Friday, March 6, 2015


I've said it before, I'll say it again, one of the biggest secrets to CrossFit, and to life in general is just showing up, just showing that consistency.  I've read MANY stories already today from peoples 15.2, and just how much they've improved from 14.2.  So far my fav has been from coach Dave at Unlocked.  He sent me a quick text, more than doubled last years score, thats freaking awesome.  I wasn't doing CrossFit last year, so I don't have a 14.2 story.  Maybe they'll do this one again next year, and I can compare then to now? 

I got home from the grocery store (aka Wal-Mart, a place I loathe) in enough time last night to catch the unveiling of 15.2 from and the feed was awful.  It's been a long time since I've had something buffer that many times on YouTube.  When my feed is able to catch up, I find out that it's a repeat of last year.  Cool... what was last year?  Haha.  I finally see it... ok, that doesn't look awful... Wonder what the scaled option is?  I got tired of the buffering, decided to go do something else for a while.  Come back to look at the scaled option... Rx for me is 95lbs OHS and chest to bar pullups... so maybe, maaaaybe we'll do jump pullups for scaled.  I looked... looked again... nope, no jumping pullups for anyone but the Masters 55 and over... aaaand, oh, hey look, scaled is chin over the bar pullups... Being the smart@ss that I am, I unscientifically measured the distance from my chin to my chest... about 6 inches... give or take.  Thanks for the break!

It's ok... this will give the scaled division, and maybe the Rx divisions a clean break... don't know that that is needed, but it's going to stratify the results a bit (I think, we'll see).  Oh well, no time to cry about it.  Fast forward to today, and I'm at the box early again.  I'm still fighting my shoulder muscles/neck area.  Been to the chiro twice since Saturday, and I'm better, but not "fixed".  Maybe I do need that hotel bed a few nights during the week?

So I spent another 40 minutes or so getting my shoulders and hips ready before class, and then Brian goes over the workout.  While going over it, he talks about the scaled options, like jumping pullups and the like... hope!  After he was done, I asked him semi privately about that...and he shook his head no, that was more for the people in the class for the workout, not those doing the open... ok, got it.  After a little thought, I decided to go Rx, and get the 10 instead of the 6 from scaled.... if I was going for the better workout, jumping pullups and lighter weight and reps in the beginng are the way to go, but since I want to win... lol, sorry, since I want to compete and get the best score, I'm going RX.

Not a lot to say about it, 95lbs is pretty heavy for my OHS.  I built up to it pretty quickly, and then I was ready.  The lovely Diana Alt agreed to judge me, she was up at the Granite Games judging folks last year.  I took my time, and took all 3 minutes to get my 10 in... like I said, it's a heavy weight for me, but I got all 10 in time, then looked at the bar like I was going to try it.  I didn't, and unlike a lot of other folks, I have no problem with that.  There isn't a single lift, or combo of lifts that I have that make me think I can pull all of this off the ground yet.  LOL.  Even with you main muscles recruit other muscles to help... no, it's not happening this year.  So I'll take my 10 and run.  We'll see what Justin gets done.

Speaking of Justin, I may have been harsh in my criticism of him and his response in previous posts.  I mean, I feel fine getting grumpy about  his response, but my thought that he may be "juicing" look more and more premature, and for that I do apologize.  He's been posting more and more stuff on his page, and I think you should give him a FB like, take a look.  Two things that he posted recently was a photo of what he's been eating (along with a mention to the Whole 30), and a photo of his time and distance on a rower from rowing for an hour.  If this cat is doing that after workouts... or before... in addition to... yeah, if he's doing that in addition to the WOD, then it makes sense that he's melting before our eyes.  My man Herm (whom I met at Establish and is now down at On Track) was at the box tonight, and I mentioned this cat, turns out Herm knows the box owner.  #smallworld  He told me that he think this dude (Justin) spends a lot of time at the box, which would also explain the weight loss.  My mistrust looks pretty unfounded, and I'll happily admit I got it wrong, wish the dude the best of luck, and I'm going to try to emulate some of his success.  Still going to whoop him in the Open.  Wouldn't be surprised if he beats me to being the poster child for CrossFit weight loss.  I'm still going to get there, no worries.  

I've been pretty lax in my dietary quality control department, and while it doesn't "show" on me, but it shows in my results, or lack thereof.  I'm going to try an get that Whole 30 book, thinks it's called It States With Food... or something like that, but I'm going to hunt that down this weekend and give that a whirl.  It sounds A LOT like Paleo, so I know I can do it... I just need to re focus, and I think w30 will be a good thing to do it on.  9 months left to lose that 100lbs, time to get to it.  

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