Thursday, September 24, 2015

15 more to go

So I saw this on FB today, and it's kinda how I felt after todays WOD.

It's not that the WOD was terrible, and I didn't do horrible, but still. 

It was a squat day, again.   Sounds like they're almost done with this hatch program.  Thank you!  I want to get in on the next one, but I hope they wait.  Did 3 rounds of 5, with increasing weight, and my knee was bugging me.  Actually, let me take a step back.  I woke up just a touch early, and I was ready to go, lets do this!!  Then I took my pre-game, and BOTH of my knees started to bitch out.  I mean it was like a full on conversation. 

"We don't wanna work out"

--Oh you gonna do some work today

"But we don't want to, lets go to bed, feel how sore we are"

--Sore from what?  Lets go

*introduce pain in both kneecaps*  "See, we're in no shape to WOD"

--Whatever, we're going. 

And so I went.  The back squats really tested my right knee though.  I couldn't tell if it was this bathroom phantom pain, or if somethings wrong.  I'm going with my knees just being a bit whiny.  Real or somewhat imagined pain aside, I'm really starting to hate back squats.  I utilized my glutes more again, and I'm getting comfortable with that, and I'm curious what a true "heavy" weight for me is with it... maybe I'll check it some other time.  

Front squats are money though.  I still went light, again, working on that glute explosion out of the hole, but overall, I like, maybe even enjoy front squats, especially when compared to back squats.  Got through those a lot quicker.  Might be a mental thing...

Workout was short today.  Squats, and then a short METCON.  10 minute limit.  15 calorie row buy in, 3 rounds of 21 wallballs, 12 box jumps, 6 burpees, and then cashing out with another 15 calorie row.  I almost did it.  I don't feel like I sandbagged this one at all.  The wallballs got painful quickly... squatting with wallballs... I get the concept, but I struggle mightily with the execution of this.  They were my biggest challenge.  I did 16" step ups, nothing terrible, but with the knee it was still a bit of a struggle.  The burpees... I stepped up for 4 of them total.  Tried to push through it all, had I found my dark place I might have made it, instead I got close.  Ended on my 4th calorie of the cash out.  Not terrible, but not finished. 

Other things:

Still haven't measured that jumprope.  HAHA.  It'll happen soon enough.  I just sold a jersey project years in the making, and have enough for a guilt free purchase. 

Took my before picture for my 30 day Pruvit pic.  Need to hop on a scale today... won't be great numbers, I've had 40oz of water, and some egg n sausage breakfast muffin/cupcakes already... so I guess I should say that won't be true numbers, but it'll be something to go off of.  I'm worried though.  Scared actually... like maybe it's gone up?  Clothes do fit better, or at least differently, but idk how thats going to transition on the scale.  Certainly not on pace for that 100lbs in the calendar year. 

Think I might have talked OT into getting some Junk headbands.  Can't wait. 

Speaking of OT, we've got SIX teams going to HOA this year.  Hope they do well.  It's close enough to go to, but I've got prior commitments all weekend.  Good luck guys n gals!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How's the sugar detox coming?

Alright... so this whole detox thing didn't go as planned.  LOL.  I'm to blame.  I think I took too big a swing, and my heart wasn't fully in it.  I did get what I wanted to get from it though, and that was getting back off of diet DP.  Was drinking a lot of it suddenly, so I needed to hop back off of that ride.  All good now.  The food hasn't been great, but it hasn't been that awful either.  Still need to find someones journal who's been eating on this N8tive ketosis diet, so I can mimic.  Some of these folks have had some great results in a month, and I want those results.  I'm still loving the mental benefits, the reduced inflammation, and sharpness I've gotten from Keto//OS, but now I want to see the weight loss benefits as well.

Saturday and Sunday we're pretty lax in my house.  Didn't do a whole lot of extra running around this week.  Did get the fittest man in KS to help me move a couch (don't know if I mentioned that in my last blog).  Thats pretty cool.  Almost killed him though, that part wasn't cool.  Cat allergies... though, in my limited defense, he mentioned them on the way over, and then said, nah, don't worry, we'll just go quick.  Then we got stuck...  another story for another day.  LOL

Anyway, moving on... I cherry picked the heck out of Mondays WOD.  It was heavy squats, then an AMRAP that had a segment of 30 wallballs.  I'm just now getting back to my feet following last Thursday, I didn't want to set myself up for a rough week, so I skipped it.  Tuesday was forecast to be much kinder to my posterior chain.  I'm sure I'll pay for the squats on Thursday... when we squat some more.  :) 

Did a fair variety of things at the box today, I'm on lunch, so I've got to be quick and can't get terribly specifics right now.  There was the warmup, which is always a good time, am I right?  We did an EMOM of pullups, and then an 2MOM of "more difficult" pullups.  Meant me having a band, then lowering the band...  Love that I'm using the bands now... feels better than the ring rows.  After that bit, we tackled a tabata of hollow rocks.  I didn't think I could get that tired, that quickly from hollow rocks... but, just like the squats, I had a movement redefinition, and now things are harder.  Good news all around, making things more difficult, but man it made this my least favorite part of todays WOD.  I don't really like stopping mid way through, or coming up short in the 20 seconds of work part. 

