Friday, May 30, 2014

Fake it till you make it?

Hell na.  This stuff is too hard to fake, thats just a waste of energy anyway.  Plan B took full effect today.  Fail your way to success.  I don't know why, but this workout hurt.  Not physically...well, not like I'm hurt physically, this one just hit me hard.  Might be the heat, think it hit 90 degrees today.  Going to be a long summer if thats the case. 

Some of you may not have heard that little gem there.  Fail your way to success.  There are thousands upon thousands of stories of people who failed and failed and failed again before they ever tasted success.  Perseverance is a very good quality to have in both business and CrossFit.  No one starts off with all the answers and the ability to "print money" in business.  Same thing in CrossFit.  No one just walks into a CF Open and wins the whole thing.  No one comes in knowing everything.  Some people come in knowing a little bit, but just as many come in with nothing.  You're going to learn, and at times it's going to be painful.  You're going to fail.  You're going to fail again.  You might even fail epically.  And then you'll succeed suddenly.  Tell you a little secret.  Most "overnight success stories" are months to years in the making.  You stick with CrossFit long enough, you'll likely turn into an overnight success story. 

I'm going to be an overnight success about a year and a half. 

Something I've been seeing and hearing from new people (read people about as experienced as me, and newer, some a little older...).  What I've been seeing is a lack of respect.  WHAT?!?!  Yeah man, here, let me tell you what I'm seeing.  Actually, let me tell you what I'd like to see.  Coaches, I'm sure they have a list of things they're supposed to do, but from my vantage point, they do two things.  Kick your ass, and make sure you get your ass kicked safely.  I see some of these hard working bastions of CF giving quality instruction, and seeing people seemingly ignore it.  I don't know if they're ignoring it outright, or they're so fatigued they can't. 

Every coach I've had the good experience to workout with have been awesome.  Can't say enough good things about Diamond State, quality.  Everyone I've worked out with at Establish has been just as good.  Andy and Adrian have been the main two coaches I work with as they cover the evening WODs.  I have tremendous respect for them, and have told them outright that if I'm doing it wrong, don't beat around the bush, help me fix it.  They've both respected the sport and me by doing just that. Adrian doesn't play either.  The past two or three WODs, where my squat form hasn't been the best, he's gotten a box out and is like I want you hitting that.  I can appreciate that.  I respect that.  He wants me to succeed, I want to succeed.  Win-win, and thats the only way to play.  So when your coaches tell you to straighten up, get lower, use a little less weight, squat to the box, whatever, show them the respect they deserve and listen.  Listen and obey actually.  They only want the best for you.  K, off the soap box. 

Today workout...let me ask this first.  I've posted what the WOD is, and then spoken to it, and other times I've just talked about it without listing stuff out.  Is there a preference?  Leave me some comments or mail, I like hearing from you.

Doing the copy paste today.
Front Squat

odd – 10 wall balls
even – 10 T2B

For Time
12, 9, 6, 3
-OHS 115/75#
-Bar over Burpee
-CTB Chin Ups

Front squats... I stretched today, my rack was MUUUCH improved.  Gold star moment for me.  As we got later into the progression (think it was an EMOM of 8 minutes, 3 reps per minute), I fatigued a bit and lost some form.  Didn't have to use a box though :P  Take that Adrian.  haha.  Actually he was just as happy about that as well.  Knees are looking better and better. 

The 12 minute EMOM of wall balls and toes to bar.  This is the first time I've thought that wall balls sucked.  When your tired, almost everything sucks.  #factoflife  On top of everything, I'm slow.  I thought surely I'd keep up at wall balls, nope.  After the first set, guess who came by.  ADRIAN!  Surprise...wait, is that a box?  Dammit.  Oh, not only do you want me to use the box, but my form sucks... great.  Coaching received, I'll fix that next round. 

I've never liked toes to bar.  Hanging my 450+ pound frame from a metal rig... shoulders, hands, let alone doing knee raises.  Pain!  Bonus though, 7 weeks in, and I think I've got my first CrossFit callouses.  These things are like a right of passage.  I'm in!

12 minutes can be a long time in CF land.  This part gassed me.  I wanted to quit after this.  The next set of wall balls, I was actually faster, so that was a plus.  Still, by the time the last one came, I was on auto pilot.  So tired. 

