Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How's the sugar detox coming?

Alright... so this whole detox thing didn't go as planned.  LOL.  I'm to blame.  I think I took too big a swing, and my heart wasn't fully in it.  I did get what I wanted to get from it though, and that was getting back off of diet DP.  Was drinking a lot of it suddenly, so I needed to hop back off of that ride.  All good now.  The food hasn't been great, but it hasn't been that awful either.  Still need to find someones journal who's been eating on this N8tive ketosis diet, so I can mimic.  Some of these folks have had some great results in a month, and I want those results.  I'm still loving the mental benefits, the reduced inflammation, and sharpness I've gotten from Keto//OS, but now I want to see the weight loss benefits as well.

Saturday and Sunday we're pretty lax in my house.  Didn't do a whole lot of extra running around this week.  Did get the fittest man in KS to help me move a couch (don't know if I mentioned that in my last blog).  Thats pretty cool.  Almost killed him though, that part wasn't cool.  Cat allergies... though, in my limited defense, he mentioned them on the way over, and then said, nah, don't worry, we'll just go quick.  Then we got stuck...  another story for another day.  LOL

Anyway, moving on... I cherry picked the heck out of Mondays WOD.  It was heavy squats, then an AMRAP that had a segment of 30 wallballs.  I'm just now getting back to my feet following last Thursday, I didn't want to set myself up for a rough week, so I skipped it.  Tuesday was forecast to be much kinder to my posterior chain.  I'm sure I'll pay for the squats on Thursday... when we squat some more.  :) 

Did a fair variety of things at the box today, I'm on lunch, so I've got to be quick and can't get terribly specifics right now.  There was the warmup, which is always a good time, am I right?  We did an EMOM of pullups, and then an 2MOM of "more difficult" pullups.  Meant me having a band, then lowering the band...  Love that I'm using the bands now... feels better than the ring rows.  After that bit, we tackled a tabata of hollow rocks.  I didn't think I could get that tired, that quickly from hollow rocks... but, just like the squats, I had a movement redefinition, and now things are harder.  Good news all around, making things more difficult, but man it made this my least favorite part of todays WOD.  I don't really like stopping mid way through, or coming up short in the 20 seconds of work part. 

Next up was an 5 minute AMRAP of 8 bent over rows at a given weight (I used a very light 75), and then 4 bar over burpees.  IDK what my problem is, but those burpees were worse than normal.  I should have been just jumping up to my feet easily, but I couldn't find the extra juice button... did a few stepping up and down burpees... ug!

All this wonderful work transitioned into 8 minutes of escalating density training.  The non technical description is doing one movement till you can't do it as fast or as well as when you started, then immediately transitioning to another movement, and when you hit that same wall, you go back to the first movement.  Hang high pull, and push presses.  8 minutes.  My triceps are toast right now.  I mean my shoulders/traps are sore too, but my triceps took the brunt of this somehow.  8 minutes felt like a long time.... super spicy.

Follow up items from this are:  Measuring that GD RX jump rope.... still.  Getting protein for post workout recovery (looking at WheyCO out of DE).  Get a better diet plan.

Actually, the diet is looking good this week.  Mrs made some paleo breakfast and lunch meals, so that should go a long way to keeping me on the straight and narrow.  Very thankful for that.  Might not need the ketosis stuff if I'm eating paleo with extra fat... will keep you informed either way.

Came back to update it... this "enchilada" paleo stuff is pretty good.  Looks like cauliflower, hamburgers, some peppers... not sure what else.   

Another thing, this month of shoulder work... had me carrying myself differently... I feel like I was walking around shrugged up a little in the shoulders, so now, I actively try to keep my shoulders down, while keeping everything else right... something I learned form a month of shoulder mobility work in class.  Good times!


  1. EDT is the best! I just got into it. It's amazing the results and the time savings that I get out of it. One thing that was hard was tracking the sets and reps (as you move so fast), so after searching, and not finding an app to help with it, I created my own. I just launched it 7 days age. Check it out at http://splitworkout.com. Feedback would be awesome.

    1. Man... EDT sucks. I think the results speak for themselves, but woof!

      App looks nice my man. Clean and efficient, can't ask for more than that.
