Ok, so last night, something special showed up. I'll give you a peek.

I was so excited. Finally, the nano's have arrived. I put them on, and they felt lovely, plenty of room in the toes, light.. yeah buddy. I stand up to strut my stuff, ut o. Problem. My wide, flat foot, is hanging over a little on the heel, and some of it is hanging over the instep. No support. Think a muffin top, but for shoes. This sucks. In 30 seconds I went from being super excited to bummed. Not super bummed mind you, but bummed non the less.
10:30 pm, I'm pooped...didn't even workout today. Bed time. 2 hours go by, and I'm still not asleep. Thinking about my new client, thinking about my shoes, thinking about tomorrow's WOD... I get up.
I think I spent 30 minutes online chatting with a Reebok rep, trying to find a solution. No dice. None of the Reebok CrossFit line are made in a wide. I hoped to stay with Reebok, but when I asked about some of the wide shoes, the rep told me that their spouse didn't really like them very much. Appreciated the honesty. To the Google!
"Wide Shoes for Crossfit". GOOGLE SEARCH. .00342764 seconds later, I had my results. And there were quite a few. Enough that I think Reebok should maybe look into this wide foot phenomena... anyway. Through all the results, a New Balance product line call the Minimus came up. It comes in wide. There is a New Balance store in KC...only one, and I will be going to it in the morning...maybe I'll find what I need.
I say what I need, because I need a new shoe. I stayed up for another hour and 30 minutes after the Reebok conversation. I read/researched a lot. Heel to toe drop, squishy shoes, and whole bunch of other things. I have a high heel to toe drop in my Asics...they are running shoes, supposed to be that way. But now that I know they're too squishy...it bothers me. We did some lifting today, and I left the Oly's home...again. Back to squishy, I felt it when I was lifting, and walking around...it's strange, I never felt it till I'd read about it yesterday.
Short soapbox stump speech. If your new to CrossFit, or thinking about trying it out, bring what you've got, and give this a shot. If you find yourself liking CrossFit, then you need to get some good shoes. There are a lot out there...well, a lot of shoes, and with everyone foot being different, I can't tell you whats is perfect for you. What I will say, is that a lot of CrossFitters wear a "minimalist" shoe. Something that has low heel/toe drop, and that isn't squishy...so look at getting something like that. You don't have to spend a ton, some Chuck Taylors would be just fine, might mess with your distance running, so I wouldn't wear them then, but for the most part, shoes as inexpensive as that can be great. In the end your mileage may vary...I want to write a lot more about this....but I said short. Do some research, you'll see the variety. Good luck.
So, with my squishy shoes, we're doing some power cleans tonight. Looking for a 3RM. My lack of sleep is evident. I struggled today. I envision 2 45lbs bumpers/plates on my bar, plus maybe a 25 or something. I should be killing this. I STRUGGLED with just two 45's. I mean, 135 isn't chump change, but I was aiming a bit higher. *shrug* Got the 3 done the first time, and they were ugly. I walked away from the bar and came back hungrier. Much better. Still not as pretty as they should have been. Need to invest some time with the Establish Barbell Club that just started. I know they can help me with this. Maybe next time we'll get that bigger PR champ.
The programming was pretty light today...not to say it was easy, but it was just light. After the power cleans, we had a 3round AMRAP of 5 burpees, 5 ground to overheads (get your barbell from the ground to above you head, you call it). So 3 rounds of 2 minutes work, 90 seconds rest, pick up where you left off.
I went lighter on the bar than maybe I should have, but I wanted to keep it light so I would have the energy for the life sucking burpees. The first two rounds were exactly what I expected, and I did a good job keeping a pace to do 3 sets of 5. So it went burpee, g2o, burpee, rest, g2o, burpee, g2o, rest. I'm so slow...or I feel that way, but it's also two minutes... so maybe I'm not sooo bad. 3rd round was going to have to be burpee/g2o/burpee to keep pace.
I tried... maybe not hard enough, but I almost got it. My first 4 burpess were phenomenal. I think I've found a new way to do them, cause I was up and down faster than normal, maybe I'm learning...or just trying harder. That 5th one doe. I must not have been breathing very well, because number 5 took 20 seconds by itself. Still gassed, the weights, I split between snatches and power clean to push press's. 30 seconds left. I drop, and I didn't rise... LOL. It was like life had left me, it took everything I had. 1. 10 seconds left. I dug, I pushed, grimaced, made noises, and forced that second one up. 4 seconds left. No. Just no. I'm done. 4+2. Not the worst score...not the best. I'm moving up it seems.
It took only...I don't know, maybe 90 seconds for me to go from gulping air to being able to carry on a conversation. All things considered, I'd say I'm getting better all around...still going to be looking for a recovery supplement. Might ditch the Myoplex and buy the Progenex. #wellsee
I hope I get some new shoes tomorrow, the WOD looks nasty...half Fran/half are you fran-kin' kidding me....front squats for strength then doing thrusters in the METCON...it's just not right man, just not right.
It's ok though, seeing the PCP tomorrow as well...hoping for at least another 10lbs gone. That will make any amount of thrusters better.
Fingers crossed, see you tomorrow.
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