Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Incident mangement protocol

I had big plans for Tuesday.  Saw "build to a heavy single" with the power clean and my eyes lit up.  PR time baby.  Then came some disappointment.  We didn't have a lot of time, built quite a bit of programming into the WODs now with the shoulder mobility/work we're doing for the next month, pre workout.  Good stuff by the way, it just takes time from other thing... but thats how time and doing extra stuff work, right?

I jumped weight quickly trying to get to this 'heavy'.  Went 95, 135, 185.  I did a few reps at the two lower weights, and then tried 4 or 5 times to hit 185.  People post WOD who happened to be there said I should have had it (fast elbows!!!).  I thought 185 was pretty close to my PR... just checked, and it's the last PR I had.  I can't wait for the next time On Track does a ladder day, where you can PR lifts... taking my time vs doing these big jumps... think I'll surprise myself.  Also, I call it ladder day, because the last time they did it the had something like 30 bars out. 

Quick break in the WOD action to describe day 2 of Keto//OS use.  Felt great most of the day... still had a little bit of that mid afternoon slump most people get, but it wasn't as pronounced as it usually is... hopefully a good sign of things to come.  Otherwise, felt sharp and alert all day.  Also didn't feel wasted after the workout... another good sign.

Rest of the WOD was a simple 21-15-9.  I feel like the 3 levels presented give you an opportunity to pick your poison a little.  I really only get two choices, but options are nice.  :)    So 21-15-9 of calorie row's, 185lb deadlifts, and ring rows.  Simple enough. 

Don't much to say about the rowing.  I didn't pull as hard as normal, I wanted to have some energy left for the rest of the movements.... and when I say I didn't pull as hard as normal, I mean I wasn't pulling for a calorie a row.  I settled for a .75ish calories a pull.  Worked out alright. 

Dealifts we're interesting for two reasons... The first, I had terrible form at first... I could feel myself pulling with my back and not using the posterior chain nearly like I should be.  Took me 10 lifts to figure that out.  After that I found what I was doing wrong and fixed it for the rest of the 21.  Second set was an issue... I'd just gotten off the rower, and must have looked tired.  Brian grabbed me by both shoulders and was like "I transfer all of my energy into you"... great, thanks buddy.  Halfway through, I almost had an incident... One of the things with Keto//OS is that it's suggested you start slow.  I've been doing a half scoop in the morning, and one at night.  Thats pretty slow.  One of the potential issues when starting Ketones, is the possibility that your stomach might get upset.  Now, I'm not saying this is the ketones... or lunch... or even Brian "transferring his energy"... but after 7 lifts, there was a problem.  Bee lined it to the bathroom, and took a needed 5-7 minute break from the WOD, wasn't really watching the clock, just noticed that my bar was the only one left out, and the next class was getting to work.

I really wanted to finish the workout, which I did.  A few people were giving me props... idk if they thought I was still going from the starting timer or what.  *shrug*  Finished the last bit in less time than the first, and got on with my day. 

Must be hot out... I slammed 80oz of water from 5-9pm last night.  Not saying it as an accomplishment so much as a "dang, I drank a lot of water"... dehydration from all the hard work I guess.  LOL

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