Next up was an 5 minute AMRAP of 8 bent over rows at a given weight (I used a very light 75), and then 4 bar over burpees.  IDK what my problem is, but those burpees were worse than normal.  I should have been just jumping up to my feet easily, but I couldn't find the extra juice button... did a few stepping up and down burpees... ug!

All this wonderful work transitioned into 8 minutes of escalating density training.  The non technical description is doing one movement till you can't do it as fast or as well as when you started, then immediately transitioning to another movement, and when you hit that same wall, you go back to the first movement.  Hang high pull, and push presses.  8 minutes.  My triceps are toast right now.  I mean my shoulders/traps are sore too, but my triceps took the brunt of this somehow.  8 minutes felt like a long time.... super spicy.

Follow up items from this are:  Measuring that GD RX jump rope.... still.  Getting protein for post workout recovery (looking at WheyCO out of DE).  Get a better diet plan.

Actually, the diet is looking good this week.  Mrs made some paleo breakfast and lunch meals, so that should go a long way to keeping me on the straight and narrow.  Very thankful for that.  Might not need the ketosis stuff if I'm eating paleo with extra fat... will keep you informed either way.

Came back to update it... this "enchilada" paleo stuff is pretty good.  Looks like cauliflower, hamburgers, some peppers... not sure what else.   

Another thing, this month of shoulder work... had me carrying myself differently... I feel like I was walking around shrugged up a little in the shoulders, so now, I actively try to keep my shoulders down, while keeping everything else right... something I learned form a month of shoulder mobility work in class.  Good times!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Feel like I got hit by a car...

Man, I'm a lucky dude.  The CrossFit Team Series has been going on (link here) and I happen to know and worked out with two of the 15 teams going into week 2.  I've got Madison Freeman and Taylor Williamson (from On Track and Establish), who were mentioned in the linked article by name, and then my girls Gia and Jaimie, along with Vinny Casey from CF Diamond State are in the hunt as well...   Really cool, considering Gia is the whole reason I'm even in CrossFit like I am.  Super proud of her and their team, and Mads and Taylors team as well.  Some people might read this and be like big whoop, I work out with <insert CF star here>.   Hey man/woman, thats great for you.  None of the boxes I worked out at had named CF athletes at any time... and weren't famous, so to start and go to these places, and see them get better as athletes and go compete, is pretty cool.  #groundfloor

Speaking of lucky though, had to move a couch, and was able to swing CrossFits fittest man in Kansas to help me out.  Think about that... recognized as the fittest CrossFitter in the state, and he's helping me move furniture.   #functionalfitness at it's finest.  Thanks for the help Brian. 

I hurt.  I woke up with the alarm at 0600, and man alive I didn't want to get out of bed.... actually, I wasn't going to get out of the bed, but the longer I laid there, half asleep, the longer I was able to goad myself into going in today.  So sore.... fundamentally changing my entire squat mechanics has had devastating effect on the rest of my body.  I mean I'm sure Cindy did her part too, but woweee.  Tomorrow is going to be brutal.  Feel like I've been in a car wreck... ug

So, what did I drag myself into?  45 minutes of 'cardio' day.  We had some sort of warmup, but then we got to bidness.  Lots of rounds of stuff... I can't remember it all, cause I didn't do it all.  LOL.  Just didn't get to it.  So... I was super sore getting there, and it took a while to work through that.  First bit was 3 rounds of 400m row, 21 Russian KBs, and 15 ring rows.  The ring rows slayed my hand today... hurt good... well bad actually... not the good hurt.  Anyway, I've been using a lax ball, and my hand is getting better... not sure what the black magic of the lax ball is doing, but I'll roll some more today for sure. 

Next up was 4 rounds of 15 abmat situps and 15 American KB swings.  Brah.  These situps were abnormally difficult.  The last two round I stopped waaaaaay too much.  I'm talking at least twice... and they're just situps... but man they were hurting.  I think part of my overall situp problem is just the fact that I don't breath very well during situps.  The KB swings weren't all that fun either.  LOL

Next set was 5 rounds of 200m row and 12 hang power cleans at 95#.  This one was difficult for the right reasons.  I had a few times during the cleans where I felt really good... really on point.  Looking back, I may have had the bar so far out in front of me that (in a bad way) that I didn't feel it on my stomach... and that might have been why they felt so good... less friction.  idk, but there were a few that felt perfect... and those were fast.  The rest were a concentrated effort... and there were even a few that were plain awful.  Taking the good with the bad here.

