Monday, August 31, 2015

Placebo or PruvIt?

Alright, first off... this Top Golf stuff is killing me now.  Left forearm is still tender, and I can feel whatever muscles sit over the kidneys... I thought they (kidneys) were failing yesterday, drank a LOT of water.  Sneaky soreness. 

Moving on from golf, it's a squat day again.  If you've been keeping up, I've been hating squatting for a while now.  That may have "turned the corner" as they say.  I didn't have a lot of weight on the bar... 95#.  First few sets (I'm not paying attention to the cycles they're on, I wasn't there at the beginning... and I want to fix my squat so yeah...), but the first few sets were awkward, still overthinking it.  Then, something changed.  I decided to go for speed... and my goodness, not only did it feel good, I stayed on my heels and pushed a bit more through the posterior.  Wait... going faster made it easier?  Yeah.  Did it again... I like this, I think I've found part of the solution to my squatting problems.  Still not calling the 'search for squat' complete, but I feel like we've made progress.  Any sci-fi fans catch that?  No?  Fine. 

The last set, I think my knee crashed in or something, I felt a little... something.  Call it a twang?  On the outside of the knee... I blame this on golf.  LOL.  I felt it some while we were there... more stretching and rolling in my future.  If you're wondering, yes, I did get that in today.  Some good rolling on the IT band and the quads.  Need moar! 

Did a additional ancillary thing, some barbell good mornings, which are feeling better.  I think I'm holding the bar better, it doesn't roll up on my neck like it used too.  Was supposed to do some goblet squats as well, but I eschewed that in favor of not messing with my knee more than I had to. 

METCON was some concoction of medball situps, hand release pushups, and 95# thrusters.  3 rounds, a few rep changes, but plenty of work.  I alternated being on my knees and doing full pushups.  I still don't like my "full" pushup... My chest is always up, or almost all the way up before the rest of my body engages and pulls itself up off the floor... Need to get some coaching on this...I feel like it's not much better than knee pushups. 

The medball situps are wonderfully awful.  I enjoy them for the fact that the medball gives me the inertia to get up and past half way.  I hate them because they are WORK, and my future six back aches after.  The thursters... we're hit and miss.  The first round, I struggled to get 3 before putting the bar down.  The next round I banged out 5 fairly easily before dropping the bar.  Shrug.  Not sure what the deal was.  Last round, on what was supposed to be my last set of 5, on 3, the knee did the crashing in thing again... dropped the bar.  Not sure what the issue is, hopefully it's nothing, going to have to keep an eye on it.  

We did some group stretching after the WOD...  fairly rare occurrence at On Track, and then we were done.  I was tired, but I wasn't normal tired... I felt good.... but not just endorphin good... this is where the placebo vs Pruv It comes into play.  Got my first Keto//OS shipment today, and had a half scoop before the workout.  Felt the caffeine pretty quickly (well, if 30 minutes is quickly), and was better off than before I took it... I was in that nap zone of the day, but that ship was sailing further away the closer I got to the box.  After the WOD, on the way home, I didn't feel like I'd gotten my ass handed to me in the gym.  Don't know if it was the ketones, or the stretching.  Wife hopes it's the stretching... we'll see. 

I'm going to try and take some good notes the next few days, give you my thoughts and feedback on it.  Might be singing some high praises soon.  #wellsee  #ketones #goingtopruvit or disprove it...  Wish me luck. 

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