Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Got my first (assisted) pullup!

This was worse than the competition... I'm winded and tired as heck after Tuesdays WOD.  And really, it might be fallout from the comp, but it could also just be lost lung capacity.  I spent two days whimpering from the DOMS that the Blind Date competition gave me.  Monday I wanted to go in, but it was a lot of squatting... and my quads we're still VERY sore.  There were also at least 70 burpees for time at the end, and I wanted to do it... see how long it would take, a capacity benchmark, something I can test again later, or at least thats how I looked at it.  I decided to pass on the whole WOD with the lingering soreness, and I did the hard thing, grabbed a rolling pin at home and brought myself to the edge of tears rolling out the quads, hammy's, etc.  Worth it in the end, but wow it hurt.  I've got goals to meet, can't be missing WODs like Mondays just because I'm sore.

Like I alluded to above, Tuesday had me wiped out.  I was more winded and tired than I'd really been at any time during the competition.  The rowing during the METCON was what did me in.  I think I've lost a lot of my capacity.  500m in 90 degrees was like 1000m in the Spring.  Slow and tiring.  I have what might be a good excuse though.  Did my first (assisted) pullup today.


Brian grabbed a large black band, and hooked it horizontally on the rig, about sternum height (bars ARE a little higher here than most places), and was like there ya go, try that.  Fear.  Not utter terror, but I was like wha?  He walked away too, so it was kind of a "here's the tool, you can do it".  And I did.  The band is actually so strong, I have to push down a little, and then bend my leg a little to get full extension.  Chin doesn't clear the bar, yet, but still, I got up to eye level, and I've never done that, so it was really cool... hard, but cool.  No more ring rows, or at least less ring rows.  

 Next we worked on split jerks... and man alive, I had some issues.  Part of it was my shoes are a little bit more torn up... I still need to ShoeGoo them.  My shoe felt loose a lot.... and so my first few under some weight looked pretty bad.  Got better, but I never really got much weight on the bar.

 METCON is what got me.  15min AMRAP of 500m row, 12 ring rows, 9 deadlifts at 135, and 5 shoulder to overheads.  Thing is... I still had 95 on the bar when the clock started.  I was a bit slow in the transition, so I lost some METCON time... which sucked as I've alluded to.  I got to the 4th round.... oh, something else that slowed me down... the first set of shoulder to overhead, I did clean and jerks instead of just one clean and then push presses.  Oops. 

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