Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Holy squatbox batman

'nother quicky type update.

This is the second time I've done this programed workout.  It shows up every 5 days. 20 minutes, 12ish back squats, 300ish meter run.  Won't go into the specifics, but I'm using more weight AND doing more good reps.  In a word, progress.  Didn't run this time, did the row... might have been a mistake, not sure.  Had a pain under my right ribs, not sure what it was, but it ached while rowing.  Maybe my lungs are trying to grow? 

Next bit was a 10 minute AMRAP of 15 walking lunges with a plate, and16 Ruski KB swings.  There was only so much room, so I just did lunges in place.  What killed me was the KB swings.  My quads exploded from that effort.  Not my back, not my hammys, no, it was the quads.  The lunges were enough to beat them up, and then the KB swings finished them off. 

Last 10 minute AMRAP was 15 sit ups, 10 airsquats, 5 box jump burpees.  I tried to rush to get one more lunge in over the last AMRAP, and half fell half not, but it tightened up my back something fierce.  I got through one round of sit ups and squats, then proceeded to stretch and roll out.  Sucks, I actually wanted to do these burpees today.  Trying to work on getting my feet closer to my hands, and closer together as well.   There will be another day, so it's not a big loss, plus as beatup as the quads were today, this would have been the coup de grace. 

Sadly this means I missed a good post WOD of 500m row with 50 double unders, also for 10 minutes.   

This workout leaves me with two goals.  One, get some traps to rest the back on for squats.  Second, I want to start rowing a mile a day.  1600m.  Work up to that 5k I keep talking about. 

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