METCON!  Wait, what?  Are you sure.  Damn.  Overhead Squats, bar over burpees...burpees?  ug.  Oh, and chest to bar chinups?  Great, more ring rows.  I knew all this was coming, saw it the day before.  I knew this was going to be killer.  Didn't cherrypick, I'm taking this and making it my... well, lets not get to far ahead of ourselves...actually, this thing made me it's... uh....unwilling participant in love.

Had weights on the bar for the OHS.  Not much, still on this form kick.  I think I got 4 or 5 in, before I started to lose it.  Bar down, weights off.  Better.  Instead of 12, I went to 9.  I don't know that I'd have finished if I didn't.  What followed was like watching a fight in any Rocky movie.  Some Bill Conti score playing, and slow motion destruction.  I didn't even jump over the bar, I just did burpees.  Somewhat to my shame, but again, at this point I'm trying to survive.  Make it back to the OHS, after the last one, I think I'm bringing the bar down, droped that sum bitch right on my head....not that I was dropping the bar to the floor, but when I was bringing it down quickly, my head was in the way.  I looked around, don't think anyone saw that... they're all busy with this as well.  Good.  It really got ugly towards the end.  When I did the kickout...not sure the real name, but when I kicked my feet out on the last set of burpees, I must have been over some sweat, cause the foot just kept going.  If I was fresh, it might have been funnier than it was.  I crashed to the ground and just laid there for a good 5 seconds.  UP!

By the end, the last ring rows were all I could do to not fall to the floor.  Those plates are going to be lovely when they finally develop.  I'm spent.  I'm struggling to smile and fist bump people.  For whatever reason, this workout had my number.  Maybe it's the heat?  I'm double shirting till I pass out, or get under 400 lbs.  It's just a goal and a reward.  I don't think I'm going to pass out is what I'm saying.

So recap.  Respect, callouses, failing the metcon...I feel like I'm missing something.  Oh.  I'm a dummy.  I mowed the yard after that... sucker for punishment.  I think that was the slowest I've ever pushed this mower.  Wasn't fun, but just like a wod or other physical activity, once it's over, you feel better.  Now I can rest.  Someone bring me an ice pack. 


Thursday, May 29, 2014

King of the ring rows

Thats right, tonight I was King of the Ring Rows!  I keep this up, my back is going to look like I slipped two plates under my shirt.  Plates for you newer folks, are what most people call the weights you put on the ends of your barbells.  So a really big set of back you're up on the joke.  Har right?!

My knees man...went to social media today, got a lot of good advice and product ideas.  Rehband sleeve is the overwhelming product winner.  Order that after next pay day.  Until then, its extra fish oil, the GNC Mega Mens I picked up, and an Ibuprofen regiment.  I have an MRI in my hip pocket if it gets bad, we'll see.  I hope it doesn't come to that...then again, maybe it's best to go ahead and see... decisions decisions.  

Had squats today... rear So got to test the knee a little.  Wasn't that bad from a weight perspective, form was a little shaky.  Remembering to lift the toes so I stay on my heels made a BIG difference.  Thanks for the tips coaches.  Did enough to warm up the knees so they were good and ready for more, but we didn't do more.  Almost disappointed.  Have to see how I feel tomorrow...they've already released the WOD...front squats and lots of other "fun" burpees. 

Back to today though, weighted chin ups in a 5-4-3-2-1 progression, twice.  Ring rows!  Awesome.  20 seconds between sets seemed like more than enough was enough time to stand up, "stretch" a little, then back on the rings baby.  30 reps total may not seem like a lot, but it was enough to struggle at the end for me. 

Close grip bench press.  Heavy 1 rep, or get a max.  10 minutes, go!  Started a bit lighter than maybe I should have, but went up 4 times, last one I got for time was 155.  Not a monster weight on any level, but it's 5 lbs heavier than the 150 I got on a regular grip 2 weeks ago, and I wasn't even at my max.  I feel like I could have gotten a rep of 160, maybe even 170.  Gains baby.  Got a better idea where I want to go next time, reminds me, I need to get a notepad to write this stuff down in. 

