Friday, April 29, 2016

Quick and easy

Man, I'm tired.  Yesterday was a lighter WOD, but then I kissed normal sleep goodbye with a marathon FIFA session.... don't judge me :P

And then I waited two more days to start writing again...

So, what had happened was... Squats.  I finally hit 20 in a row, no re-rack.  It was only the bar, but now I've done something for 20 reps.  Tonight, there is 20 reps again, for the final time, and I'm going to put some weight on the bar tonight and see what I can do for 20. 

The other thing we did was a 4 rounder of 6 sumo deadlifts at 185, and this this weird clockwise lunge...  so picture a clock, and keeping one foot planted, hit all 12 hand s of the clock.  Then do it again, counterclockwise, with the other leg. 

Like I said, and easy enough day.  Tonight, I'm going to hit that 20 again for more weight, and the rest of the stuff looks a bit like fluff, so I'm going to do some regular DL's, some presses, and some cleans. 

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