Where to start...I guess we'll just dive into the WOD. Did some stretching, some no weight bearing movements for the METCON, things like that, did some deadlifts, then we moved onto an EMOM
12 Min EMOM
odd – 4 Hang Power Cleans
even – 5 HSPU strict
Coming in, I thought the HSPU was going to be something like a high sumo pull or something. No no my friend, thats hand stand push up. This was a brutal 12 minutes. I know you get to rest between sets, but I was sweating like I was knee deep in a METCON. Stopping here would have been good enough for me....but no, this is CrossFit, there's no stopping here.
Just for Jeff Newton, I tossed the weights towards the end, thought you'd be proud :P
For Time
Row 1000m
-rest 2mins
10 TGU 46/36
10 burpee MU/Pull-ups
100 Double Unders
10 wall walks
10 burpee MU/Pull-ups
-rest 2mins
Row 1000m
Took me 28 minutes. And that was with there being scaled movements and numbers. The rowing was rowing...I my first "oh boy" at like 300m.... hit a few more after that. Made my 1000, and it was under my previous best time by about 20 seconds. Improvements already. The TGUs (Turkish Get Ups) are a spectacular movement. If you can do this already with the Rx weight... you're in pretty good shape in my opinion. I was doing them with what I believe was 10 lbs kettle bell...and by the second one on each arm, my form...was not there. YouTube it. I had to finish up with no kettle bell to keep everything right...very technical, very hard. Rx'ing that move like a champ will be a great day. Burpee Muscle Ups/Pull-ups...or ring row's if you're me...I'm getting better on these burpee things. Used to be 2, and I was out of it, and around 4 or 5, I would basically inchworm my self back to standing. I can now do 4 before I'm taxed and around 6 or 7 before it becomes inchworming like. One day at a time.
Double Unders seemed like a good sport for a paragraph break...can't have large blocks of text... Didn't do these. LOL. Still need to get a rope so I can practice at home. I did 16" step ups. 25 of them...which isn't exactly the same, but like anyone in CrossFit will tell you, scaling is part of the game. Now, wall walks...these are up there with TGU's as far as it being a great day when I can Rx it. This ended up being inch worms... probably should have done them backwards in retrospect... more burpees! K, by this point I've sweated through both shirts, my batter body has left behind sweat outlines that looked like this:
Felt like that too... Last 1000m rowing. Ok, dig deep. At least thats what I'm telling myself. I would say it was more like a sprint walk than a constant. Everything hurt, but for the most part I kept a solid pace, stopping a few times to catch my breath and just rest. Last 100m I gave it everything. Deep breaths, violent pulls, I probably looked like I was going places. Done. I tried to get my feet out...cramps in both calves...guess we're going to sit here for a second. I finally notice the time. 501. Thats 10 seconds longer than the first 1000m, but 10 seconds off my first time that I posted at CFDS (checked on Wodify). GAINS! Small measurable, but it's an improvement, a lot like losing 10 lbs. It's not a lot, but it's a start.
Met a few new people tonight. Coach Adrian (sp?)...from Philly no less... which is funny because A, who doesn't like saying "Yo, Adrian" in a Rocky Balboa accent, and B, Philly is right by Delaware...K, maybe it's just funny to me...
Dinner was a nice deal, not fully paleo, but it was leftover chicken santa fe something or other over wheat pasta...some raw veggies from an assortment tray, and a couple of frozen grapes. Why does this matter, I'm not sure, sharing to share at this point.
Quick thoughts:
Kind words cost you nothing, so if you see someone giving it 100%, they deserve your goodwill and support. Think of it as a pay it forward imitative.
Over 1000 page views. Mini-milestone of sorts. So thank you.
Some of you may have heard of BallSoHard University. We need a WODsohard University. Lets get this on some shirts, hoodies, etc.
Thats all I've got, have a great one!
I slammed some weights yesterday! It was glorious! Hope all is well
ReplyDeleteAll is well sir. I think I've given myself a halfass rule that it has to be over 100lbs before I'm going to let it go with any authority. LOL. I was close with the power snatch yesterday though....