WOD- 10 rounds of a rope climb to 15 ft (chin over 10ft) and a 200m run.  14 min cap.  I laugh at these caps...I'm slow, getting faster is at the top of my list, right under improving form on every move.  I'm going to take a step back, during warmups, I wanted to try dragging myself up from laying down.  I hadn't tried it yet, figured it was worth a shot, we'll see if I'm farther alone than I think.  NOPE! ha.  I pulled on this rope like it was tug of war, gave it a very solid pull.  The strands moved in my hands, and for a brief, manical moment, I felt like He-Man.  The rope moving, straining beneath my grip.  I thought I was closer to pulling the roof down to me.  Preposterous.  Welps, I tried, didn't really budge myself other than to a sitting up position.  Undaunted.  This wasn't a failure to me, maybe I didn't expect to succeed, or maybe I knew that the odds of me pulling 450 plus pounds off the floor with my weak little arms is still a bit of a stretch.  Soon.

This metcon sucked.  I didn't run again, so I rowed.  It wasn't till the 3rd or 4th set that the seat felt...unstable.  So I stopped rocking and rolling, slowed down and modified it a bit so I didn't break the rower.  Rowing has a lot in common with ring rows to me...particularly as you're pulling the "oars" to your chest/stomach area.  Thats along with all the ring rows I did...King!  I'm telling you.  Somewhere along this workout I lost count, and thought I was farther than I was.  Rower doesn't lie about the distance.  Tired body, tired mind.  Got to 8 in 14 minutes... my back is tired.  I'm tired.  heh, whats new?  

Glad I stretched some at the end, particularly the stretches that will help me keep front squats in rack position... tomorrow is going to be greeeeeaaaat.

Establish is having a bootcamp special coming up for folks at my company.  Good price.  One of our athletes shared it on an online work form.  5 days later, only 13 views.  So I take some action, talk it up, put this blog and Chris McCune's out there, tell folks to contact us.  I mean we don't bite...or I haven't found a box with a biter in it yet...  anyway, this guy, who is apparently a well loved individual... thought he's be cool and post something witty about how the lack of views is indicative of interest... I got heated.  I didn't write what I wanted to, but I did see that thanks to his response, we were over 60 views.  More people looking at CrossFit, bonus.  So, I slid him a nice thank you for replying and getting the view number much higher than it was previously.  Ended the day over 100, maybe we'll get a few new people doing this crazy thing called CrossFit...I mean, we're a pretty dang healthy company, I'm one of a few exceptions that prove the rule... but I know there are plenty of people that could use some CrossFit in their lives.  Would you like to try some Kool-Aid?

Speaking of work, got another setback on my triumphant return to CFDS.  Seems not all of Delaware loves me.  Actually, thats not fair, the client likes me plenty, but with no new projects this quarter, it was hard to justify having me on site.  Might be back later, but I'm going to go ahead and set the expectation with my peoples that it ain't happening on company dime.  I'm pretty good people if you didn't know, and that makes me valuable, probably too valuable to leave waiting around.  Who knows...stuff changes daily. 

That said, I'm still coming back.  It's just going to take a little more planning.  I'm thinking I'm going to aim for a fall return, maybe a few weekdays and a weekend.  Maybe it will be in time for an open, or other challenge, and I can roll with the fam.  #cantwait We'll work something out, I promise.  #diamondfamily I love you, and miss you smiling, sweating faces.  We'll keep in touch via this and FB.  Keep up the awesome work. 

I'm out, catch you on the bounce, or tomorrow, whichever comes first. 

TCN aka the King of Ring Rows

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I find it funny that I still have things to talk about on non WOD days.  Blogging is certainly a habit, but it's also got some Pavlovian drool, but I do feel like I should be hitting the box today.  I need that recover though, need it bad I suspect, and I'm seeing my man @Iamthehealer tonight to get some good conversation in, and a good adjustment and some knee advice/help....  It's good to have people like this around.  Diamond State has Joelle, Mark, and some other experts in the healthy arts, and these people (don't want to dehumanize them and call them resources), but these folks are invaluable.  If your box has folks (besides coaches) who train, do physical therapy, chiropractors, doctors, nutritionists, etc, then you're in a good spot to get great advice.  Mom is great, but unless mom is all of those rolled into one and working out with you, I'd leave the advice to the experts. 

