Friday, September 18, 2015

Feel like I got hit by a car...

Man, I'm a lucky dude.  The CrossFit Team Series has been going on (link here) and I happen to know and worked out with two of the 15 teams going into week 2.  I've got Madison Freeman and Taylor Williamson (from On Track and Establish), who were mentioned in the linked article by name, and then my girls Gia and Jaimie, along with Vinny Casey from CF Diamond State are in the hunt as well...   Really cool, considering Gia is the whole reason I'm even in CrossFit like I am.  Super proud of her and their team, and Mads and Taylors team as well.  Some people might read this and be like big whoop, I work out with <insert CF star here>.   Hey man/woman, thats great for you.  None of the boxes I worked out at had named CF athletes at any time... and weren't famous, so to start and go to these places, and see them get better as athletes and go compete, is pretty cool.  #groundfloor

Speaking of lucky though, had to move a couch, and was able to swing CrossFits fittest man in Kansas to help me out.  Think about that... recognized as the fittest CrossFitter in the state, and he's helping me move furniture.   #functionalfitness at it's finest.  Thanks for the help Brian. 

I hurt.  I woke up with the alarm at 0600, and man alive I didn't want to get out of bed.... actually, I wasn't going to get out of the bed, but the longer I laid there, half asleep, the longer I was able to goad myself into going in today.  So sore.... fundamentally changing my entire squat mechanics has had devastating effect on the rest of my body.  I mean I'm sure Cindy did her part too, but woweee.  Tomorrow is going to be brutal.  Feel like I've been in a car wreck... ug

So, what did I drag myself into?  45 minutes of 'cardio' day.  We had some sort of warmup, but then we got to bidness.  Lots of rounds of stuff... I can't remember it all, cause I didn't do it all.  LOL.  Just didn't get to it.  So... I was super sore getting there, and it took a while to work through that.  First bit was 3 rounds of 400m row, 21 Russian KBs, and 15 ring rows.  The ring rows slayed my hand today... hurt good... well bad actually... not the good hurt.  Anyway, I've been using a lax ball, and my hand is getting better... not sure what the black magic of the lax ball is doing, but I'll roll some more today for sure. 

Next up was 4 rounds of 15 abmat situps and 15 American KB swings.  Brah.  These situps were abnormally difficult.  The last two round I stopped waaaaaay too much.  I'm talking at least twice... and they're just situps... but man they were hurting.  I think part of my overall situp problem is just the fact that I don't breath very well during situps.  The KB swings weren't all that fun either.  LOL

Next set was 5 rounds of 200m row and 12 hang power cleans at 95#.  This one was difficult for the right reasons.  I had a few times during the cleans where I felt really good... really on point.  Looking back, I may have had the bar so far out in front of me that (in a bad way) that I didn't feel it on my stomach... and that might have been why they felt so good... less friction.  idk, but there were a few that felt perfect... and those were fast.  The rest were a concentrated effort... and there were even a few that were plain awful.  Taking the good with the bad here.

Last round I got into was a 6 rounder of 10 wallballs and 20 double unders.  I really didn't want to do this one... more squats.  Noooooooooo.  First set had me break it up, then I went for the jumprop.  Someone swiped my preferred rope again, so I grabbed this other one... and it wasn't right for me at all... I think I actually jumped over it 4 time...  tried to jump over it 20.   Next set of WBs was decent, only dropped it once.  Next set up jumping... I tried once more, didn't get over the rope... said forget it.  I just stood there and jumped 20 times.  LOL.  Don't judge me.  hahahaha.  Got tired of that rope man... it was it or me. 

Took that attitude into the last set of WBs I had time for.  Spectacular.  I'm not sure on the depth, but I strung all 10 together... amazing what you can do when you push yourself (coming up on time).

At time, almost everyone was on the floor.  I was too scared of not being able to get back up (I'm semi serious here), so I immediately started cleaning up.   Got that done, and I bounced.  I wasn't very happy with my performance, but the sweat that was freely flowing down my face (forgot my headband...), was evidence that I did something right. 

My only real gripe with getting up early, is the fact that I sweat for what seems like hours afterward.  This is me, on my way to the office (notice the collard shirt)... ridiculous. 

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