Tuesday, August 2, 2016

60lbs in 60 days

Thats the goal.  I've got a wedding coming up where I'm going to meet a gang of people I've "known" for years from online gaming, and frankly, I want to look good, or at least better for that.  Add in the fact that it will also help me in life, crossfit, and soccer... it's a no brainer.  I know there are hundreds of articles that tell you that dieting is bad, it's not sustainable, etc etc.  You know what, they're 100% right in my opinion.  I'm not using the diet for a long term fix tho.  I've only lost my gains when I've been MIA from Crossfit (go figure).

Plan is to focus on a more paleo/keto diet 6 of 7 days a week, and not going overboard on day 7.  Also going to try to hit at least 5 days of activity a week, with at least 2 of them being double days, or double sessions.

Simple plan:  Eat right.  Exercise.


Started this post on Monday, pre-workout.  It's not Tuesday and I've done two workouts.  :)  Been busy.  Tweaked my knee shortly after I matched a PR on the clean and jerk.  I mean technically, I think it was a PR as the last plates were 5KG and not 10lbs, but back to the knee.  I'd gotten done with that, and was putting down an iron 5lb plate, and I felt this little... thing.  So that first workout, I didn't get into the squats at all.  Why this is important?  Well, after the squats, there was a 18-15-12-9-6-3 of power snatches and 200m row/run on the dashes.  I did maybe 5 power snatches, kept feeling the twitches... I did 58 power snatches as muscle snatches.  Good grief.  Rowing didn't help matters.  Tired as bawls when that WOD was over. 

The  morning workout wasn't much better.  Biggest pain point was the 5 rounds of thrusters.  Now, these aren't your normal thrusters.  These are Fran training thrusters.  15 reps, every 2 minutes on the minute.  YOU. CAN. NOT. PUT. THE. BAR. DOWN.  for some of the better athletes, this isn't as big an issues.  For us gen-pop folks, this is a lactic acid bloodbath.  4 rounds was all I got.  Cramps.  LOL.  Need more bananas or salt in my life. 

Eating yesterday was solid... actually, it wasn't, I didn't eat enough...

Other updates.  Finally got around to creating some new accounts.  Feel free to add them to your circle of social media if you're up for it.  Comment, encourage, critique, I'm down for whatever.  

thecrossfitnomad             gmail
the_crossfit_nomad         Instagram
thecrossfitnomad             My Fitness Pal
https://www.facebook.com/thecrossfitnomad2/     Going to start posting more here as well. 

Soccer is going well.  2-1 so far this season.  Playing better every game, so hopefully this 60lbs in 60 days will make all that even better.