Last round I got into was a 6 rounder of 10 wallballs and 20 double unders.  I really didn't want to do this one... more squats.  Noooooooooo.  First set had me break it up, then I went for the jumprop.  Someone swiped my preferred rope again, so I grabbed this other one... and it wasn't right for me at all... I think I actually jumped over it 4 time...  tried to jump over it 20.   Next set of WBs was decent, only dropped it once.  Next set up jumping... I tried once more, didn't get over the rope... said forget it.  I just stood there and jumped 20 times.  LOL.  Don't judge me.  hahahaha.  Got tired of that rope man... it was it or me. 

Took that attitude into the last set of WBs I had time for.  Spectacular.  I'm not sure on the depth, but I strung all 10 together... amazing what you can do when you push yourself (coming up on time).

At time, almost everyone was on the floor.  I was too scared of not being able to get back up (I'm semi serious here), so I immediately started cleaning up.   Got that done, and I bounced.  I wasn't very happy with my performance, but the sweat that was freely flowing down my face (forgot my headband...), was evidence that I did something right. 

My only real gripe with getting up early, is the fact that I sweat for what seems like hours afterward.  This is me, on my way to the office (notice the collard shirt)... ridiculous. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Welcome back! All My Love, Cindy

Took the last 7 days off... more of an accident and oversight than on purpose, but my quads probably appreciated it.  Actually, the last few days gave me a chance to re-valuate a few things in retrospect.  For instance, I picked up the nasty nasty habit of drinking diet soda.  I even went so far as to convince myself it was ok, KNOWING that it's not.  I tell ya, the dumb things we do to rationalize poor decisions...  Positive note though, taking the next 7 days to try and "detox" a bit.  Not fully committing to getting into a ketogenic state (ie little to no carbs), but I'm going to do without as much processed sugar (and it's substitutes) as I can handle.  Fruit will still be around to make it easier, but I really want to get away from a lot of that stuff, and get to where I can get on a Keto diet.  Baby steps.

Speaking of Ketosis, I'm on day 17 (or so) of working with Keto//OS.  Love it.  Mentally, I'm sharper than ever.  My energy levels are up all day long with no real dips.  Short version, I'm a believer.  All the testimonials I've read recently are all things I've experienced myself, and this stuff is awesome.  I've got about a months worth left, maybe a bit more.  My goal next week is to find a scale, take some pic's and measurements, and see what 30 days does.  I wasn't quite as forward thinking when I started... better late than never.  #pruvit #pruviteveryday

So a week off, and what better way to get back to it than with squats and Cindy.  Actually, I want to visit one of the reasons I hadn't been to the box in a while... my schedule.  I did those two 0530 classes last week, and then later in the week, I tried to work then do evening classes.  Things like soccer practice, people needing help, and other life events quickly derailed that.  So mornings are more and more looking like my jam.  Too bad, I really enjoy my evening people, going to miss them.  Sniffle sniffle.

Brings me to my new coach, Jacob.  He runs the show, and Brian (head coach/owner) assists and does other box things in the mornings, or so it seems.  One thing I've noticed at CrossFit, across the 5 boxes I've gone to, is that while the coaching is pretty consistent, each coach see things a little bit differently, and it's probably some psychology answer as to why that is, but still, they've each given me something different.  Today was Jacobs turns with the squats.  As you know, I've been struggling to find my squats since late Feb... and Jacob made it worse.

In a good way.

I grabbed some plates and began moving into the hatch squat progression, trying a few more squats, at more weight, just trying to get back into it, and my first set felt good to me.  He was like nah bruh.  I mean... not really like that, but he's came over and watched the second set, and had some very good feedback to give.  This whole time (even before Feb), I'd lifted more mid foot, so that makes it more of a quad movement for me...  Well, Jacob was having none of that.  He was like squeeze your glutes, get your hips under you faster/sooner.  Man alive.... drastic change to my lift.  I have to think about all the parts now... and frankly, I think this made it more difficult.... more difficult, but more correct, and eventually that will mean much more weight.

Short version of the story, I haven't been using my glutes as much as I should be... my butt is going to be sore tomorrow, and crybaby sore on Saturday.  Can't wait.

Cindy was as nasty as ever.  I didn't do a good job keeping track of reps, at all.  I did a few things different this time.  Banded pullups instead of ring rows, and ring pushups instead of knee pushups.  So I can't really compare it to my last time.  I hear we're doing it again in a month, so maybe I go faster next time yeah?

