Had a lot of things I was going to title this thing, but this works for me.
Just got done with my work day, but I'm writing this before I go home. Got things to do there, so this needs to get done here.... you understand.
Ok, so to this open bidness. I wasn't going to do it. My boy Taran told me I should a while back, but I wasn't so sure. I'd been out for months with injury, wasn't back to the 3-4 times a week... and then my utility company upped my level pay by an additional $120 AND the starter went out in the Mrs. car... $500 kick in the nuts, and suddenly that $20 fee is a lot bigger than it was before the weekend.
Through my parents good graces "here son, go take you father out for breakfast", I managed to get my $20 on Saturday. Game On.
Still didn't sign up till today. But I did it, and I've got a score to post. 62, which is 3 less than the number I needed (or at leas wanted). Ol' Justin posted a 64. I'd have beat him too, had I discovered my lunge secret sooner.
Taking a step back, I've talked a bit about how I destroyed my calf about 4 months back. What I haven't discussed much (because I didn't know) was that my muscles atrophied a bit. A bit more than I realized I should say.
I didn't go to the ground traditionally during lunge movements because... well, I don't have a great reason other than I didn't think I could... so now that I'm forced to do it for credit, I have to figure this out. Thankfully, Diana Alt was there to give me some ideas.
She was also there to judge me.
The first set of lunges almost did me in. My left foot forward, I could lunge out nice and far, get up easy too. Left foot, BIG difference. I spent the first 12 minutes of the workout trying to figure out the best wat to get down and back up with that trailing left leg.
You don't understand. I dropped the bar probably 4, maybe even 5 times because of this. I'd get stuck at the bottom, and then, rather than fight, I'd quit. It was awful on every level. Made me feel like my legs were the equivalent of that old Skittles commercial.
If you don't see it, look closer, notice if one arm (or leg for me) is a bit more developed than the other...
So somewhere around the 12, maybe 14 minute mark, not wanting to quit, I discoverd that if I just barely touched my knee down, then came back up, mainly on that right quad, I could do these MUCH better.
Problem is, I'm gassed now, so even with this new knowledge, I was already flaming out bad. If only I'd done this on Friday night first...
Burpess were burpees. Got super slow at the end, another reason I didn't hit my number... tell you what though, that jumping over the bar. Total headcase about that. I hate it. I get it, and I'm glad I did it, but it messes with me. Ever since the first time I tried box jumps.... oh, and the hanging jumping pullups. Apparently I cut a very very very fine line between rep and no rep. I'll work on that.
So 62 reps, and what did I learn. I can persevere. I can not give up. I can drop the bar on my big toe. That actually happened. Still hurts right now. It wasn't black or blue when I took a bath, so hoping it's not broken... owie.
Ready for 16.2, but I can tell you now, the DOMs from this will be most severe. Going to have to roll out and rolling pin out a lot....
Other updates. I'm re branding a little. Well, not really, just putting a 2.0 on things. Going to start a FB page and put most of the video content up there. Got a few short ones already. Plan on linking these two as well. Collaborative efforts and all that. Probably link it the first few times, see what happens.
The other reason I'm doing it, is to give me that extra bit of motivation, make sure I'm getting to the box man... been lacking a bit as you can tell by the extended windows of post dates.
I had more I was going to talk about, but a peer stopped by, and we had a 30 minute work convo... so now my train is gone... until next time!
Monday, February 29, 2016
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Oh man oh man. The DOMs from the squats is real. But it's not my quads... strangely, it's my groin muscles. Tenderoni!! Had a long walk into work today, was a little late and parked as far away as possible, or nearly so. Tonights WOD isn't going to be super forgiving either. Lots of moving, jumping and stretching of that area. Hopefully I'll get off work earlier today (unlike Tuesday...) and get some extra time on a foam roller. Let you know in a bit.
Alright, day after, and I'm still tender. WOD Wednesday are what we're calling Wednesdays from now on it seems. It wasn't an "easy" day, but there definitely seemed to be less things on the board. Didn't make it easier, but it did make if a bit different. 3 segments, one was a warmup, the next the main event, and then a "cool-down" of sorts.
Warmup was 10 minutes, 12 KB swings, 10 situps, 8 reverse lunges, 6 pushups. I didn't maybe 4 minutes of this... Nature called, and I took my leave to pre-game during the warmup. I'm sure thats a party foul somewhere in the CrossFit book of things to not do, but I couldn't help it. Call of doody. Haha right? No? Nevermind then. LOL
WOD itself was nasty. A light deadlift for 15 reps. 12 shoulder to overhead with the same weight (hence the light deadlift). 9 bar over burpees. WOOF. The limiting factor, if you can't tell, is the shoulder to overhead part. Rx was 115, and I could have done it have it been say, 3 rounds or 4 rounds, but it was a 12 minute AMRAP, and those, to me, say speed and intensity above all else. So I went with a moderate 95 lbs.
