Lots of shoulder work this week. I know I've said burpees are my nemesis, but I think that is now Turkish Get Ups. Those were a struggle yesterday, I mean I couldn't even do it correctly on the right side. Could have been the buy in of 1600m rowing with a heavy push press... but that shouldn't have really impacted my ability to bridge up and slide my left leg under tduring the get up on that right side... Idk, maybe it's fatigue. Left side was better, but those things whip my butt like burpees....and I'm not half as good at them as I am at burpees (and I'm not that good at burpees).
Combining days today. Didn't have the drive to get this out yesterday, was sore, tired, and had other plans after the WOD. You guys are absolutely worth the effort, but I wasn't able to to get it to you then, so you get it now.
A question I have for you is this: What kind of supplements, if any do you use? I know with this summer, I may splurge on some Progenex recovery packets, but right now I'm just using the pre-made Myoplex after workouts. In the mornings, it's GNC's Mega Mens Sport Green pack, 2 1000mg fish oils, 800mg Ibuprofen, and recently added Osteo BiFlex. Some old man feeling stuff there. Here is what my morning routine looks like. Have to use a few oz of almond milk, get it all in the first swallow too...the milk helps.
All those pills, one gulp. Cmon, it's a little impressive right? Whatever.
Today (Thursdays) WOD is something else. 20 box jumps, 100m run (row), 20 toes to bar, 100m, 20 plate to ground overheads, 100m, 20 wall balls, 100m, 20 air squats, 100m, 20 double unders, 100m, 20 burpee plate overs. Devastated but accomplished when it's all said and done. We actually did some (jump) rope work before hand. Some of this hopping on one foot. I struggle doing it on two feet. LOL. I tried, and I got a few of them, but I'm just now getting some rope confidence...found one I like.
Box jumps for tonight... didn't do the box, but did it on two plates. Figure this is better than step ups. Might aim for three plates next time, have to see, towards the end of 20 I felt like I was coming up short...it's still all in my head. This is probably the "best" WOD I've done to date. I did everything, to the number. I may have stiffed a few wall balls, they were far enough down the list that I just wanted to finish... tired body, tired mind.
Used chalk for the first time too....it was still early in, but when I grabbed the bar, I was sweating all over it. No grip here. Went and grabbed some chalk, then it was all good...or good enough. I'm getting tired just trying to go over this is a sensible manner. Its supposed to be a break from all the shoulder stuff we've been doing....and it was a break, but oof. Took the fastest guy 9:46. Took me 19:23. Those damn burpees man. Broke them up into 3's and 4's. By the end of the WOD, everyone is around me doing burpees with me, in time. I hate that. Love it too. No man left behind. If you haven't figured it out by now, I love these people, love this thing called CrossFit, and love trying to blog about it. ha!
Was talking with Andy about tomorrow...was like man, maybe once I see the WOD. You see, I've never gone 5 days in a row. Tomorrow will be the first time. We were talking, and I started it with "I'm not a cherrypicker...." and he's just looking at me, so I stopped. He said something like "If you start the sentence with I'm not a cherrypicker...it probably means...", "Shut up man". I know what he's saying, he's laughing... dammit. I mumbled something like "I'll be here". I'm not a cherry picker. :(
C'mon, if you're not laughing at this, you need to do a few more burpees yourself.
Alright, I'm out, have a quality weekend!
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