Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sleep, you need it

Wow.  The difference a day can make.  Short story, if I didn't already tell you, my phone was on the fritz.  Whats that mean to you and this blog, quite a bit actually.  If it wasn't on the fritz, we'd be talking about todays WOD.  Instead, I'm telling you about how the phone kept me from getting solid sleep, and how important solid sleep is to you. 

I'm wasted right now.  Not drunk, but still wasted.  I slept like a new born last night, up, looking at the clock every few minutes, trying to make sure I didn't miss my alarm (which happens to be my phone...most dependable thing I take with me, till last night).  So with 3 hours of rest after Cindy, and a days worth of work, I'm close to useless.  It sucks, I don't like missing WODs for anything less...no, scratch that, I don't like missing them at all, and having to miss one cause I didn't get enough sleep...sucks.  Avoidable under most normal circumstances anyway.

Sleep is super important to your body, particularly if you're doing something crazy like CrossFit.  I don't have a bunch of research or ready links to prove it to you, but my coach said in an email today that it's "so so so important".  The Paleo Solution also  references the importance of sleep regardless of what you're doing.  Hormonal balance, recovery, general well being... sleep is where it's at, so guard it like it's the key to unlocking your success, because it is. 

Other thoughts...and it's more of an open question.  After these workouts, I find myself wobbling a bit... wobbling might not be the right word, but I walk with a different gait than if I don't workout...we'll call it the workout wobble for now.  Does that affect anyone else?  Maybe it's just me. 

Thats all I've got today, I'm going to bed nice and early, going to get lots of sleep, you should get some sleep too.


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