Friday, August 21, 2015

Day 494, make the bad man stop...

It was a rough workout...  going in, I was expecting workout A, what I got was workout B.  Leads me to a question.  What do you think about when it gets spick?  I don't have a good answer myself... makes me think I go into survival mode, breathing and counting, emphasis on the breathing.  So thats what I do, what do you do?

Alright, so why did this suck so bad... The workout I thought I was going to do looked fun in the sucky CrossFit sense.  Easier to copy paste:

WOD 1:
- Min 0-6
1 Round
20 Toes to Bar
15 Power Clean to Overhead - 95/65
10 Bar Facing Burpees
- Min 6-12
1 Round
20 Toes to Bar
10 Power Clean to Overhead - 135/85
10 Bar Facing Burpees
- Min 12-18
1 Round
20 Toes to Bar
5 Power Clean to Overhead - 185/125
10 Bar Facing Burpees
These are not AMRAPs! They are single rounds performed as fast as they possibly can be and rest the remaining (likely) 4 minutes. Trust me, they are hard!
Scaling: Toes to Bar can be scaled to Knees to Elbows and weights can be scaled to some degree, but you want to make sure the heavy weight sucks and that the medium weight... well, so that it also sucks.

So there you have it.  Looks simple enough.  Hard work, high intensity, and maybe some rest.  I'm thinking I can knees to elbows...ish, and I thought that would be good. 

No sir. 

Brians like I want you to do the level 1 stuff.  Here is what it is:

Level I differences: At the top of each 6 min interval, do:
2 Rounds
15 AbMat Sit Ups
10 Power Clean to Overhead - 95/65
5 Bar-Facing Burpees
- weights and reps do not change

Oh, ok, that wont be so... wait... did that say do it twice?  !@#$... !@#$ !@#$  !#$   !@#$!#@$%%#@%! ... I could do that for a while.  I'm so stinking slow with situps and burpees, and now I have to basically do two for what other people are doing 1 for.  Noooooooooooooooo.

No sense arguing about it, time to do it.  Won't go into the suffering, it was so bad that I went to the place of trying to breath.  The first two 6 minute workouts, I got through.  1st set, I had almost 2 minutes left.  Nice.  Second round, I had about 20 seconds left... oh man, where did it go?  3rd round was awful.  I got to the second set of cleans... and then I wanted to die.  Breathing was certainly the struggle... caused by the situps and the burpees.  One WOD at a time, going to get better. 

Truth be told, I was done at this point... so stinking tired... and then we got a second workout.  500m row, rope climbs or their scaling, sled push, 30 wallballs, 100 single jumps.  Took me 15 minutes, thats how tired I was.  Which is to say fresh I probably would have done it 9-11, maybe less.  Cool part, the Rx jumprope was there this time, and man, it jumped like a dream.  My legs were shot, so it took me 10 tries to get my 100, but I got all of them. 

Alright, so there, I'm tired, got my butt kicked hard today, and sitting here now, I'm ready for more... we'll see how it feel stomorrow. 

I do like that I've finally gotten to 3 sessions in KC in a week... been a long time (ever?) since thats happened.  Might even go back tomorrow, and if so, I'll see you then. 

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