Hell na. This stuff is too hard to fake, thats just a waste of energy anyway. Plan B took full effect today. Fail your way to success. I don't know why, but this workout hurt. Not physically...well, not like I'm hurt physically, this one just hit me hard. Might be the heat, think it hit 90 degrees today. Going to be a long summer if thats the case.
Some of you may not have heard that little gem there. Fail your way to success. There are thousands upon thousands of stories of people who failed and failed and failed again before they ever tasted success. Perseverance is a very good quality to have in both business and CrossFit. No one starts off with all the answers and the ability to "print money" in business. Same thing in CrossFit. No one just walks into a CF Open and wins the whole thing. No one comes in knowing everything. Some people come in knowing a little bit, but just as many come in with nothing. You're going to learn, and at times it's going to be painful. You're going to fail. You're going to fail again. You might even fail epically. And then you'll succeed suddenly. Tell you a little secret. Most "overnight success stories" are months to years in the making. You stick with CrossFit long enough, you'll likely turn into an overnight success story.
I'm going to be an overnight success story...in about a year and a half.
Something I've been seeing and hearing from new people (read people about as experienced as me, and newer, some a little older...). What I've been seeing is a lack of respect. WHAT?!?! Yeah man, here, let me tell you what I'm seeing. Actually, let me tell you what I'd like to see. Coaches, I'm sure they have a list of things they're supposed to do, but from my vantage point, they do two things. Kick your ass, and make sure you get your ass kicked safely. I see some of these hard working bastions of CF giving quality instruction, and seeing people seemingly ignore it. I don't know if they're ignoring it outright, or they're so fatigued they can't.
Every coach I've had the good experience to workout with have been awesome. Can't say enough good things about Diamond State, quality. Everyone I've worked out with at Establish has been just as good. Andy and Adrian have been the main two coaches I work with as they cover the evening WODs. I have tremendous respect for them, and have told them outright that if I'm doing it wrong, don't beat around the bush, help me fix it. They've both respected the sport and me by doing just that. Adrian...man Adrian doesn't play either. The past two or three WODs, where my squat form hasn't been the best, he's gotten a box out and is like I want you hitting that. I can appreciate that. I respect that. He wants me to succeed, I want to succeed. Win-win, and thats the only way to play. So when your coaches tell you to straighten up, get lower, use a little less weight, squat to the box, whatever, show them the respect they deserve and listen. Listen and obey actually. They only want the best for you. K, off the soap box.
Today workout...let me ask this first. I've posted what the WOD is, and then spoken to it, and other times I've just talked about it without listing stuff out. Is there a preference? Leave me some comments or mail, I like hearing from you.
Doing the copy paste today.
Front Squat
odd – 10 wall balls
even – 10 T2B
For Time
12, 9, 6, 3
-OHS 115/75#
-Bar over Burpee
-CTB Chin Ups
Front squats... I stretched today, my rack was MUUUCH improved. Gold star moment for me. As we got later into the progression (think it was an EMOM of 8 minutes, 3 reps per minute), I fatigued a bit and lost some form. Didn't have to use a box though :P Take that Adrian. haha. Actually he was just as happy about that as well. Knees are looking better and better.
The 12 minute EMOM of wall balls and toes to bar. This is the first time I've thought that wall balls sucked. When your tired, almost everything sucks. #factoflife On top of everything, I'm slow. I thought surely I'd keep up at wall balls, nope. After the first set, guess who came by. ADRIAN! Surprise...wait, is that a box? Dammit. Oh, not only do you want me to use the box, but my form sucks... great. Coaching received, I'll fix that next round.
I've never liked toes to bar. Hanging my 450+ pound frame from a metal rig... shoulders, hands, let alone doing knee raises. Pain! Bonus though, 7 weeks in, and I think I've got my first CrossFit callouses. These things are like a right of passage. I'm in!
12 minutes can be a long time in CF land. This part gassed me. I wanted to quit after this. The next set of wall balls, I was actually faster, so that was a plus. Still, by the time the last one came, I was on auto pilot. So tired.
METCON! Wait, what? Are you sure. Damn. Overhead Squats, bar over burpees...burpees? ug. Oh, and chest to bar chinups? Great, more ring rows. I knew all this was coming, saw it the day before. I knew this was going to be killer. Didn't cherrypick, I'm taking this and making it my... well, lets not get to far ahead of ourselves...actually, this thing made me it's... uh....unwilling participant in love.
Had weights on the bar for the OHS. Not much, still on this form kick. I think I got 4 or 5 in, before I started to lose it. Bar down, weights off. Better. Instead of 12, I went to 9. I don't know that I'd have finished if I didn't. What followed was like watching a fight in any Rocky movie. Some Bill Conti score playing, and slow motion destruction. I didn't even jump over the bar, I just did burpees. Somewhat to my shame, but again, at this point I'm trying to survive. Make it back to the OHS, after the last one, I think I'm bringing the bar down right...no, droped that sum bitch right on my head....not that I was dropping the bar to the floor, but when I was bringing it down quickly, my head was in the way. I looked around, don't think anyone saw that... they're all busy with this as well. Good. It really got ugly towards the end. When I did the kickout...not sure the real name, but when I kicked my feet out on the last set of burpees, I must have been over some sweat, cause the foot just kept going. If I was fresh, it might have been funnier than it was. I crashed to the ground and just laid there for a good 5 seconds. UP!
By the end, the last ring rows were all I could do to not fall to the floor. Those plates are going to be lovely when they finally develop. I'm spent. I'm struggling to smile and fist bump people. For whatever reason, this workout had my number. Maybe it's the heat? I'm double shirting till I pass out, or get under 400 lbs. It's just a goal and a reward. I don't think I'm going to pass out is what I'm saying.
So recap. Respect, callouses, failing the metcon...I feel like I'm missing something. Oh. I'm a dummy. I mowed the yard after that... sucker for punishment. I think that was the slowest I've ever pushed this mower. Wasn't fun, but just like a wod or other physical activity, once it's over, you feel better. Now I can rest. Someone bring me an ice pack.