So these pullups... I try to make them strict, but sometimes I "bounce" at the bottom.  Makes them a lot easier to get over the bar, but I feel like it cheats me a bit, so I try not too.

The ring pushups, I find them to be infinitely more difficult than regular pushups, or knee pushups.  Trying to keep palms facing in order to keep the elbows from flaring... just not that fun a time.  Add to it that I've got some hand problems right now, and it was a special kind of torture.  The hand issue is this, when I squeeze my hand into a fist, it hurts on both sides of the middle finger hurt as well... So more than a few times I stopped and shook out my hand during these exercises.

I don't know how many rounds I did, I stopped counting.  I want to say 7, maybe 8, but I'm not sure.  Need to get faster either way, but more so if it's only 7.

Thats everything I've got for now, glad to be back at it, but I'm already sore today.  Forgot to roll out this morning as well, might be part of the problem.  

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Are you asking yourself the right question?

Everybody wants what feels good.  Everyone wants to live a carefree, happy, and easy life.  To fall in love and have amazing sex and relationships, to look perfect, make money and be popular.  To be well-respected and admired to the point that people part like the Red Sea when you walk into the room.

Everyone would like that — it’s easy to like that.

If I asked you, “What do you want out of life?” what would you say?  I'd wager most people are going to say something like, “I want to be happy, have a great family, and a job I like”.  That is so ubiquitous that it doesn’t even mean anything.  It's not measurable, not defined.

A more interesting question to ask, a question that perhaps you’ve never considered before, is "What pain do you want in your life?"  To put it a little bit better, what are you willing to struggle for?  What are you going to fight for?  These questions seem to be a far greater determinant of how our lives turn out than "what do you want out of life?"

I mean really... you've probably asked that first question too.  “What do I want out of life?”  Everybody wants to have an amazing job, financial independence, to look good naked — but not everyone wants to suffer through 60-hour work weeks, long commutes, obnoxious paperwork.  Not everyone wants to put in those extra sets, do grueling WODs, plan their meals, or even bother going to a gym.  People want to be rich and fit without the risk, without the sacrifice, without the delayed gratification necessary to accumulate that wealth and good health.

Everybody wants to have great sex and an awesome relationship — but not everyone is willing to go through the tough conversations, the awkward silences, the hurt feelings and the emotional psychodrama to get there.  So they settle.  They settle and wonder “What if?” for years and years and until the question morphs from “What if?” into “Was that it?”  And when the lawyers go home and the alimony check is in the mail they say, “What was that for?” if not for their lowered standards and expectations 20 years prior, then what for?

Happiness requires struggle, fitness requires struggle, gaining financial independence requires struggle.  The positives are the side effect of handling the negatives.  You can only avoid negative experiences for so long before they come roaring back to life.

At the core of all human behavior, our needs are more or less the same.  Positive experiences are always easier to handle, you look forward to those positive experiences.  It’s the negative experiences that we all struggle with.  We tend to avoid confrontation, failure, and all the other negatives in life.  They’re not easy.  They ain’t fun.  In the end, what we get out of life is not determined by the good feelings we desire, but by what bad feelings we’re willing and able to sustain to get us to those good feelings.

People want an amazing physique.  You don’t end up with one unless you appreciate and value the pain and physical stress that comes with living inside a gym for hour upon hour, unless you love calculating and calibrating the food you eat, planning your life out into smaller plate-sized portions.  What was it Rocky said?  “You've got to be willing to take the hits!”  

People want to start their own business or become financially independent.  But you don’t end up a successful entrepreneur unless you find a way to appreciate the risk, the uncertainty, the repeated failures, and working insane hours on something you love, having no idea whether you will be successful or not.  No risk, no reward. 

People want a partner, a spouse, someone to share their lives with. But you don’t end up attracting someone amazing without appreciating the emotional turbulence that comes with weathering rejections, building the sexual tension that never gets released, and staring blankly at a phone that never rings.  It’s part of the game of love.  You can’t win if you don’t play.

Perhaps you don’t want any of those things, but you do want something, but maybe you didn’t understand the level of commitment.  Or, maybe you understood the commitment but the fear of failure made it easier to quit or not even try, rather than face the level of struggle you might have to endure.  Sometimes it’s easier mentally to not try or start something you know will require hard work.  We’ve all had trials we’ve endured that had we known how awful or hard it was going to be, we may not have even started.  Hard to say.  I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s more satisfied with the end result when I’ve gone through a struggle.  

