Thursday, September 17, 2015

Welcome back! All My Love, Cindy

Took the last 7 days off... more of an accident and oversight than on purpose, but my quads probably appreciated it.  Actually, the last few days gave me a chance to re-valuate a few things in retrospect.  For instance, I picked up the nasty nasty habit of drinking diet soda.  I even went so far as to convince myself it was ok, KNOWING that it's not.  I tell ya, the dumb things we do to rationalize poor decisions...  Positive note though, taking the next 7 days to try and "detox" a bit.  Not fully committing to getting into a ketogenic state (ie little to no carbs), but I'm going to do without as much processed sugar (and it's substitutes) as I can handle.  Fruit will still be around to make it easier, but I really want to get away from a lot of that stuff, and get to where I can get on a Keto diet.  Baby steps.

Speaking of Ketosis, I'm on day 17 (or so) of working with Keto//OS.  Love it.  Mentally, I'm sharper than ever.  My energy levels are up all day long with no real dips.  Short version, I'm a believer.  All the testimonials I've read recently are all things I've experienced myself, and this stuff is awesome.  I've got about a months worth left, maybe a bit more.  My goal next week is to find a scale, take some pic's and measurements, and see what 30 days does.  I wasn't quite as forward thinking when I started... better late than never.  #pruvit #pruviteveryday

So a week off, and what better way to get back to it than with squats and Cindy.  Actually, I want to visit one of the reasons I hadn't been to the box in a while... my schedule.  I did those two 0530 classes last week, and then later in the week, I tried to work then do evening classes.  Things like soccer practice, people needing help, and other life events quickly derailed that.  So mornings are more and more looking like my jam.  Too bad, I really enjoy my evening people, going to miss them.  Sniffle sniffle.

Brings me to my new coach, Jacob.  He runs the show, and Brian (head coach/owner) assists and does other box things in the mornings, or so it seems.  One thing I've noticed at CrossFit, across the 5 boxes I've gone to, is that while the coaching is pretty consistent, each coach see things a little bit differently, and it's probably some psychology answer as to why that is, but still, they've each given me something different.  Today was Jacobs turns with the squats.  As you know, I've been struggling to find my squats since late Feb... and Jacob made it worse.

In a good way.

I grabbed some plates and began moving into the hatch squat progression, trying a few more squats, at more weight, just trying to get back into it, and my first set felt good to me.  He was like nah bruh.  I mean... not really like that, but he's came over and watched the second set, and had some very good feedback to give.  This whole time (even before Feb), I'd lifted more mid foot, so that makes it more of a quad movement for me...  Well, Jacob was having none of that.  He was like squeeze your glutes, get your hips under you faster/sooner.  Man alive.... drastic change to my lift.  I have to think about all the parts now... and frankly, I think this made it more difficult.... more difficult, but more correct, and eventually that will mean much more weight.

Short version of the story, I haven't been using my glutes as much as I should be... my butt is going to be sore tomorrow, and crybaby sore on Saturday.  Can't wait.

Cindy was as nasty as ever.  I didn't do a good job keeping track of reps, at all.  I did a few things different this time.  Banded pullups instead of ring rows, and ring pushups instead of knee pushups.  So I can't really compare it to my last time.  I hear we're doing it again in a month, so maybe I go faster next time yeah?

So these pullups... I try to make them strict, but sometimes I "bounce" at the bottom.  Makes them a lot easier to get over the bar, but I feel like it cheats me a bit, so I try not too.

The ring pushups, I find them to be infinitely more difficult than regular pushups, or knee pushups.  Trying to keep palms facing in order to keep the elbows from flaring... just not that fun a time.  Add to it that I've got some hand problems right now, and it was a special kind of torture.  The hand issue is this, when I squeeze my hand into a fist, it hurts on both sides of the middle finger hurt as well... So more than a few times I stopped and shook out my hand during these exercises.

I don't know how many rounds I did, I stopped counting.  I want to say 7, maybe 8, but I'm not sure.  Need to get faster either way, but more so if it's only 7.

Thats everything I've got for now, glad to be back at it, but I'm already sore today.  Forgot to roll out this morning as well, might be part of the problem.  

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