Hmmm, got away from where I was going to to... but I'll take it.  Fell into this great blog today, guy who started about when I did, but from the "skinny" side of life.  He has some great perspectives on WODs, Fran, and CrossFit in general.  I confess, I like his setup better, and he....his name is Chirs, or McCune if you know him... man writes like I think I write (in other words you should read it if you half way like my stuff).  Great name right?  Thanks whoever posted that, or something that linked me to that today (I'm guessing it was Andy or Gia). 

Some quick things on my mind

Water intake problems, got that beat.  Had 1 gallon plus 40oz and some other non measured amounts... think thats something like 180oz for the day.  Stellar if you follow the water formula.  Still not where that formula says I should be...but dang thats a lot of water. 

Who's cooking your food?  A video I was linked from +Dr. Charlie Cartwright aka @IamtheHealer on Twitter.  Anyway, this video is a little lengthy (20 mins) but in it the author talks about some of the different thinking in how corporations cook vs how you and I cook food.  Also, you might not eat McDonalds fries again.... Who's cooking your food?

Last thing I had for today, was getting ready for work, and my (main) belt was on some cargo shorts in the closet...being lazy, I reached for another belt that I have for just such "emergencies", and when I was pulling it tight, I was not one, but TWO notches tighter than the well worn previous marks.  HAAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA  sorry, thats misspelled like crazy, but I'm not going to fix it, you know that laugh, slightly manical.  I'm eagerly waiting for the the days when I'm at work and have to be pulled aside and told that my clothes look bad because they're falling off me. 


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Jokes on you...or rather me.

Two lies I told myself this morning.  One, I feel great.  Two, this doesn't look that difficult. 

Let me back up to the end of Murph yesterday.  After the workout recovery specifically.  First thing I got was a sample of Progenex recovery formula.  Tasty.  Made a mess of it too.  Cut the whole thing open, rather than just a corner, and the mouth of bottle was your typical 16-20oz I improvised with a paper funnel.  Messy, but mostly effective. 

So we've got the supplements.  Then there was the grilled food.  I ended up with a burger and a dog, more water too.  Went home, had a Myoplex pre-made shake (the 42g of protein one).  Iced the knees for a long time.  800mg of Advil.  Rest.  Think I had some chicken over salad for dinner.  Solid deal.  Even went to bed early. 

Fast forward to today,  woke feeling great.  I mean no soreness, no extra pain, no nothing.  One word after that workout...Awesome.  Then I looked at the WOD for today.  "That doesn't look that bad".  On the drive into the box, "Highway to the Danger Zone" comes on....motivating, but today at least, it should have been a warning. 

I get to the box early... I mean 30+ minutes early.  I knew I wanted to use a lax ball, my shoulders were a bit sore.  Worked them out...and you know, come to think of it, the last time I used a lax ball, I ended up sorer...same thing today...sorer right now.  Anyway.  So I stretch a lot, before the stretch and warm up.  It's about the time that I'm getting down to do hip/glute bridges...and then I feel it.  Oh the sneaky soreness, you've shown yourself at last.  It was in this minute I realized there might be a little something more to this WOD.... lies.  "I'm good to go".  No, I've got some work ahead of me, but thats ok, it's what I'm here for. 

12 min EMOM
DB Push Press
4 dips
4 ring rows
12 min AMRAP
-8 HR pushups
-40m Farmer’s Walk 70/53
-6 Unweighted Step-ups 24/20
3 Rounds
:40 Row for Max Calories
rest 1:30
Score is total Calories

DB push press was easy enough, did 20lbs, which is about the max I've ever done before CrossFit.  30 reps total is also a PR for that.  Dips...did them between two boxes this time...Pain.  Thats the only word that comes to mind.  It hurt, it wasn't fun, and I will improve.  The rows...I need to find a consistent start point so I can measure growth last set I tried to set up under the bar...only got 2, then went back to something more manageable

AMRAP...oh yeah baby.  Pushups...didn't I do a whole lot of these yesterday?  Farmers walking is easy...I will say I didn't pay attention to my shoulders, I want to think they were back, but I don't know.  Step-ups are just that, not a big deal till your tired.  Now comes the second truth, this isn't going to be easy...not after the weights.  I put puddles on the floor.  Not quite Murph levels, but not so far was hotter today....that and I wear a t-shirt under the sleeveless.  Don't ask me why, I just do.  But it makes it a wee bit hotter.