What determines your success isn’t “What do you want to enjoy?”  The question is really, “What pain are you willing to sustain?”  The quality of your life is not determined by the quality of your positive experiences but the quality of your negative experiences.  To get good at dealing with negative experiences is to get good at dealing with life. 

There’s a lot of crappy advice out there that says, “You’ve just got to want it enough!”

Everybody wants something.  Everybody wants something enough. Most just aren’t aware of what it is they want, or rather, what they want “enough.” 

If you want the benefits of something in life, you have to also want or at least be willing to pay the costs.  If you want that beach body, you have to want the sweat, the soreness, the early mornings, and the hunger pangs.  If you want the yacht, you have to also want the late nights, the risky business moves, and the possibility of pissing off one person.... or ten thousand.

If you find yourself wanting something month after month, year after year, yet nothing happens and you never come any closer to it, then maybe what you actually want is a fantasy, an idealization, an image or a false promise.  Maybe what you want isn’t what you want, you just enjoy wanting.  Maybe you don’t actually want it at all. 

“How do you choose to suffer?”  I ask because that tells me far more about you than your desires and fantasies.  It forces you to choose something.  You can’t have a pain-free life.  You already know that, you already know that it's not all sunshine and rainbows.  That is precisely why this question matters, why it's an important question to ask.  Pleasure, fun, those are easy questions to answer, and we've all got remarkably similar answers.  The more interesting question is the pain.  What is the pain that you want to sustain?  What are you willing to endure? 

Those answers will actually get you somewhere. Those are the questions that can change your life.  It’s what makes me me and you you.  It’s what defines us, separates us, and ultimately brings us together.

For years, not long after high school, I wanted to earn the title, to become a Marine.  I went to recruiters, I read books, internet articles, talked to Marines.  I'd imagine being a Marine, wearing those dress blues, serving my country, winning the fight, and getting the girl.  This dream kept me occupied for hours at a time.  It continued through 9/11, through meeting my eventual wife, through getting married, through gaining weight, hell, I still think about it today.  For a time, it was never a question of if I’d ever be one, but when.  I always found myself waiting for something.  I need the money for new shoes.  I need more time.  I need to get a juicer so I can eat better.  I need I need I need... and then nothing.  

Despite "wanting" this for the past decade, the reality never came.  It took me a long time and a lot of negative experiences to finally figure out why: I didn’t actually want it.

I was in love with the result — the image of me in dress blues, playing real life Call of Duty, me being the hero, saving lives and defending freedom — but I wasn’t in love with the process.  And because of that, I failed at it.  Repeatedly.  I didn’t even try hard enough to fail at it.  I hardly tried at all.  

The daily drudgery of running, working out, the time it takes to prep proper meals.  The shin splints, crappy weather, the being alone while running in the early morning.  Earning the title of Marine is a mountain of a dream with a mile-high climb to the top. What took me a long time to discover is that I didn’t like to climb (or run) very much. I just liked to imagine life at the top, the after effects of the struggle, and the prestige of having the title Marine. 

Our culture would tell me that I’ve somehow failed myself, that I’m a quitter or a loser.  Self-help would say that I either wasn’t courageous enough, determined enough or I didn’t believe in myself enough.  The entrepreneurial/start up crowd would tell me that I chickened out on my dream and gave in to my conventional social conditioning.  I’d be told to do affirmations or join a mastermind group or manifest or something. 

The truth is far less interesting than that: I thought I wanted something, but it turns out I didn’t.  End of story.

I wanted the reward and not the struggle.  I wanted the result and not the process.  I was in love not with the fight but only the victory.  Life doesn’t work that way, at least not for most of us.

Who you are is defined by the values you are willing to struggle for.  People who enjoy the struggles of a gym are the ones who get in good shape.  People who enjoy long workweeks and the politics of the corporate ladder are the ones who move up it.  People who enjoy the stresses and uncertainty of the starving artist lifestyle are ultimately the ones who live it and make it.

This is not a call for willpower or “grit.”  This is not another admonishment of “no pain, no gain.” 

This is the most simple and basic component of life: our struggles determine our successes. 

So choose your struggles wisely, my friends.

I want to give a lot (read: almost all) of the credit for this post to Mark Manson and his article The Most Important Question of Your Life. Go give it a read. 

Searching for that dark place.

Man o man o man.  This morning was nasty.  Never thought I'd have a workout where the burpees weren't the worst part of it. 

Backing up, recap from yesterday.  Keto//OS is going good, feeling good, all that is on track.  The abundant energy did run out though... my body said it's time for night night at 8pm.  I mean I was in bed, under the covers at 8:09.  Wiped out.  Not saying Keto fuel should have kept me up or anything, just being tongue and cheek.  Lack of sleep with some good workouts can do that to ya.  Probably have a similar experience tonight. 