Whole thing sucked, from top to bottom. I mean the first round was great, kept up with some of the team athletes. Then the wheat separated from the chaff. LOL. Second round, DL's had my legs and lower back on fire... surefire ways to recognize that you're doing it wrong (particularly the lower back).... only got slower from there. Burpees got slower. No more bouncing up. Part of that is still do to the fear of messing something up. I mean my groin and hammy's weren't in the best of moods to begin with, but you through in the occasional twinge from the calf during the shoulder to overheard, and the fact I got both hamstrings to cramp up at work today... my intensity dropped. Ended up with 3+ the DLs and S2O, with 3 burpees. Not awful, but not the full on pace I want to be at for sure. I mean J-Nine beat me.... which isn't a knock on her, she's been team training for a bit... but she's pregnant. Guess I could cheer that our pregnant ladies are better than yours...
The cool down was 10 minutes of 15 hollow rocks, 30 second handstand hold. I did a "fingers out" pushup position plank of sorts. Between the two movements, my core shook and trembled. I was sore rolling out of bed at 0500 today... DOMs for this will. be. brutal. Bring it on.
No WOD tonight. You saw the up at 0500... went down at 0130... not enough sleep, and I've got other plans right after the 10 hour work day. I need that break after yesterday. That said, looking forward to Friday. I'm getting my 3 days this week!
Alright, day after, and I'm still tender. WOD Wednesday are what we're calling Wednesdays from now on it seems. It wasn't an "easy" day, but there definitely seemed to be less things on the board. Didn't make it easier, but it did make if a bit different. 3 segments, one was a warmup, the next the main event, and then a "cool-down" of sorts.
Warmup was 10 minutes, 12 KB swings, 10 situps, 8 reverse lunges, 6 pushups. I didn't maybe 4 minutes of this... Nature called, and I took my leave to pre-game during the warmup. I'm sure thats a party foul somewhere in the CrossFit book of things to not do, but I couldn't help it. Call of doody. Haha right? No? Nevermind then. LOL
WOD itself was nasty. A light deadlift for 15 reps. 12 shoulder to overhead with the same weight (hence the light deadlift). 9 bar over burpees. WOOF. The limiting factor, if you can't tell, is the shoulder to overhead part. Rx was 115, and I could have done it have it been say, 3 rounds or 4 rounds, but it was a 12 minute AMRAP, and those, to me, say speed and intensity above all else. So I went with a moderate 95 lbs.
Whole thing sucked, from top to bottom. I mean the first round was great, kept up with some of the team athletes. Then the wheat separated from the chaff. LOL. Second round, DL's had my legs and lower back on fire... surefire ways to recognize that you're doing it wrong (particularly the lower back).... only got slower from there. Burpees got slower. No more bouncing up. Part of that is still do to the fear of messing something up. I mean my groin and hammy's weren't in the best of moods to begin with, but you through in the occasional twinge from the calf during the shoulder to overheard, and the fact I got both hamstrings to cramp up at work today... my intensity dropped. Ended up with 3+ the DLs and S2O, with 3 burpees. Not awful, but not the full on pace I want to be at for sure. I mean J-Nine beat me.... which isn't a knock on her, she's been team training for a bit... but she's pregnant. Guess I could cheer that our pregnant ladies are better than yours...
The cool down was 10 minutes of 15 hollow rocks, 30 second handstand hold. I did a "fingers out" pushup position plank of sorts. Between the two movements, my core shook and trembled. I was sore rolling out of bed at 0500 today... DOMs for this will. be. brutal. Bring it on.
No WOD tonight. You saw the up at 0500... went down at 0130... not enough sleep, and I've got other plans right after the 10 hour work day. I need that break after yesterday. That said, looking forward to Friday. I'm getting my 3 days this week!
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Let the gains begin!
That where we are at today. Ground zero. Day one. The beginning. No more of this back on the horse stuff, just starting at zero.... and it's probably the best to do that. No more of the "well I should be at ___ poundage". Did box squats today, no shame in my game. Also did my second video blog. Changed the resolution, so it's a lot smaller of a file, not sure on the quality, let me know if it's garbage in the comments and I'll fix it. Think I got long winded, apologies in advance.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Lets get back to it already...
Well, I can't say that I'm not trying... LOL. Back at it last night, finally. 9 days after the last workout. I really am trying to get back to 3-4 days a week.... so frustrating.
Recap on last night, snatch practice and rowing. That was pretty much my night. Spent a lot of time working on the first two stages of the pull, and not so much on the rest. Feel like it impacted my ability to get the bar overhead a little to be honest, but it could just be me getting back into snatched. I did, however, start jumping with that pull. Well, it was probably more "jumping" but I was using that to get under the bar a little bit faster.
Rest of the time was spent on gymnastic conditioning. I chose to row, my knee (outside on the right) and hip (also on the right) were fairly tender today, and I want to get to rowing a 5k after each workout (figure it will take about 2 months to build up to this).
Also looking at getting a part time job, which will be at FedEx if it's anywhere, and it will be an hour or so after class, so I'll have enough time to get a protein shake in, and recoup a little before I'm back doing metabolic conditioning stacking boxes. Worked there plenty before, so I know what I'm getting into... hopefully this will be the catalyst to get me going again.... and I think it will be. Going to have extra income (hello Ketones and WheyCo protein), and it's going to be more workouts. So long as I don't get injured at either place, I should be golden!
