I've already broken my Paelo diet. Not in a "I just ate a plate of supreme nachos"...that does sound good right now...but no, I got some Myoplex, had one for dinner, and having one for breakfast now. Didn't feel like ordering room service last night or eating eggs this morning, and the alternatives, while super tasty, aren't what I need. If you're wondering whats in that stuff...here is a fancy link, like I said, it's not Paleo, but I don't think it's a bad move. CLICKY HERE And as a bonus, it's "100% Banned substance tested"...now it doesn't actually say it's banned substance free, but I think thats what they're going for, so the CrossFit games blood testers should find you clean, no doping here. Or at least I hope, I make no guarantees for products not made in my kitchen.
HEY!! Pay attention. Read. Follow the instructions. Simple things really, but I had an issue with it in last nights WOD. While warming up for Push Press (5x3 @ 75% of 1RM), Mark and I were doing 5 reps of weights to build up to our respective 75% or 1RM. When I hit my 75%, I kept doing 5 movements instead of 3. Wasn't till the after the 3rd one that I (maybe both of us) realized it was just 3. Oops. LOL. You read, pay attention, and follow the instructions, you can avoid extra work...just sayin'.
We did some of that flex ball work again tonight, and lots of banded stretching... I should have known this was going to leave me sore like this...hindsight being 20/20 anyway. The weight lifting wasn't so bad, never is. I think I've found my favorite activity, lifting weights. Might change when I start butting up against my max numbers, but I expect those to keep rising for a while still. Lets get on to METCON. I told coach Laura afterwards that I thought this workout was worse than Cindy. That may be a bit premature, but this workout was wicked tough for me. Here are the deets:
partner WOD: 2 rounds
28 push press
28 box jump overs
28 barbell step ups (same as push press)
400m weighted medball run
28 toes to bar
28 alternate arm kb snatches
28 thrusters
Now, I'm reading this at work yesterday, and I'm thinking great, two things I'm not quite at a proficient level at, box jumps, and running. I expect the box jumps to come along much sooner than the running, I could be very wrong. Whats this? I look back at the top of the METCON. Partner WOD huh? Cool, I just need to find someone who's cool running and box jumping, and I'll take an extra one or two of the weights, call it a fair swap. The plans of mice and men... found out both athletes have to do the run. !@#$ Now I know I'm going to really hammer someones time, bring it down from where it rightly should be. I feel bad for them, but I'm also angry at myself for having gotten to this point physically. Time to partner up, not sure who it's going to be, coaches are assigning some pairs... my man Dustin Simmons steps up to the plate, hell, he volunteered, picked me. Dustin was the first person I'd worked out with as far as sharing a barbell and doing a movement. First guy at CFDS I got to know a little bit...idk, it's a weird thing to bond over... whatever. I'm happy to have Dustin, he's good people.
So this was an beatdown of large, nearly epic proportions. We split everything in half. 14 each(I mean fairs fair). More push presses first. At about half the weight I did for my 75%, this wasn't so bad. Box overs...yeah, I stepped up and over. Jumping...while looking hard, looks funner (more fun) than stepping over the box. Barbell step ups...similar to what I was just doing, but with more weight. Still not dying, but huffing a little, sweating a lot. Whats next? Oh yes, the run. !@#$@! probably more swearing internally than that, but yeah. Whats this, you want me to run with more weight than I'm already carrying... this is probably the best picture to describe the look I gave folks.
To my credit, I jogged (I can't really call it running) a majority of this 400m. I need to lengthen my stride, I know this, but when you're sucking air, the only thing going through your...or my mind, is survive. I can't tell you how much I hate this 400m run stuff. Being dead last sucks, being dead last with someone depending on me...or at least waiting on me to finish before we can move on as a group...I can't really describe it, the words escape me, lots of emotions. One I need to focus on is anger, maybe that will kick my butt into a higher gear next time. Oh yeah, and Dustin, after he finished, like a champ, came back for me. #leavenomanbehind
I'm back, breathless, toes to bar. This is the only exercise we split 14/14 instead of going 7/7/7/7. Hanging from the bar still sucks. Someday it won't be so bad, be nice if someday was tomorrow... On to kettle bell snatches (don't ever call it a kettle ball, people go nuts over that). I've never really done these before, monkey see, monkey do, easy enough. Last thing, thrusters...idk what I was thinking when I told Jeff and Mark earlier. I think I said "oh, those aren't so bad". Not quite famous last words, but damn. We power out the thrusters. We're somewhere around 10 minutes with a 20 minute cap. Crap. Round 2 *ding ding ding*
Push press's are now just thrusters without the squat...and man, this is suddenly not very fun. I feel survival mode (as opposed to beast mode) kicking in. #cantstopwontstop I'm dying now, I feel the energy just falling away, my breathing isn't right, I'm in trouble. Box overs. Nowhere near the zeal of the first set, people are already getting back from their runs... hurry up Dan is what I'm telling myself. Steady pace, done. Barbell step ups. Gasping for air, learn to breath right already dammit. Get done with those, and I'm out of gas. My body is trying to do what my mind is telling it, but it's not cooperating like it should. That phrase that everyones ex has said at one time or another is what I'm telling my body as I head for the door, "we need to talk".... tomorrow. LOL, no time for laughing or talking now. I wish I could tell you I fought the good fight, I wish I could tell you I ran like a fat kid with a 10lb medicine ball... I did jog some, but this wasn't the first 400m. Empty is empty, I walked way more than I wanted to. Didn't stop moving, small consolation. #cantstopwontstop Dustin came back for me again. Takes some real heart to do more than whats asked of you, to help and encourage another person when you're hurting yourself. Another reason to love my peoples here. #diamondstrong #unbreakable
Determination can get you a lot of things, I jogged more at the end than the beginning, I get to that door, put down the ball, hands are now on the med ball on the ground, gulping in air. Pete speaks in a motivational voice (ie, not yelling, not conversational volume, but in between) "C'mon Dan, great job. Now stand up, you'll get more air that way"....or something like that. Survival mode = listen and do, no thinking. I stand up. Just in time for Dustin to finish his toes to bar. No dilly dally here, I get over there, start mine. I'm hearing more of those voices now. "C'mon Dan". "Nice Dan". "You've got it". I've been here before. Dig MF. Guess I'm not completely empty, at least not in the other tanks not labeled running, I find a few more oz of guts.
The last kettle bells are easy enough, I'm just not as silky smooth (read fast) as other folks, but I am in rhythm and have a good pace all the same. Think I found the form finally though, feels right.
Thrusters. "Oh, these aren't so bad" LOL. Yeah, that was the furthest thought from my mind. At this point it's finish strong. My forms is suffering some but I #cantstopwontstop Seven, Severn, Five, Seven, Two. Done. We made it. Dustin looks as gassed as I do...well, not quite, but it's been a hell of a workout. 30 minutes and change. Not quite the 20 minute time cap, but it's a mark on the board. Now to improve it. Always chasing a PR, I plan on ringing that bell more than a few times this summer. #cantwait
Tired? I'm having flashbacks as I write this. Its a new day though, time to look ahead, not behind. This is already long enough, I need to get this laptop fixed asap so I can write these when I'm not at work...tsk tsk. Happy WODding today, half way to the weekend.
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