Woke up a few times from this 8pm slumber.  No bueno.  And it figures that the best sleep I got was in the two hours before the alarm was set to go off.  Up and attem again at 0500.  I think the class was about the same size today... apparently there is a 0430 class, cause there were 6 people or so going HAM on this workout when I got there. 

Started with the now familiar shoulder work, did some banded stretches off the rig... nice change of pace from all the wall work we've been doing.  Strength part was a 10 minute EMOM of 6 hang power snatches.  I'm happy I only put 15's on the bar for a comfy 75.  Snatching is still my weakest movement, and 6 hang snatches every minute for 10 minutes is a lot of MF snatches.  Like most things, my early rounds looked better than my later rounds.... and like most times, I discover a little bit more about myself, and the fundamentals of the movements near the end.  I strung together some nice looking/feeling one in the very last set, while being tired as heck. 

Alright... this METCON was brutal for me.  I saw it around 0100 this morning during a period of being awake, and was like yeah, I'm going to have to go to that dark place to get through this.  I'm still looking for my own dark place... I've found it a few times, but I don't know the way there yet... it's just kind of happened.  Here, let me take a step back.  My man Reggie, who's in Poland right now chasing his dreams (check the hashtag #‎ChroniclesOfADreamChaser‬ ) recently linked these two articles (here and here) about this very subject.  When I find the way, you can bet I'll have a separate blog post about it. 

40 air squats, 30 ring rows, 20 'merican KB swings, and 10 burpees.  4 rounds for time, 20 minute cap.  I knew going into this that I'd have to find the dark place in order to finish.... and not only did I not find the dark place, I stopped so many times, it was irritating.  I mean like "why the !@#$ are you stopping" level of tomfoolery.  The airsquats were absolutely brutal today.  I tried rolling out before hand, and working on some other bits, but my left quad refused to loosen up.  Felt like it was going to explode.  Early depth issues aside, the pain in my left quad was my main opponent today.  Made for some lengthy time on the air squats.

The ring rows were bad for everyone.  Keeping active shoulders seemed to put a lot of people into a level of discomfort they haven't had in a while.  I did ok.... broke them up into a lot of sets... feel like I've lost a little bit of capacity on these as my sets were merely 3's.  Not sure why I can't do sets of 5 consistently anymore...  maybe I need that #darkplacementality on these as well. 

KB swings were light and easy.  Highlight of the workout... though, the reason they were easy is that I was using a 35 and not a 55....I built this break in for the sake of knowing I'd likely need a small break.  Maybe it wasn't the best idea?  Either way, I appreciated the break.  The burpees were burpees.  Nothing great or bad about it it, just is what it is.  I did my best to jump up every time.  Think I only stepped up on 2 or maybe 3 burpees, not bad.  All in all, I got through 3 rounds... not the full 4.  Not awful I supposed, but not what I wanted to get done today.  Good workout though. 

Stretched, rolled, and used one of those stick things on my quads... still sore.  Probably be taking tomorrow off, or at least doing something else instead of squatting... then again, might squat and be just fine.  Struggling a bit this week, and I feel a majority of it is my sleep cycles, or lack there of.  Going to hopefully sleep fitfully tonight, and get back on track. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Another mile in my shoes...

Day 8 of Keto//OS.  Everything it still humming along nicely.  Still cobweb free (even thought I've had a few nights of reduced sleep).  Haven't worked out since Friday and haven't seen a drop or spike in energy... which I think is good.  Nice, solid, continuous energy all day.  Will confess, did take a nap on Saturday, but I was tired (see reduced sleep above).  Wife said "you're looking a little smaller".   Don't know if that is strictly from Keto, but we'll chalk it up to improved energy and walking a little taller these days.   

I haven't been up before 0500 in a few weeks now, with no plane travel, there has been no need... which has translated into great sleep.  Well, I wanted to get up at 0500 today.....and because I didn't want to oversleep, I slept like booty.  Tossed and turned all night, no bueno.  By the time 5am got here, I didn't need Brian over my shoulder whispering "you can still make it to CrossFit", I was already up and ready.  When I pulled up to the box, there was already a nice contingent of people.  Apparently On Track does 0530 classes right... think there were around 15 people there. 

Did some more shoulder mobility stuff, keeping with On Tracks shoulder theme for the month.  Got some good stuff on the front socket on my right shoulder, which is apparently the issue I've been feeling, but unable to properly articulate about...  so I'm gong to try to spend some extra days here this week, just for more shoulder stretches... I mean I can do them on my own, but getting feedback on them is kind of nice.

Did a mix of things today... banded pullups then a few rounds of bent over dumb bell rows and strict dumbbell shoulder presses.  All solid work, trying to keep with the theme of neutral, active shoulders.  I did alright, some of the presses got heavy/difficult. 

