Wednesday, January 6, 2016


I'm back.  Past month has been nothing short of disastrous from a fitness standpoint.  I'd bare my soul if it would help... blunt talk, I was lazy, unmotivated, and scared.

To expand on that, I wasn't enjoying the workouts Brian had setup for me.  I worked out in the cold, dark side of the box (it's walled off, basically a whole separate gym).  I was there to stay out of the way of the morning classes, and to muffle the music ol' boy likes to play (that I can't stand).  So I'm cold, I'm a little bored, and on top of all that, I'm not fully commited.  To make all that worse, I kept showing up with the expectation of a workout that would last 1 hour.  Of all the things I had going against me, this was the worst.  Nothing like starting a workout, and having it seem to go long, even though it's not.  I skipped things early and often trying to fit a non hour long workout into an hour long space. 

Ok, thats the unmotivated part.  Lazy speaks for itself, when it speaks at all.  Scared, that's the other big one.  Getting hurt sucks.  Re-hurting/injuring the same spot multiple times can make anyone gun shy.  I've been "taking it easy" for a while now, possibly too long... all on the fear that I might not be ready.

Well, I'm done being scared.  (done being lazy and unmotivated as well). 

5pm class here I come!  I actually thought it was at 530, but apparently thats only on Fridays.  Oops.  Been a while since I've done an evening class.  As it was, I was 15 minutes late, and just jumped in.  Missed the warmup, missed stretching, missed everything that I should have been doing for probably the last 30 minutes... I mean, it's my first WOD in 2ish month... and I just jumped right into it.  LOL. 

3 rounds of 3 minutes of +3 hang cleans and situps.  +3 being you start with 3 and 3, then 6 and 6 and so on.  1 minute rest between rounds.  Went LIGHT at 75lbs.  Felt good, probably could have done 95, but like I said, it's the first WOD in months, I'm trying to make it back again this week right.  After the last round, we got a minutes rest, and then it was straight to 3 minute AMRAP of wallballs.  THIS I could have stood to have some stretching before hand.  I felt all sorts of things tweak, creak, and groan.  No idea how many I did, not enough, but more than had I not been there.  We'll call that progress.

The last bit of the WOD was 7 minutes to find a heavy hang clean.  I don't, or didn't have a hang clean PR listed when I checked, so 145 is now it.  I got tired, and my 155 attempt wasn't very convincing, but 145 is a solid start for me.

So thats it.  That was about 30 minutes of workout.  Not a full WOD, but certainly the meat of it.  I ended up sitting down after I cleaned up my mess... I'm pretty sure my body was in shock.

Talked to a few coaches, caught up with a few folks, then I left.

Important thing to note.  I missed the warm ups in the beginning, and didn't roll out at the end.  Sitting here this morning, typing this up, I'm more upset that I didn't roll out afterwards.  My calf had a slight twinge as I walked out, and I should have beat it up with a foam roller, stick, and lax ball... it's fine today, but it is something I'll be watching. 

Ok, 2015 was a mixed bag.  Got to some of my goal lifts, failed miserably on others.  I lost capacity (especially with 3-4 months basically off), and I missed my weight loss goal by a country mile.  In fact, I think the scales may have gone the other way slightly.  :( 

So my goals are the same as last year.  Weight loss and lift gainz.  I'm going to try to incorporate Concept2's daily workout's into my fitness plan a few times a week, as some extra rowing.  I'm also going to try to get back on a low sugar, mostly paleo diet.  Thats not off to the best start tooooday, but it will get better.  I left my lunch at home you see...

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