Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Squatted myself out of the gym last night.  This morning, knee is bugging me (outside, not the inside like it used to), and for some very strange reason, my shoulders/neck are sore.  I did front squats and burpees man, so I don't get the shoulder and neck.  Must have slept funny. 

Taking today off, back at it Thursday.  Slow slow slow comeback, but it's happening, and soon we're going to see the real progress. 

Health notes.  Had what was probably a hypoglycemic issue yesterday.  I felt "shaky" but I don't thing I exhibited any of the signs of it outwardly.  What I mean is no one was like "are you ok"?  Ate some lunch and some mixed nuts, and things seemed to iron themselves out.  Makes me really want to get back off caffeine and glucose, and back on Ketones.  More news as it develops.... 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

So... about that...

Yeah, here were are, 52 days later, and I spent my first day in the gym... yesterday.  So 51 days.  WTF?!

Now, I've got some good reasons, and some reasonable excuses, but in the end, I didn't make it enough of a priority.  That is the main point to take away.

As for the excuses, I sprained my ankle the weekend after posting this (I think), was out that week, and then had some surprise training from work (notice on Friday at like 2pm that the following Monday I was committed... for the next 5 weeks...).  That wouldn't have been so bad, except I had to get up early, and be there early (compared to the norm of my job), and it killed mornings at On Track, and I was forced to stay till 5, and rush hour traffic made getting to evening class a losing proposition after a day full of drinking from the fire hose of knowledge. 

Like I said, priorities. 

All that said, ankle is pretty well back to 1 piece (I now wear a fancy brace during games). 

I'm well rested.  Thats a plus right? 

Sore today though.  I didn't even do that much yesterday.  2k row, 6-10 reps in various schemes of push press, strict press, power clean, front squat, back squat, and deadlifts.  All at 95lbs.  Felt good to have the bar in the hands again.  Capacity is shot.  Ate/dranke like shit the entire time (read lots of sugary energy drinks to stay awake).  It's time to refocus, cleanse (paleo perhaps?), and move forward.  Again...

Lots of other pokers in the fire.  Sad I can't Instagram a long video... might have to look at FB live or snap chat or something... want to start chronicling verbally as well as writing.  Takes less time.  Maybe I can even get fancy and edit?  Figure something out, ready for the weekend.  Beyond ready.  Job is starting to crush my soul.... and it's not that I don't like it, or the people, or the work... it's just not my calling in life, and thus it's soul crushing.  More on that later, or perhaps on a new blog to keep this more about fitness.... decisions this weekend for sure. 

Anyway, happy to be back, can't wait to share more success's and less failures.  We're going to make it!