Thursday, February 18, 2016


Oh man oh man.  The DOMs from the squats is real.  But it's not my quads... strangely, it's my groin muscles.  Tenderoni!!  Had a long walk into work today, was a little late and parked as far away as possible, or nearly so.  Tonights WOD isn't going to be super forgiving either.  Lots of moving, jumping and stretching of that area.  Hopefully I'll get off work earlier today (unlike Tuesday...) and get some extra time on a foam roller.  Let you know in a bit. 

Alright, day after, and I'm still tender.  WOD Wednesday are what we're calling Wednesdays from now on it seems.  It wasn't an "easy" day, but there definitely seemed to be less things on the board.  Didn't make it easier, but it did make if a bit different.  3 segments, one was a warmup, the next the main event, and then a "cool-down" of sorts. 

Warmup was 10 minutes, 12 KB swings, 10 situps, 8 reverse lunges, 6 pushups.  I didn't maybe 4 minutes of this... Nature called, and I took my leave to pre-game during the warmup.  I'm sure thats a party foul somewhere in the CrossFit book of things to not do, but I couldn't help it.  Call of doody.  Haha right?  No?  Nevermind then.  LOL

WOD itself was nasty.  A light deadlift for 15 reps.  12 shoulder to overhead with the same weight (hence the light deadlift).  9 bar over burpees.  WOOF.  The limiting factor, if you can't tell, is the shoulder to overhead part.  Rx was 115, and I could have done it have it been say, 3 rounds or 4 rounds, but it was a 12 minute AMRAP, and those, to me, say speed and intensity above all else.  So I went with a moderate 95 lbs. 

Whole thing sucked, from top to bottom.  I mean the first round was great, kept up with some of the team athletes.  Then the wheat separated from the chaff.  LOL.  Second round, DL's had my legs and lower back on fire... surefire ways to recognize that you're doing it wrong (particularly the lower back).... only got slower from there.  Burpees got slower.  No more bouncing up.  Part of that is still do to the fear of messing something up.  I mean my groin and hammy's weren't in the best of moods to begin with, but you through in the occasional twinge from the calf during the shoulder to overheard, and the fact I got both hamstrings to cramp up at work today... my intensity dropped.  Ended up with 3+ the DLs and S2O, with 3 burpees.  Not awful, but not the full on pace I want to be at for sure.  I mean J-Nine beat me.... which isn't a knock on her, she's been team training for a bit... but she's pregnant.  Guess I could cheer that our pregnant ladies are better than yours...

The cool down was 10 minutes of 15 hollow rocks, 30 second handstand hold.  I did a "fingers out" pushup position plank of sorts.  Between the two movements, my core shook and trembled.  I was sore rolling out of bed at 0500 today... DOMs for this will. be. brutal.  Bring it on. 

No WOD tonight.  You saw the up at 0500... went down at 0130... not enough sleep, and I've got other plans right after the 10 hour work day.  I need that break after yesterday.  That said, looking forward to Friday.  I'm getting my 3 days this week! 

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