Thats all I've got for now, tonight is squats on top of squats. My knee already hurts (that same soft tissue feeling thing on the right), so I'm going to roll out the legs real good before I start. Hoping it's just related to tightness... we'll see.
Recap on last night, snatch practice and rowing. That was pretty much my night. Spent a lot of time working on the first two stages of the pull, and not so much on the rest. Feel like it impacted my ability to get the bar overhead a little to be honest, but it could just be me getting back into snatched. I did, however, start jumping with that pull. Well, it was probably more "jumping" but I was using that to get under the bar a little bit faster.
Rest of the time was spent on gymnastic conditioning. I chose to row, my knee (outside on the right) and hip (also on the right) were fairly tender today, and I want to get to rowing a 5k after each workout (figure it will take about 2 months to build up to this).
Also looking at getting a part time job, which will be at FedEx if it's anywhere, and it will be an hour or so after class, so I'll have enough time to get a protein shake in, and recoup a little before I'm back doing metabolic conditioning stacking boxes. Worked there plenty before, so I know what I'm getting into... hopefully this will be the catalyst to get me going again.... and I think it will be. Going to have extra income (hello Ketones and WheyCo protein), and it's going to be more workouts. So long as I don't get injured at either place, I should be golden!
Thats all I've got for now, tonight is squats on top of squats. My knee already hurts (that same soft tissue feeling thing on the right), so I'm going to roll out the legs real good before I start. Hoping it's just related to tightness... we'll see.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Jumbled mess
I've spent a few hours trying to get the video up from yesterday, so I'm goign to keep this one very short, and some what random. I apologize, but I'm sure busy with lots of work stuff the next 8 hours (it's already 5pm), and if I don't do it now, I wont...
Got to the box on Tuesday, had a situation... one day I'll explain that one in more detail. Got to WODding... Knee was much better than yesterday, did way more air squats that I thought I would. The 5 rounds of Cindy were awful... so much capacity lost, so much to get back. The 50 pullups (or for me, ring rows) after the 5 rounds of Cindy (refresher, 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats), we're amazingly sucky. After that tragedy, finished the wod with 10 cleans (lifters choice on style). It was supposed to be super hard. I started at 115, added two 10's after my 3rd lift... should have added 2 25's. Guess I still have some strength left.
Quick randoms-
It was a good workout, I'm happy I've finally strung two days together. Going to try to make it 4 days this week.
Sore... DOMs from Monday, plus soreness from that workout.... my word, my traps, particularly down by the elbows... murdurously painful. Any movement at chest level or higher is painful. Think putting on a backpack, headphones, clothes, getting into and out of vehicles... just lots of things that remind me that I'm alive...
Took today off for some recovery, going to try to work in some rowing after the WODs in the near future. They say the camera adds 15 lbs... I say it shows you the truth. I haven't lost any weight in about a year... going to find a place where I can get on a scale quick and easy like, and start weighing in weekly. #accountability
Right, off to transform some healthcare. Until next time.
Got to the box on Tuesday, had a situation... one day I'll explain that one in more detail. Got to WODding... Knee was much better than yesterday, did way more air squats that I thought I would. The 5 rounds of Cindy were awful... so much capacity lost, so much to get back. The 50 pullups (or for me, ring rows) after the 5 rounds of Cindy (refresher, 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats), we're amazingly sucky. After that tragedy, finished the wod with 10 cleans (lifters choice on style). It was supposed to be super hard. I started at 115, added two 10's after my 3rd lift... should have added 2 25's. Guess I still have some strength left.
Quick randoms-
It was a good workout, I'm happy I've finally strung two days together. Going to try to make it 4 days this week.
Sore... DOMs from Monday, plus soreness from that workout.... my word, my traps, particularly down by the elbows... murdurously painful. Any movement at chest level or higher is painful. Think putting on a backpack, headphones, clothes, getting into and out of vehicles... just lots of things that remind me that I'm alive...
Took today off for some recovery, going to try to work in some rowing after the WODs in the near future. They say the camera adds 15 lbs... I say it shows you the truth. I haven't lost any weight in about a year... going to find a place where I can get on a scale quick and easy like, and start weighing in weekly. #accountability
Right, off to transform some healthcare. Until next time.
Two weeks man, where have you been?
Fair question. I've been at work. I've had some very long, very full weeks (60+ hours) and EVERY time I thought I'd make it to the box, another work fire would come up, and off I'd go again.
So, to make up for it, I decided to try something different. Doing my first video blog.... while driving to work. So apologies for some of the content, not that it's bad, but I ramble a bit... you'll see. Oh, and my sunglasses are apparently smashed (thought that they felt funny)... need to fix that, but thats for another day.
Enjoy, or try to, I haven't watch it, haven't edited. Raw and uncut!
So, to make up for it, I decided to try something different. Doing my first video blog.... while driving to work. So apologies for some of the content, not that it's bad, but I ramble a bit... you'll see. Oh, and my sunglasses are apparently smashed (thought that they felt funny)... need to fix that, but thats for another day.
Enjoy, or try to, I haven't watch it, haven't edited. Raw and uncut!
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