 before moving on to the push press.  I find myself experimenting with the push press all the time... like I still don't have it down 100%.  Some of these were difficult, others were easy... I need to really work on that part to make them all easier.  115 shouldn't have felt that heavy on a push press.  Tried harder on this last plank set.  Had a puddle that was roughly the size of a 3x5 notecard.  Good times. 

WOD kicked my butt.  Went home, showered, ate a little bit of food, drank a Neuro, and was in bed before 8pm.  Didn't sleep all that well last night, kept waking up, but I did sleep a lot.  Maybe quantity will beat out quality today. 

Going shoe shopping after work, either picking up the Ascis from the running spot (or ordering a different set of colors) or I might get a BOGO offer done at Shoe Carnival.  Also getting some new spec's today... not really fitness news, but whatever.  Lastly though, as soon as the check comes in for this last work trip, I'm getting on this Keto//OS plan.  Will tell you all about it in the coming weeks I'm sure.

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