3 rounds of calorie rows... not much to say, except in my best Samuel L. Jackson voice, "Row MF Row".  Got a solid time...I think it was the best one of the group tonight, but I didn't check.  I felt strong.

So yeah, wasn't actually not sore, and this WOD wasn't as easy as I'd thought.  Oh well, as I'm sure Lt. Murphy would quickly remind us, the only easy day was yesterday.

I feel like I had more to say, but it's not coming right now.  Have to share it next time.



Monday, May 26, 2014


We've all got them.  Hero's.  People who are admired by others for a variety of reasons.  Maybe your heroes play sports, making that last second movement to seal a victory.  Maybe you're heroes live in your imagination, and are sometimes played out in comics, tv, or the movies.  Perhaps your heroes fought the status quo in the pursuit of equality for all.  Your heroes might even be everyday people who do those extra ordinary things for others. 

For me, a lot of my heroes fall into the last bucket I listed, normal folk who do extra ordinary things, some of them have even done extraordinary acts.  There is a bit of a difference between the two, but I'm not an English major, and I'm not going to bother trying to explain it, partly because I wouldn't do it justice.  I'm in a very somber mood as I write this, so I'm trying to keep this upbeat and flowing without getting into the weeds, bear with me.  If you're reading this, there is a solid chance you've met some of my heroes, know of some of my heroes, or are possibly one of my heroes.  I love these people. 

It's people like this that make life a little bit easier for the rest of us.  People willing to do more than what is required, more than what society expects of us.  Today, on Memorial Day, we CrossFitters tend to celebrate one of these heroes in particular.  Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy.  If you've seen Lone Survivor, you know who this man is.  I haven't seen it yet, I had to find out more about him using "the Google".  I won't repeat much of what I've learned these past weeks, it's worth your time to go look him up for yourself.  On this day, we do the hero WOD Murph in honor of him, and all others who have given their lives to their fellow countrymen and women. 

Workout is simple enough.  1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and then another 1 mile run, for time.  Lt. Murphy knew this workout as "Body Armor", so named for the 20lb weighted vest worn in lieu of body armor.  Body Armor was renamed Murph in his honor, and today there was encouragement from the coaches to remember Murphy and heroes like him as we went through the paces. 

Being the guardian of my knee integrity, I opted to row 1600m instead of running...I pulled up short at 800m, turned out to be the right call.  Ring rows for pullups, modified pushups, and air squats.  I didn't quite get through 1/2 the workout, I shortened my squats, again, these achy knees.  Ended up at 42 minutes and change.  800m row, 50 rows, 100 pushups, 100 squats, 800m row.  I had a great looking sweat puddle...I mean this was almost to the level of just pouring water out on the floor.

Push-ups fell off towards the end, coaches had to get me a box to keep a solid plank while doing pushups.  If I cared, I might have been embarrassed, but I'm not embarrassed, and I didn't care much.  Coaches want you to succeed as much, or maybe even more than you do, and they want you to do it right, without getting hurt.  Andy saved my form today, and the stupid things weren't any easier...which surprised me, and sucked. 

I put stuff like this out there to let new people, or people considering CrossFit some of that extra insight.  Don't worry about what you don't think you can do.  Come on in, show up, and lets get our workout on.  Really, these people are great, they're going to help you do it right.  We provide the equipment and tutelage, you bring the desire and sweat.  #fairdeal 

I feel good about the fact I finished Murph today, but I'm frustrated.  My mind is further along this journey than my body is.  All that considered, I still need to find a way to get faster.  When I find this inner...peace, strength...something, I'll share it.  I feel like I'm riding a BMX bike in the Tour de' France.  I realize it's only been 6 weeks, and I'm patient, but impatient.  Feel me? I've seen progress.... but in my mind, after some workouts, it's like the equipment company name I see around....  Again.  Faster. 

