First thing, before all others, if you've never CrossFitted before, or if you have done it before, this link will make perfect sense...its really sums up the experience nicely... put me out of a job if I keep hyping other people.... anyway. 5 stages of CrossFit
Yesterday, no blog. No WOD either. I like to get 3 in a row in, but between the sleep dep, lack of water, and everything else, I mailed it in. It's not that I thought it was overly difficult (I mean they're all challenging, but it wasn't something crazy), but just because I could, probably doesn't mean I should. I ended up taking 2 naps yesterday anyway....took one today to....sleep bank must have been empty....
So, cherry picking you say? Yes, it's a negative connotation in every sense of the word, unless you actually pick cherries for a living, then it's cool. Cherry pickers (if you're unfamiliar with the term), are people who pick and choose what WODs they go to. If you happen to look at the WOD before deciding to go to the box, you might be a cherry picker. I was debating going today myself, truth be told. There were sprints, wall walks, rope climbs, all things I'm getting better at, but I'm not there yet. I thought about it... then Establish put this on social media...I don't know that it shamed me into going or not...but it did it's job, and I showed up.
Fine. I'll go do your stupid workout... jeeze.
Actually, it was a rough one for me, I knew I'd end up going, but when they start calling out cherry I had to. It's a pride thing. So, I get in the car, and I pick the perfect song to start the drive, because it fit. "Reluctantly crouched at the starting line..." If you know it, you know what I'm talking about, if not, well, you know how I like Google, time to search.
Anyway, so I'm reluctant to go to this:
Running Form and Good Mechanics
10 x 40m Sprints
Walk is your rest
For Time
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
-Wall Walk
-Squat Clean 225/135
-Rope Climb 15′
I hate running 400's. Sprinting the equivalent At least it's not mid summer. I ran the first 4. After that it was debating being manly and trying to die, or breathing. I chose life. Momma, you'd be proud. Anyway.... ended up doing 7 I think. Small step back, only one other person showed up for the WOD....cherry pickers indeed... anyway, she killed it, nothing like getting beat by a girl... LOL. It's ok, I'm not prideful of that so much anymore, cause there are some awesome female athletes that do this crazy stuff, and make it look easy. I'll get there too, one WOD at a time. Good things come to those who sweat.
The WOD. Another PR of sorts today...didn't even try wall walks last week. "Knew" I couldn't do it. I also know I'm better than that, and can do more. So I tried it... didn't fall flat on my face either. I basically got to where my arms are fully extended, my head is between my shoulders/arms, and I'm some distance up the wall (no idea where). Better than nothing, we'll see if I can't actually get some arm walking back next time. (CFE coaches...thats your cue, remind me).
Squat cleans....the very thing I recently praised Jaimie about... I'm still mental about some things...the fear is a block I need to get's like a useless crutch. I tired to do it, but I'm still scared about messing up. I'm real mental about getting my form right, for better or worse. Probably come to an open gym soon, just to work on form. Another useless crutch, not doing it right every time... sorry, I can talk that way to myself, I've said worse.... anyway, so these ended up being power cleans, and then a front squat...more work, but good work.
Rope climb. I've never in my life climbed a rope. I remember trying to climb a rope ladder, and pushing the rungs soooo far out from under the ladder, I couldn't climb it. The things we carry with us... The first alternative is to lay flat on the floor, then with just your arms and keeping straight legs, pull yourself up. I don't think I'm strong enough for that yet...lower body is a growing powerhouse, but my chest arm and back are a work in progress....on to ring rows.
Did this whole progression 5-4-3-2-1, and I made sure to at least try to walk up the wall once or more each time. Don't care for the new and improved pushup mechanic I've got... so, got done with the whole thing, covered in sweat, and happy.
Cooldowns... you should really look at doing these after your WOD. Was talking with Jordan, and he told me a story, painted a picture if you will. When he was at regional, he said that after the workouts, he saw every elite athlete on a rower or some other machine for 20-30 minutes, getting their heart rates back down gradually.... his sentiment is my sentiment, if the elite people are doing it, maybe it's a good idea I start doing it. This may become a soapbox for me later, fair warning. s
Eating...I've let a little bit too much bread creep back into my diet. The ease of making a PB sammich (and thats how I'm going to spell it, hope it drives you nuts :P), makes cooking/microwaving seem tedious. I'm inherently lazy...but I'm getting better, you'll see. And, it's not like I put jelly on there.... still no dairy, and with the fact my kid loves milk and cheese, I see this stuff...stuff I used to LOVE, sitting there. Some days are harder than others, but I'm going to keep that one going no matter what. Almond milk anyone? #dairyhack
Pinterest is a cool place, don't have an account, don't log-in, but lots of you beautiful people do... had this messaged to me on FB, and it's one of two positive thoughts I'll leave you with tonight...
I wanted to put he picture in here, but this format is awful choosy about that stuff... I've got 1000 words to describe it to you...don't need them all. It said...actually, it doesn't look good written. Clicky here.
Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't.
Keep moving forward,
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