WOD was 12 minute AMRAP of 20 wallballs, 40 single unders, and 200m row.  Highlights, did better stringing longer sets of wallballs together (something I want to get better at).  Lowlights.... I strung more wallballs together.  LOL.  But really, my depth felt shallow, need to get some feedback on that.  Also didn't have my favorite jump rope today, so my singles were really bad.  Only got through 3 full rounds before and started on the 4th set of wallballs before time was up.  Not terrible, but not quite 'the final ball' as they say in soccer. 

After it's all said and done, I'm a sweaty mess, but in good spirits.  People are starting to leave, the 0630 class is starting to go, and Jessica was like "who wants to run a mile?"  I audibly LOL'd and pointed to everyone else.  No one took her up on it, so I was like tell ya what, I'll row a mile, she said yes, that works.  Dang it!!  She told me that she was trying to get some extra cardio work in, she's plateaued on the scale and thinks some extra sweating will be good for her... probably good for me as well, so lets do it. 

Off we go... and man, around 300m, I really didn't want to be doing this anymore.  I had to fight to get through this.  Every few hundred meters, I wanted to quit, and had to talk myself into keeping going.  Almost there.  Halfway there.  No, now you're halfway there.  No, NOW you're actually half way there... Things like that.  I stopped pulling 3 times for a few seconds to catch my breath, it's been a while since I've gone that far.  Even with the breaks I took, I manged to beat everyones time on the rower.  Still have some skill on the rower it seems, but my capacity isn't where it was when I was PRing my 1000m's.  6:57 was the time on the rower.  Not terrible, but I should be able to do better... might start rowing a mile after every WOD... we'll see. 

Only downside to working out in the morning... body is primed to sweat.  Been sweating all morning man.  After the shower.  Getting dressed.  Driving.  Walking into work... it's been rough.  Worst part though, I didn't take a towel for my seat or seatbelt this morning, so I smelled that all the way into the office, and I smell the sweat now... #lessonlearned    Eww.  Alright, time to get to work. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Simple, but effective.

Keto//OS day 5... the afternoon drowsiness is almost completely gone, as are the cobwebs.  That alone has been awesome for me.  Seriously though, that was the one thing I wanted out of Keto//OS, and it's delivered in spades, so thats awesome.  Still monitoring the weight loss... noticed a pair of my gym shorts were a bit loose this week, but that could be coincidence (really hope it's not).  We'll find out soon enough.  

Today was a light day for Friday... still challenging in all the right ways, but not the sort of thing to break ones spirit.  Three parts.  Our month long shoulder mobility bit, and then our quick warmup of 5 rounds of 6 air squats, 9 sit ups, 12 KB swings.  6 or 7 minutes of work... took a little longer than I anticipated, my knee was being creaky and cranky.  Still, got through it quickly enough.

WOD was very simple.  4 stations, 30 minutes of work.  As soon as you can't do any more of one movement, you go to the next, and keep rotating.  The only real rule, don't stop. 

I confess... I stopped a few times. 

Rowing, farmers carries, sled pushes, and 2 types (forward and backward) sled pulls.  I was a little concerned about my shoulder stiffness, and after the last time sled pulling where I pulled a bit more than just the sled.  I thought I'd try my luck on the rower first... had visions of pulling a 2k.  I didn't get more than 500m before I wanted to do something else.  Was off my PR pace, but kept it under 2 minutes.  I'll take it.  Moved on to the farmers carry.  70lbs KBs in each hand.  These are the first farmers carries I can really remember doing... at least the first ones for a loooooong time.  The speed at which my grip started to struggle... wasn't expecting that.  Think I made 3 laps before I put them down.  Wanting to get a bit of everything, I took my talents outside to the sled push. 

It's hot outside... well, hot enough.  90 degrees will give you that impression.  Sled push took a lot out of me man.... 135lbs plus the sled, and some nice Kansas sun beating down on us... Had to take a few breaks, but had some really good, extend pushes, but man, my hammys were singing after that.  10 minutes gone.  Repeated that cycle (roughly) again, got another 10 minutes of work in.  Last 10 minutes I actually pulled some of the sleds, and did a lot more farmers carries than before. 

My eating has gone to shite... I need to get on a ketosis friendly diet... something to help accelerate the weight loss.  High fat, moderate protein, and low carbs.  Should work... just need to get started.  

Good workout, lots of sweaty fun with everyone.  Signed up for the weight training sessions, looking forward to that.  Got some mowing done after the WOD... more hot sweaty fun.  Not much else to say other than good night. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tight back again...

