Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Competitions, comrades, and the Falls City....

It's been a busy (work wise) 7 days, my apologies for not getting back to this sooner.  I've been digging and researching the town of Louisville, KY, and their boxes, trying to find a good fit.  I may have found on.  Went to Falls City CrossFit tonight.  It's not the box I wanted to go to, but it's a lot closer, and the class times fit with the schedule.

First impressions... not the greatest if I'm honest.  Facility is the smallest box I've been to, and feels a little bit off.  Equipment is new, or newer... New bumpers, Rogue rig, Rogue Ohio bars, and probably some things I don't know about yet, but man, it's small.  LOL!  They got some rowers that were branded from a failed box, but you know what, equipment is equipment, can't fault them for that. 

Coach John runs the box, does the programming and everything by himelf.  Guy is 25 and first impression is that he is a bit of a clown.  LOL.  I felt there was some professionalism missing from him.  He's flirting with one of the girls a bit... not in that over just hanging all over you stuff, more of the playful gym banter.  Could be his girl, idk.  From a coach standpoint, he's got a solid knowledge, and is teaching decent mechanics.  I'm thankful that I already know a lot though.  Could just be a comfort issue.  I'm going to give the guy some time though.  Rough first impression, but I came here cause it looked like solid programming, and he's the programmer... so he can't be all bad right?  That and I didn't have a great first impression of Soulshine, and I ended up liking them plenty well.  #optimism

The other reason I want to give them some time... they've got a "rowfit" program.  It's a rowing based program, and it's right after the 6pm class.  So really, I can get two workout's in at the same time.  I think this has the potential to be huge for me and my weight loss, and that potential has me wanting to give them a break.  Moving on to the workout...

Wednesday nights are their light days, but it's been 7 days since I've had a good workout (tell you about Monday later).  Did a pausing thrusters at a tough weight.  4x2 was the set.  I made it up to 115.  It was tough, but doable.  Everyone was impressed with my front squats.... maybe it's cause of my size, or maybe they're all just THAT new.  To my credit, I feel like my heels were flat as could be, and that was a nice change from the coming up on them I did last Monday.  One of the other things about this place, it feels like a very young (inexperienced) box, and it might be.  I won't go so far as to say I'm the best athlete there, but I feel like I'm better than most of them, even though they're in better looking shape.  Guess we'll see.

Next workout was a simple 4x8 strict press.  Went really well at 95#.  The last set had me wobbling and leaning on the last 3 reps.  Got it done, and it was pretty solid overall.  I enjoyed it... minus the feeling of clowns....  After that, John led us through some mobility stretching, and then it was over.  Simple workout really.  

Ready to be back to it Monday next week... and speaking of Monday THIS week, didn't have a chance to go to a box, so I used the hotel gym.  This one is nicer than most, but still, not what I wanted to workout with this week.  Did some dumbbell work, gotta use the tools available.  Shoulder presses, curls for the girls, dumbbell presses, and some dumbbell snatches.  It wasn't an awful workout, even had sore pecs for a day or so, but it wasn't CrossFit, and it wasn't fun.

Speaking of fun, got some news, the guy I'm replacing out here, who's actually just changing roles on the project, is into CrossFit.  Might have a buddy, and that could be fun!  That would be cool anyway, be like Soulshine, have a comrade in arms, someone to bitch about the struggle with.   LOL!

More news

Going to my first competition on Saturday.  Excited, and terrified.  Bringing my boy Taran, the guy who really lit the fire of CrossFit for me.  Been trying to get him to On Track, and this will help, I think.  The workouts just got released, and I'll post them Saturday, after the comp....  The competition is called the Blind Date competition, and it's in house only.  You and a same sex teammate are going to get paired up with one of the On Track team athletes as our blind date, and we have to go through 3 workouts with them.  Should be fun.  Burpees, box jump overs, muscle ups... there is some I'm going to have lean heavy on the others.  We'll see.

Food this week hasn't been great....need to find some place good.  No hotel fridge (yet), so I've got to play it by ear.  This will be crucial.  Focus!!

Alright, it's late (as usual) and I've got a big day tomorrow. 

Next day additions, things I didn't think to add.

One, while this is the smallest box I've been too, it's also the only air conditioned box I went to.  Wonder if I'll sweat any less becauxe of that.

Second thing.  The clown, aka Coach John did "teach" me one thing... and it's probably something I've heard from every coach, but it stuck last night, and that was how to address the bar.  Two things went into this... one, I grabbed the only power lifting bar they had... so that was two weird things... but when I started the thrusters, I was grabbing this thing out WIDE.... which brought on the whole conversation anyway.  Now I address the bar with my thumbs out, tips touching the smooth part, then it's good to go.  It worked well last night, and now that little bit has stuck in my head... finally.  :) 

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