Five of those days were work....last night I was just a dummy. Went and saw the new X-Men movie with some friends at midnight... got 3 hour of sleep. So today WOD was brutal... but you know what, I'm all smiles. Hell Week is over. No more 12 hour days. No more short nights. Time to make up for lost ground. Yeah.
Back to this 3 hours. I didn't want to go today. No amount of music was going to pump me up. I'm tired, dead tired. It's all muscle memory getting me to the door. This WOD took everything I had, and more. I struggled, my form was terrible, I wanted to quit. I almost did quit. I did take a break during the EMON, but that was really the only rest I took extra. In the end though, I didn't quit, I pushed through...I'm glad I did, so I can say I finished, but thats it. Saturday and Sunday, forget it. I've got sleep to catch up on. A lot of it. '
A. 6 Min EMOM - 4 Hang (Full) Clean
B. 12 Min EMOM
odd – 5 Power Clean Touch and Go
even – 1 MU + 7 ring dips
For Time
-Power Clean 185/110
This entire set, I used 65 lbs. I'm still working on that form. I'm probably going to take a day off soon, just to work on mobility and form...maybe I'll just do it after....I need this fixed. Really not a lot to say about today. Straightforward lifting, pushups, ring rows. Fatigue just made it difficulty...very difficult. I'm tired....have I said that yet? LOL. Tired body tired mind.
Memorial Day is right around the corner, Murph is on most peoples WOD this Monday, are you going to do it? I can tell you if it was tomorrow, I couldn't make it, but with some sleep, and a quality breakfast, I might just do it. See about maybe avoiding the pavement pounding with some deep sea rowing...
I still check that WOD every day... it's like checking the temperature of the Except in CrossFit the forecast isn't hot, it's usually:
If you don't know who, or what that picture represents, show this to someone else, they'll fill you in. It's supposed to be funny, so if you get to friend three or four before you figure it out, give up, because the jokes not going to be very funny...
That's all folks, have a great weekend, we'll talk about this Murph workout on Monday. Expect to be edumicated.
All Smiles
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