Alright, alright, I'll give myself a break.  It has only been 6 weeks, and I'm already seeing progress on all fronts.  I'm just impatient about it a little bit.  I think I could have done the whole Murph (modified), but I'd have needed a full 90 minutes.  I'm not quite comfortable doing that at Establish...or maybe even at Diamond State.  Not because of the people, no, I think they'd cheer me on like I'd just won some championship single handedly.  No, it's more about me and being slow.  LOL.  I've never liked people waiting on me for anything, perhaps it's a character flaw?  Next year we're doing the whole thing.  Can't tell you if it will be modified or not, but I can tell you that I'm going to crush today's efforts.  #takeittothebank

Alright, enough of that nonsense, it's over, I survived, and will be back for more soon (tomorrow?).  If I haven't said it before, Establish is now my home.  On Friday we graduated a bootcamp type class of people learning how to CrossFit.  Got to meet more of the faces from the website (read coaches), and learn more about people not on the website.  I'm happy to be here, they're happy to have me.  I see big things for Establish, and I hope to help them along the way.  I tell them all the time about my family at Diamond State, and how I want to help them get that community feel here, because there is nothing better.  Establish is eager, they're hungry, and like me, they've drank the Kool-Aid.  Exciting days ahead. 

Speaking of Diamond State, I still don't know when I'll be back.  My client should be meeting this week to decide....whatever it is they need to decide.  Hope to know more soon, either way, I doubt I'll be home for too much longer.  When I do come back through those CFDS doors though, it's going to be a surprise.  No announcing it anywhere, I like to surprise folks. 

What else... had pizza for the first time in a month...really the first dairy I've had... my stomach didn't kill me, but it gave me a real hard look and a head shake.  Message received.  Pizza was amazing though...and this place isn't even top 25 worthy.  Might be another month or two before I try that again though.  Want to keep 'dem gains!

I don't have much else right now, hope you're doing well.  Celebrate the rest of your Memorial Day, celebrate your heroes, and enjoy some time with friends and family.  Time to go ice my knees again. 



Friday, May 23, 2014

All Smiles

Today sucked.  Wait, I though the title said All Smiles... well it does, but that doesn't mean today couldn't suck.  I'm tired; alright?  I mean weary.  Going on the 7-8 hours of sleep you should be getting, in the last 6 days instead of getting 42-48 hours, I'm somewhere between 30 and 35.  I can't be more exact, too tired to remember...  But at the high end of that scale we're talking almost a 20 hour deficit....

Five of those days were work....last night I was just a dummy.  Went and saw the new X-Men movie with some friends at midnight... got 3 hour of sleep.  So today WOD was brutal... but you know what, I'm all smiles.  Hell Week is over.  No more 12 hour days.  No more short nights.  Time to make up for lost ground.  Yeah.

Back to this 3 hours.  I didn't want to go today.  No amount of music was going to pump me up.  I'm tired, dead tired.  It's all muscle memory getting me to the door.  This WOD took everything I had, and more.  I struggled, my form was terrible, I wanted to quit.  I almost did quit.  I did take a break during the EMON, but that was really the only rest I took extra.  In the end though, I didn't quit, I pushed through...I'm glad I did, so I can say I finished, but thats it.  Saturday and Sunday, forget it.  I've got sleep to catch up on.  A lot of it.  '

A. 6 Min EMOM - 4 Hang (Full) Clean

B. 12 Min EMOM
odd – 5 Power Clean Touch and Go
even – 1 MU + 7 ring dips

For Time
-Power Clean 185/110

This entire set, I used 65 lbs.  I'm still working on that form.  I'm probably going to take a day off soon, just to work on mobility and form...maybe I'll just do it after....I need this fixed.    Really not a lot to say about today.  Straightforward lifting, pushups, ring rows.  Fatigue just made it difficulty...very difficult.  I'm tired....have I said that yet?  LOL.  Tired body tired mind. 

Memorial Day is right around the corner, Murph is on most peoples WOD this Monday, are you going to do it?  I can tell you if it was tomorrow, I couldn't make it, but with some sleep, and a quality breakfast, I might just do it.   See about maybe avoiding the pavement pounding with some deep sea rowing... 

I still check that WOD every day... it's like checking the temperature of the  Except in CrossFit the forecast isn't hot, it's usually:

If you don't know who, or what that picture represents, show this to someone else, they'll fill you in.  It's supposed to be funny, so if you get to friend three or four before you figure it out, give up, because the jokes not going to be very funny... 

That's all folks, have a great weekend, we'll talk about this Murph workout on Monday.  Expect to be edumicated. 


All Smiles