Monday, April 25, 2016


About all that stuff Denis went over on Friday... yeah, got to do it first hand myself today.  These deadbugs hurt my quads... makes me wonder if I'm not doing it right... I know just the guy to ask ;)

This is going to be quick, I've got some strife to take care of, and frankly wasn't going to write tonight, but I was browsing back posts, looking for a photo...finally found it in the cloud.  Go fig.

We had 18 minutes of Tabata like hell.  I don't remember the times, but it was something like 2 minutes max effort strict pullups (which have fallen off in 6 months of neglect... go fig... again).  Then 30 sec on 30 off of wallballs, then more pullups, then burpees at that 30 on 30 off clip, and then one last 2 minute stretch of max effort pullups.

After that, it was a simple 12 minute AMRAP of rowing and situps.

Fun, but happy it's over.  Strained my tricep on my right arm I feel.  Pulling with all your might can do that... especially when all your might isn't enough, even with a band ;)

Now... I get to experience my first in box fight.  Teams 6 weeks out from Regionals, and two of the top people are off the team, and it's drama drama drama.  Very sad to see.  Don't think it will split the box, but two Alphas are going at it, so it's probably going to get messier before it gets better.  At this point is probably best to sit back and watch, rather than take sides.

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