Oh man.  Day 4 of Keto//OS and things are going well on that front.  Only had two spots where I had one of those brief moments of afternoon sleepiness... but they were uber brief, nothing like the hour + of "gee Wally, I'm sleep.  Well go take a nap Beave!  Ok Wally."  Woke up this morning with only 5 hours sleep... no cobwebs, just rise and go.  Can't keep doing that, but it's nice to know I've got that in my back pocket on the nights I don't get enough sleep.

Took Wednesday off, was going to go, but didn't get out of the house till baby girls soccer practice.  It had lots of running, and box jump burpees.  Would have been great for building some capcity, maybe I'll do it on my own later... lol.  Yeah right. 

Thursday was another night of squats.  Did more than Monday, but still, just slowly working back into squatting with some weight.  Did several sets of 4 and 5 at 135#.  Nothing felt terribly bad, moved with some speed... well, my speed. 

WOD tonight was a good one.  5 rounds of 15 deadlifts (115), 10 push press, 5 bar over burpees.  Deadlifts messed me up.  Not the weight, but again, I started poorly.  By the third round my lower back was tight enough that I didn't want to continue.  I probably could have, but I didn't want to push it.  Know what I mean?  The push press was heavy, but the further along we got, the better I got at it... still haven't figured out my dip drive.

Might get that taken care of sooner than later.  Janelle is going to be doing some small group oly lifting training... could be great.  Starts in two weeks, gonna be the snatch for the first class if I'm not mistaken.  Need the work, even if I hate the lift.  LOL!

Thought I'd have more to write, but I don't.... catch you soon.  

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Incident mangement protocol

I had big plans for Tuesday.  Saw "build to a heavy single" with the power clean and my eyes lit up.  PR time baby.  Then came some disappointment.  We didn't have a lot of time, built quite a bit of programming into the WODs now with the shoulder mobility/work we're doing for the next month, pre workout.  Good stuff by the way, it just takes time from other thing... but thats how time and doing extra stuff work, right?

I jumped weight quickly trying to get to this 'heavy'.  Went 95, 135, 185.  I did a few reps at the two lower weights, and then tried 4 or 5 times to hit 185.  People post WOD who happened to be there said I should have had it (fast elbows!!!).  I thought 185 was pretty close to my PR... just checked, and it's the last PR I had.  I can't wait for the next time On Track does a ladder day, where you can PR lifts... taking my time vs doing these big jumps... think I'll surprise myself.  Also, I call it ladder day, because the last time they did it the had something like 30 bars out. 

Quick break in the WOD action to describe day 2 of Keto//OS use.  Felt great most of the day... still had a little bit of that mid afternoon slump most people get, but it wasn't as pronounced as it usually is... hopefully a good sign of things to come.  Otherwise, felt sharp and alert all day.  Also didn't feel wasted after the workout... another good sign.

Rest of the WOD was a simple 21-15-9.  I feel like the 3 levels presented give you an opportunity to pick your poison a little.  I really only get two choices, but options are nice.  :)    So 21-15-9 of calorie row's, 185lb deadlifts, and ring rows.  Simple enough. 

Don't much to say about the rowing.  I didn't pull as hard as normal, I wanted to have some energy left for the rest of the movements.... and when I say I didn't pull as hard as normal, I mean I wasn't pulling for a calorie a row.  I settled for a .75ish calories a pull.  Worked out alright. 

Dealifts we're interesting for two reasons... The first, I had terrible form at first... I could feel myself pulling with my back and not using the posterior chain nearly like I should be.  Took me 10 lifts to figure that out.  After that I found what I was doing wrong and fixed it for the rest of the 21.  Second set was an issue... I'd just gotten off the rower, and must have looked tired.  Brian grabbed me by both shoulders and was like "I transfer all of my energy into you"... great, thanks buddy.  Halfway through, I almost had an incident... One of the things with Keto//OS is that it's suggested you start slow.  I've been doing a half scoop in the morning, and one at night.  Thats pretty slow.  One of the potential issues when starting Ketones, is the possibility that your stomach might get upset.  Now, I'm not saying this is the ketones... or lunch... or even Brian "transferring his energy"... but after 7 lifts, there was a problem.  Bee lined it to the bathroom, and took a needed 5-7 minute break from the WOD, wasn't really watching the clock, just noticed that my bar was the only one left out, and the next class was getting to work.

I really wanted to finish the workout, which I did.  A few people were giving me props... idk if they thought I was still going from the starting timer or what.  *shrug*  Finished the last bit in less time than the first, and got on with my day. 

Must be hot out... I slammed 80oz of water from 5-9pm last night.  Not saying it as an accomplishment so much as a "dang, I drank a lot of water"... dehydration from all the hard work I guess.  LOL