Monday, April 28, 2014

Miracles do happen!

Man alive, what a day....what a weekend.  If you didn't read the last blog post, my knee was messed up.  I mean limping, stairs hurt, popping it in and out (I assume) of place... Strange things.  Painful too.  Went to my man "The Chiropractor" aka @IAmTheHealer on Twitter, and had him adjust the back and look at the knee.  Some subluxation adjustments, and we're moving again.  Still sore, but better.  Rest of the weekend, more limping around, still in pain, but it's getting better with rest and supplements.  At least thats what I'm thinking. 

Monday morning rolls around.  Not enough sleep, but I'm felling MUCH better, still a slight twinge, but nothing like the weekend.  Slept on the plane over, dealt with the stresses of work, got to the hotel, changed, on my way to Great Clips.  Did he say Great Clips?  Yup, sure did, hair...what I've got left, was too long, needed a buzz.  Knee was still kinda wonky all day, thought tonight would be ok at least, was going to talk to Coach Gia @CFDiamondState about lower impact solutions, maybe shed some tears, get a "aww poor baby" or something.  Well, I pull up to Great Clips, step out of the rental, and low and behold, I can walk.  Normal.   No pain.  Zip, zero, stingy with... sorry, song lyrics.  But wow, no pain, no limp, nada.  Now I'm actually more worried, I mean why on earth am I "normal" now? 

Haircut is over, I'm at the box, still no pain when I get inside.  Don't know to be relieved or scared, so I'm a bit of both.  Talk to a few of the coaches, including Gia, and they all have the mindset of why look a gift-horse in the mouth (old saying, look it up if you don't know it/get it).  The optimism was also tempered with common sense, talked to coach, agreed to ramp down the impact stuff to the knee as a precaution. 

Workout tonight.  Rowing instead of running for me, some frankensteins, cow grazers, hollow rocks, etc.  Unlike everyone else, I still get nice and sweaty during warmups, I've gotten used to it, but it's still a little irritating when I'm the only one sweating and breathing hard.  Guess thats how it goes when  you do what I did to get here... oh well.  This week we start a 12 week "Hatch Squat" training cycle.  Laymans terms, squats, lots of them.  I wont bore you with my numbers, but they aren't  impressive in weight form, unless you count my body mass too...then thats some crazy squats.

Weights are over, time for METCON (metabolic conditioning for you noobies).  21-15-9.  Box jump burpees, then wall-ball situps.  The burpess are what you think, hands to the ground, kick your feet back, chest hits the ground, pop tall....then you do a box jump.  HAHAHA...yeah, thats what everyone else did.  Dan here had to replace the jump with a step up.  Part of the modifications that any good coach will make with you to help you get there, one movement at a time.  Around the time I got to number 10, it's now 2+ minutes in, coach sees I'm dying, I've now been given a was 7, but we'll get there.  Got to my 12 burpee step ups.  I'm gassed, winded, sucking on air instead of breathing, time for the situps.  Now big as I am, situps aren't near as hard as you would think, my core is strong...just covered in lots of soft tissue.  These situps though, with the ball... as I bring the ball to the wall...all the air gets pushed out of my lungs.  Breathing is now all I want to do, slow'd down cause I can only do a few before I have to stop and gasp for air.  I get my 12, and people are already starting their thirs set...I don't realzie this, in my mind I'm just behind them.  So I get to work on my 9.  They're painful, I struggling to kick my legs back, getting up is rough, it's all around misery.  I'm done, wall-balls, sucking wind, I'm getting done.  I don't know how much time is left, but I know I'm going to be last, don't care, going to get done.  I stand up to do my last seven, somewhere mercy smiles upon me, it's been knocked to six. 

I'm bent over on my knees.  Gia is beside me now.  C'mon Dan six more, you've got this, get down.  I start my first one, now I'm down, I'm getting back up, I hear more people around me, I don't look up to see who it is, I do my box step-up.  Getting ready for two, peripheral vision catches several people around me...cheering me on.  In my mind I'm thinking I've got this, go away, and I might have said it...if I could breath.  DOWN.  I get down, I'm frustrated now, but determined, I lift my hands up and slap the ground, the forming crowd around me takes this as a good sign.  The cheering gets louder.  UP DAN, GET UP!  I rise!  I'd love to tell you this is pretty, but I'm in survival mode, and I've got the entire box around me.  Mortified, but determined, and everyone wants to see me can you not love this.  I'll spare you my anguish, but I hit all 6, and got my 6 wall balls in.  I'm sitting up, people are giving me high fives while I sit there fighting for air.  I feel great, I feel terrible, I, I, I don't care, I finished, and thats what matters.  Supported all the way by my new CrossFit family, couldn't be happier.  

The whole time I'm over here going through this, a brand new Elements class is sitting/standing against the wall.  What is going through their minds, I don't know.  What I suspect is my ordeal has just shown them everything they need to know about Diamond State CrossFit.  It's hard, you'll be challenged, and everyone will support you to the very end.  If I haven't said it before, I'll say it now, this was the best place I could have landed, and I'm thankful for Gia and Co. taking me in, and pushing me to greater things. 

It's time for bed now, need to get at least 7 hours, and I'm looking at just under 8, so I've got to go.  I hope this inspires you 

Trying some social media hashtaggery, maybe get some more people looking at this, maybe inspire someone...maybe it's you.  I hope it is. 

#crossfit #diamondstate #workout #justdoit

IDK, 4 is enough for now, it's sleep time.  Happy Monday!



  1. This is incredible, Dan. I love when people put their thoughts in black and white for everyone to be inspired by. Keep doing what you're doing! CFDS loves having you!

  2. It was an incredible experience. They all have been, and so I share. Still trying to figure this blogging thing out, hopefully we can reach the masses together.
    Side note: I wondered when someone from CFDS (noted, think I've been putting it as DSCF) would find this :) Thanks for being a great motivator and coach!
