Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Another mile in my shoes...

Day 8 of Keto//OS.  Everything it still humming along nicely.  Still cobweb free (even thought I've had a few nights of reduced sleep).  Haven't worked out since Friday and haven't seen a drop or spike in energy... which I think is good.  Nice, solid, continuous energy all day.  Will confess, did take a nap on Saturday, but I was tired (see reduced sleep above).  Wife said "you're looking a little smaller".   Don't know if that is strictly from Keto, but we'll chalk it up to improved energy and walking a little taller these days.   

I haven't been up before 0500 in a few weeks now, with no plane travel, there has been no need... which has translated into great sleep.  Well, I wanted to get up at 0500 today.....and because I didn't want to oversleep, I slept like booty.  Tossed and turned all night, no bueno.  By the time 5am got here, I didn't need Brian over my shoulder whispering "you can still make it to CrossFit", I was already up and ready.  When I pulled up to the box, there was already a nice contingent of people.  Apparently On Track does 0530 classes right... think there were around 15 people there. 

Did some more shoulder mobility stuff, keeping with On Tracks shoulder theme for the month.  Got some good stuff on the front socket on my right shoulder, which is apparently the issue I've been feeling, but unable to properly articulate about...  so I'm gong to try to spend some extra days here this week, just for more shoulder stretches... I mean I can do them on my own, but getting feedback on them is kind of nice.

Did a mix of things today... banded pullups then a few rounds of bent over dumb bell rows and strict dumbbell shoulder presses.  All solid work, trying to keep with the theme of neutral, active shoulders.  I did alright, some of the presses got heavy/difficult. 

WOD was 12 minute AMRAP of 20 wallballs, 40 single unders, and 200m row.  Highlights, did better stringing longer sets of wallballs together (something I want to get better at).  Lowlights.... I strung more wallballs together.  LOL.  But really, my depth felt shallow, need to get some feedback on that.  Also didn't have my favorite jump rope today, so my singles were really bad.  Only got through 3 full rounds before and started on the 4th set of wallballs before time was up.  Not terrible, but not quite 'the final ball' as they say in soccer. 

After it's all said and done, I'm a sweaty mess, but in good spirits.  People are starting to leave, the 0630 class is starting to go, and Jessica was like "who wants to run a mile?"  I audibly LOL'd and pointed to everyone else.  No one took her up on it, so I was like tell ya what, I'll row a mile, she said yes, that works.  Dang it!!  She told me that she was trying to get some extra cardio work in, she's plateaued on the scale and thinks some extra sweating will be good for her... probably good for me as well, so lets do it. 

Off we go... and man, around 300m, I really didn't want to be doing this anymore.  I had to fight to get through this.  Every few hundred meters, I wanted to quit, and had to talk myself into keeping going.  Almost there.  Halfway there.  No, now you're halfway there.  No, NOW you're actually half way there... Things like that.  I stopped pulling 3 times for a few seconds to catch my breath, it's been a while since I've gone that far.  Even with the breaks I took, I manged to beat everyones time on the rower.  Still have some skill on the rower it seems, but my capacity isn't where it was when I was PRing my 1000m's.  6:57 was the time on the rower.  Not terrible, but I should be able to do better... might start rowing a mile after every WOD... we'll see. 

Only downside to working out in the morning... body is primed to sweat.  Been sweating all morning man.  After the shower.  Getting dressed.  Driving.  Walking into work... it's been rough.  Worst part though, I didn't take a towel for my seat or seatbelt this morning, so I smelled that all the way into the office, and I smell the sweat now... #lessonlearned    Eww.  Alright, time to get to work. 

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